器: 1000 Terms and Phrases
- 器局
- Kikyoku (cabinet for sencha tea ceremony utensils)
- Kikyoku (cabinet for Senchado)
- 仏飯器
- Food Offering Bowl for the home altar
- 古器旧物
- Antiquities and Old Items
- 瓦質土器
- Pieces of earthenware made of a roof-tile material were discovered.
- 搬入土器
- Earthenware brought from other regions of Japan
- 冷凍機器
- Refrigeration Apparatuses
- 楽器解説
- Explanation of the musical instrument
- 祭祀用土器
- Earthenware for Rituals
- 楽器の構造
- Structure of the shakuhachi
- 使われる楽器
- The Instruments to Be Used
- 武器、護身用
- Weapon, for self-protection
- 弓 (武器)
- Bow (weapon)
- Bow and arrow
- 自由簧管楽器
- Free-reed wind instruments
- 復元された楽器
- Instruments Restored
- 古器旧物保存方
- Edict for the Preservation of Antiquities and Old Items
- 身障者用:1器
- Disabled toilets: 1
- 自動たこ焼き器
- Automatic Takoyaki-ki
- 合気道の武器術
- The art of weaponry in aikido
- 指定容器検査機関
- Designated Container Conformity Inspection Body
- たこ焼き用の器具
- Utensils Used for Takoyaki
- たこ焼き器の変分
- Variety of Takoyaki-ki
- 電熱式たこ焼き器
- Electric heating Takoyaki-ki
- 邦楽器とも呼ぶ。
- Such instruments are also referred to as Hogakki.
- 土器(かわらけ)
- Kawarake (earthen vessel)
- 雅楽に使われる楽器
- Instruments Played in Gagaku
- 平安時代の土器変遷
- Changes in earthenware during the Heian period
- 土師器(布留0式)
- Haji pottery (Furu 0-type)
- 他の旧石器時代住居
- Other dwellings in the Paleolithic period
- バリスタ (兵器)
- Varistor (weapon)
- Ballista
- 法具、法器とも言う。
- They are also called ritual implements or ritual apparatus.
- 土師器(纒向I式期)
- Haji potteries (Makimuku type I period)
- 須恵器(纒向Ⅲ式期)
- Earthen vessels (the Makimuku III type period)
- 日本国以外の類似楽器
- Similar musical instruments in other countries than Japan
- 玩具的、民具的な楽器
- Toy- and craft arts-like musical instruments
- 予備の武器としての価値
- Value as backup weapons
- 土師器の供献場がある。
- The tumulus has an offering place for Haji pottery.
- それらを共に器に盛る。
- Place them together on a serving dish.
- 後期旧石器時代の住居跡
- The dwelling site in the latter part of the Paleolithic period
- 石器(いしぼうちょう)
- Stone tools (stone knives)
- 木管楽器の一種である。
- It is a type of woodwind instrument.
- 器楽的要素が非常に強い
- There is a very strong element of instrumental music.
- 自衛用の武器としての価値
- Value as self-defence weapons
- 集落南部で青銅器の製作。
- Bronze ware was produced in the southern district of the settlement.
- 近代以降に改良された楽器
- Musical instruments improved since the early modern times
- 鳴子 (楽器)(なるこ)
- Naruko (musical instrument)
- 特に器楽部分が発達した。
- Particularly, instrumental parts were improved.
- ふっ化水素レーザー発振器
- Hydrogen fluoride laser oscillators
- 先端が3つに分かれた武器。
- It is a three-pronged tipped weapon.
- 漆器の食器に入れて供する。
- It is served in a lacquer bowl.
- それぞれが手に武器を持つ。
- Everyone has a weapon in their hands.
- 絵を描いた土器が多数出土。
- A lot of earthen vessels with pictures drawn on them were unearthed.
- 冷凍設備に用いる機器の製造
- Manufacture of Apparatuses used in Refrigeration Equipment
- ふっ化重水素レーザー発振器
- Deuterium fluoride laser oscillators
- 軍用の通信機器又は電子機器
- Military communication equipment or electronics;
- レーザー発振器を有するもの
- Integrated circuits possessing laser oscillators
- 前各号に掲げる物の容器包装
- Containers or packages of goods listed in each of the foregoing items.
- 『禅林象器箋』(1715年)
- 'Zenrinshokisen' (1715)
- 周辺機器の外部制御が可能だ。
- You can control the peripherals externally.
- 彼がそれを容器に移しました。
- He put it into a container.
- 鉄刀・鉄剣・銅鏃などの武器類
- Weapons including iron swords, iron swords of sharpened two edges and copper arrowhead
- 日本の伝統的な陶磁器の一種。
- One of the traditional ceramic wares of Japan.
- 武器の使用 (第百五十二条)
- Use of Weapons (Article 152)
- レーザー発振器又はその部分品
- Laser oscillators or components thereof
- 集団戦に用いられる武器である。
- They were weapons that were used in fights between groups.
- (1996年に土器片の発見。)
- (In 1996, some pieces of earthenware were excavated.)
- 祭祀用の土器と考えられている。
- They are thought to have been earthen vessels for religious service.
- 箏(そう)は、日本の伝統楽器。
- Soh is a Japanese traditional musical instrument.
- 唇簧管楽器 (金管楽器に相当)
- Lip-reed wind instruments (corresponding to brass instruments)
- 複簧管楽器 (木管楽器に相当)
- Double-reed wind instruments (corresponding to woodwind instruments)
- 無簧管楽器 (木管楽器に相当)
- Air-reed wind instruments (corresponding to woodwind instruments)
- 数は少ないながら器楽曲を持つ。
- Instrumental pieces exist, though they are few in number.
- 薬剤及び防除用器具に関する補助
- Subsidy for Chemicals and Equipment for Control
- 篳篥は音程が不安定な楽器である。
- A Hichiriki instrument is an instrument with unstable musical intervals.
- 先端が直角に曲がった棒状の武器。
- It is a weapon in the shape of a rod for which the tip bends at a right angle.
- 弓矢の歴史は石器時代にまで遡る。
- The history of the bow and arrow goes back to the Stone Age.
- 容器に2リットルの水を入れます。
- Put 2 liters of water in the container.
- 壺形土器(出土地不詳、弥生時代)
- Clay Pot (unearthed at an unknown location; Yayoi Period)
- 弦楽器のツィター属に分類される。
- It is classified into the zither group of stringed instruments.
- 用いる食器が重箱なら鰻重になる。
- The dish contained in jubako (tiered food boxes) is called unaju.
- 軍事用電子機器の製造に関するもの
- Technology related to the manufacture of electronic equipment for military use
- そのほか、 須恵器なども出土した。
- Additionally sueki (unglazed ware) and so on was excavated.
- 打楽器編成の一部に和太鼓を使う作品
- It is a piece with part of the percussion instrument composition using the Japanese drum.
- - 旧舞鶴海軍兵器廠弾丸庫並小銃庫
- The Former Maizuru Naval Arsenal Bullets and Rifles Warehouse
- 鉄刀20本、鉄剣9本などの武器類。
- There are weapons including 20 iron swords and nine iron swords of sharpened two edges.
- 短い刃と長柄を持つ代表的な長柄武器。
- A typical long handle weapon having a short blade and long handle.
- 長柄武器を使用しづらい状況での使用。
- Used in situations where long handled weapons are difficult to use.
- 多量の土師器・須恵器が出土している。
- Lots of haji-ki pottery and su-ki pottery (both are earthenware but made in different ways, with the former reddish-colored and the latter grayish-colored).
- 器に入れた溶き卵にくぐらせて食べる。
- The grilled beef and other ingredients are eaten after being dipped in beaten eggs.
- 西洋楽器のオーボエに近い構造である。
- Its' structure is similar to the western oboe.
- 漢字では土器投げ、瓦投げとして表記。
- In Chinese characters, this is described as 土器投げ or 瓦投げ.
- 武器の設計、製造又は使用に関するもの
- Technology related to the design, manufacture, or use of weapons
- 薬剤の譲与等及び防除用器具の無償貸付
- Disposition, etc. of Chemicals and Free Lending of Equipment for Control'
- 銅無関禅師骨蔵器(東京国立博物館寄託)
- 銅無関禅師骨蔵器 (housed in the Tokyo National Museum)
- 和太鼓(わだいこ)は、打楽器のひとつ。
- Wadaiko (Japanese drum) is one of the percussion instruments.
- 研磨した後には、器の表面は平滑になる。
- When polishing is completed, the surface of the lacquerware piece is flush with the designed layer, forming a smooth surface plane.
- 陶器の代りに金属の瓶が用いられている。
- Instead of earthenware, a metal jar is used.
- 附土器類(土師器、須恵器、瓦器等)一括
- A set of earthenware (Haji pottery, unglazed (ceramic) ware, and pottery of tile), etc.
- 土器編年による年代は西暦300年前後。
- The date estimated by the chronology is before or after 300.
- 直接家庭用コンロにかける専用の調理器具
- A special cooking device which is designed to be heated directly over a household cooking stove
- 忍者が使用する武器として広く知られる。
- They are widely known as a weapon used by ninja (professional spies in feudal Japan highly trained in stealth and secrecy).
- 琴(きん、こと)とは、日本の伝統楽器。
- The koto (also called the 'kin') is a Japanese traditional musical instrument.
- 続けて、かき氷器を用いてかき氷を盛る。
- Then, more shaved ice is added using the ice shaving machine again.
- このため夏でも火鉢や電熱器をそばに置く。
- Therefore, even in the summer a brazier or an electric heater is placed beside it.
- 容器検査又は容器再検査を受けようとする者
- An applicant for container inspection or container reinspection;
- 結局臓器移植そのものが失敗に終わります。
- The organ transplant itself will end in failure.
- 尺八(しゃくはち)は日本の伝統的な楽器。
- The shakuhachi is a traditional Japanese musical instrument.
- さらに大型の物が業務用たこ焼き器である。
- Takoyaki-ki for professional use is much larger.
- 琴に分類される楽器には以下のものがある。
- The following instruments are categorized into Koto:
- 琉球(沖縄)の伝統楽器である三線の別称。
- And sangen is another name for the sanshin, a traditional three-stringed instrument that has been handed down in Ryukyu (another name for Okinawa).
- 歴史的に歌の伴奏楽器として人気があった。
- Historically, the sanxian has been popular as an instrument for the accompaniment of songs.
- 弓に纏わる言葉は「弓 (武器)」を参照。
- As to the words related to bow, see the article of 'Bow' (weapon).
- - ヨーロッパで使われた攻城兵器の一種。
- It was a kind of weapon used to attack a castle in Europe.
- 液体を熱媒体とする加熱用又は冷却用の機器
- Heating or cooling devices with liquid heating medium
- この3つの管楽器をあわせて「三管」と呼ぶ。
- These three wind instruments are collectively called the 'Three Winds.'
- 雅楽器を用いた宗教音楽、祭典楽などがある。
- Gagaku instruments are used in the music of religious rites and festivities.
- 正倉院内に原型らしき長柄武器が残っている。
- Shoso-in (treasure house of Todai-ji temple) has a weapon with a long handle as in its original version.
- また、茶飲料の容器をコレクションしている。
- It has a collection of bottles of tea.
- 壺形土器(岡山県倉敷市上東出土、弥生時代)
- Clay Pot (unearthed at Joto, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture; Yayoi Period)
- 郡山遺跡からも、弥生土器が見つかっている。
- Some Yayoi pottery has also been found in the Koriyama Ruins.
- 「大市」と墨守された土器も検出されている。
- Some pieces of earthenware written as 'Oichi' in black sumi ink were also discovered.
- 和楽器では普通絃とは呼ばず「糸」と称する。
- In the case of Japanese traditional musical instruments, a string is usually called 'ito.'
- 弓 (武器)…通常より短いものが使われた。
- A bow (a weapon) - The length of the bow used in Toshiya was shorter than that of the usual one.
- 多くは器楽曲で宮廷音楽として継承されている。
- Most consist of instrumental music that has been inherited as court music.
- 中央に握りがあり、両端に鋭い刃のついた武器。
- It is a weapon with a grip at the center and sharp blades at each end.
- 日本刀が世界最強の武器であると結論している。
- It concludes that a Japanese sword is the world's strongest weapon.
- 特に、緑(青?)釉陶器の出土は特徴的である。
- The excavated green (blue?) glazed earthenware is particularly characteristic.
- 箏と室内楽(邦楽器および洋楽器)のための作品
- Pieces for Soh and chamber music (traditional Japanese instruments and Western instruments)
- この器械は正式名称を小倉式鰹節削り器という。
- This device's formal name is 'ogurashiki katsuobushi kezuriki (Ogura-style cutter box for katsuobushi).
- 以下は中国の伝統楽器としての三弦を記述する。
- The explanation below is about the sanxian, a traditional Chinese instrument.
- ヴェトナムのダン・タムも類似した楽器である。
- The dan tam, a Vietnamese instrument, is similar to the sanxian.
- 性玩具のカタログや、性器の擬人化などがある。
- There were brochures for sex toys and personified genital organ and so on.
- 使用する楽器は神楽笛、篳篥、筝、太鼓である。
- Musical instruments used are: kagurabue flute, hichiriki (double reed Japanese flute), koto (Japanese harp), and taiko (Japanese drum).
- こうして地歌は器楽的な側面を強くしていった。
- Thus jiuta evolved to have a strong instrumental aspect.
- 白兵戦を専門し、長柄武器を持つ兵は一部である。
- Not all soldiers specialized in close combat and had a long handled weapon.
- そして、器台に壺を載せると人の肩ほどにもなる。
- When being placed on a vessel stand, the top of the jar will be as high as one's shoulder.
- 照明設備:メインスタンド庇先投光器、照明塔5基
- Lighting facilities: Projector mounted at edge of the eaves of main stand, 5 illumination towers.
- 容器検査所の登録又はその更新を受けようとする者
- An applicant for registration of a container reinspection station or the renewal thereof;
- 1996年8月 陶器二三雄の設計が採用される。
- August 1996: A design by Fumio TOKI was adopted.
- 水壺・酒壺などの液体貯蔵用土器に描かれている。
- Pictures are drawn on earthenware for storing liquid such as water jugs and sake jugs.
- 一般的には「ツェン」と呼ばれる楽器が箏を指す。
- Generally, a musical instrument called 'tzen' refers to Soh.
- その際、容器代として50円ぐらい料金がとられる
- Then you have to pay about 50 yen extra, the cost of the container.
- 器の縁に酒を注ぐための注ぎ口が付いているもの。
- Katakuchi is a vessel with a pouring spout for pouring sake on its edge.
- 軍用の武器(イからハまでに掲げるものを除く。)
- Military arms (excluding those listed in (a) through (c));
- 水圧を補正することができる送受波器を有するもの
- Underwater acoustic equipment having a transducer which is capable of compensating for water pressure
- 次のいずれかに該当する光検出器を組み込んだもの
- Equipment that incorporates optical detectors that fall under any of the following
- 茶湯器・高杯・霊供膳・(木魚・鉦吾・木鉦)など。
- They are chatoki (a special tea cup for Buddhist altar), takatsuki (a standing tray for cake and fruit), ryoguzen (a special tray for servings for Buddha), and others such as mokugyo (a wooden drum), shogo (a metal drum) and mokusho (another type of wooden drum).
- 打刀や太刀の様に湾曲した刀身を持つ、長柄の武器。
- A weapon with a long handle having a curved blade like Uchigatana and Tachi.
- 器面全体を漆で塗り込めない点が研出蒔絵と異なる。
- Hira makie differs from togidashi makie in that in the former lacquer is applied only partially while in the latter the entire surface of the piece is covered with lacquer.
- 彫像のみならず器物や棺などの製作にも用いられた。
- In addition to statues, the technique was also used to produce containers, coffins, and other objects.
- 市内で発掘された外国(中国、ペルシャ等)の陶器類
- Foreign crockery (from China, Persia, etc) excavated in the city
- 遺物としては、土師皿、中国製磁器等か発掘された。
- Artifacts unearthed include Haji plates and Chinese porcelain.
- 容器等製造業者登録簿等の閲覧を請求しようとする者
- An applicant for the perusal of the Registry of Manufacturers of Containers, etc. or Other Registers;
- 容器製造業者及び容器の附属品の製造の事業を行う者
- A container manufacturer or a person conducting the business of manufacturing container accessories;
- それが接続機器に最大12W程度の電力を供給する。
- It provides up to 12 watts of electricity to the connected equipment.
- 重箱を器として、懐石の一通りの献立を入れたもの。
- A jubako is used as a container to serve all the kaiseki dishes.
- 葬列では、楽器を運びながらガムラン音楽を演奏する。
- In the procession, a gamelan is performed with musical instruments that are carried.
- 金属製の皿型を二本の桴(ばち)で打って鳴らす楽器。
- The dish-shaped metal part is hit with two sticks to create a sound.
- かかし、鳴子 (楽器)、その中でも特に添水を指す。
- It includes scarecrows, clappers and especially, sozu (water-filled bamboo tube in a Japanese garden that clacks against a stone when emptied.)
- 灯籠(とうろう)は、日本の伝統的な照明器具の一つ。
- Toro (a garden lantern) is a kind of traditional Japanese lighting fixture.
- 朝日焼(あさひやき)は京都府宇治市で焼かれる陶器。
- Asahi yaki is a kind of earthenware produced in Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture.
- 器は著名な窯や作者によるものを使用したりしている。
- The earthenware utensils used were made in kilns by famous potters.
- すべての住宅に警報器等の設置が義務付けられました。
- All houses were required to install equipment such as alarms.
- Xで複数の機器を同時にインターネットに接続できる。
- X allows multiple devices to connect to the Internet.
- 器種によって置く位置が区別されていた可能性が高い。
- Thus, it is very possible that vessel types determined their locations.
- この須恵器が現在の備前焼に発展したといわれている。
- It is said that this Sueki has been developed into Bizen ware.
- 銅鐸片・銅塊・銅滓・鋳型の外枠・送風管・被熱土器片
- Fragments of bronze vessels, copper ingots, copper dregs, outer frames of molds, blast tubes, fragments of heated earthen vessels
- リード (楽器)しないエアリード楽器に分類される。
- It falls under the category of reed instruments, and is classified as an 'air reed' instrument.
- - 弓を楽器のように使用する事により霊力を具える。
- This is a Shinto ritual to provide spiritual power by using a bow like a musical instrument.
- 篳篥は楽器であり、響のよい音色と音程が求められる。
- Hichiriki flute is an instrument that requires well-sounding tone and intervals.
- 現在も使われる、燗をつけた酒を移し入れる器を指す。
- This is a container used to pour warmed sake used even today.
- 動物、その死体又は骨肉卵皮毛類及びこれらの容器包装
- Animals, their carcasses or bone, meat, egg, skin and hide, hair or others, and their containers and packaging.
- 真如苑の古楽器復元し仏教声明と融合した「千年の響き」
- Sennen-no-hibiki' mixed with Buddhism Shomyo after restoring the ancient instruments of Shinnyo-en
- 研出蒔絵と異なり、研磨後、器の表面は平滑にならない。
- Unlike togidashi makie, the surface of the piece is not smooth after the completion of polishing.
- 御樋代(御神体を納める容器)にする木を切り出す行事。
- This is the event to cut the wood which is to be used to make the Mihishiro (the sacred box to hold the symbol of the kami).
- オープンコーナー(手で触れられる)の瓶、土器、瓦など
- Bottles, earthenware, tiles, etc in the Open Corner, the section where the things exhibited can be touched.
- 料理にも、素材、調理、盛り付け、器に配慮が問われる。
- Guests in a small group evaluate meals on their ingredients, how they are cooked, how they are arranged, and what kinds of plates and bowls are used.
- 絵画土器 - 弥生土器にヘラ状の道具で描いた線刻画。
- Picture-drawn earthen vessels: line drawing carved on vessels with a spatulate tool.
- そのうちの二つの土器の破片に「楼閣」が描かれている。
- A 'rokaku' is drawn on two fragments of these vessels.
- 茎とおろし器を供し自分でするシステムを取る店も有る。
- Some sushi bars provide clients with a stem and a grater so they can grate it as desired.
- 最後は湯を全部飲み切り、器を懐紙で清めて亭主に返す。
- Finally, after the guests drink all the contents they clean up the bowl with kaishi and return it to the host.
- このうち飯碗・汁碗などは漆器を用いるのが通例である。
- Usually, lacquerware is used for the rice bowl and soup bowl.
- 弓矢(ゆみや)とは、弓 (武器)と矢からなる狩猟具。
- The term 'Yumiya' refers to a tool for hunting which consists of bow (weapon) and arrow.
- 三種の神器の一つ、八咫鏡を形取ったものとも言われる。
- It is also said that kagami-mochi is modeled after Yata no Kagami (the eight-span mirror), which is one of the Three Sacred Treasures of the Imperial Family.
- 特に良いとされるのは痛風、低血圧、循環器障害である。
- They are especially effective for gout, low blood pressure and cardiovascular problems.
- 三、武器類の修理は在番奉行所を通して薩摩にて行う事。
- The third article required the repair of weapons to be done in Satsuma Province through zaiban bugyosho (the place of a magistrate in Ryukyu).
- 二、王子・三司官・士族の個人所有武器の保有は認める。
- The second article acknowledged the private ownership of weapons by princes, sanshikan (the council of three ministers) and people belonging to the warrior class.
- 燔師とは対照的に、肌理細かな斑点が見られる器をいう。
- In contrast to Hanshi, it means pottery that have a texture of fine spots on the surface.
- 広義には同様の手法を用いて作製した陶磁器全体を指す。
- In sensu lato, it indicates entire ceramic ware made in the same way.
- 江戸では、ねずみ色の陶器か取っ手のついた樽であった。
- In Edo, gray earthenware or kegs with a handle was used.
- 上方では、五合あるいは一升が入る、茶色がかった陶器。
- In Kamigata, brown earthenware tokkuri that can contained five go (900 milliliters) or one sho (1.8 liters) was used.
- 一〇・六メガパスカルを超える推力発生器又はそのノズル
- Propulsion generators or nozzles therefor having a thrust exceeding 10.6 megapascals
- 武器に関する技術であつて、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Weapons technology that falls under any of the following categories
- 平時は、勤行後に仏供を仏器に盛糟を用いて盛り、備える。
- At the regular gongyo, heap bukki (food offering bowl for the home altar) with buku using mosso (frame to heap buku) and serve when the gongyo has finished.
- 他の打楽器と比べると,ドラム等の楽器よりも頑丈である。
- Compared to other percussion instruments, it is stronger than other musical instruments, such as drums.
- 別のものに刀身を仕込み、刀である事を偽装した隠し武器。
- A hidden weapon to disguise it as something different than a sword by covering the blade.
- 出土遺物には、かわらけ(中世土器)や古瀬戸様式がある。
- Excavated relics include kawarake (medieval earthen cups) and Koseto style artefacts.
- 彼があらかじめETCバンクカードを車載器に挿入します。
- He puts the ETC bank card into the in-vehicle device in advance.
- 同時に出土した布留1式土器により4世紀のものとされる。
- The inference is that it belongs to the fourth century, considering the Furu 1-style earthenware that was unearthed at the same time.
- 大型勾玉が2個入った褐鉄鉱(かつてっこう)容器が出土。
- A limonite container containing two large magatama (comma-shaped gems) were found.
- うわずみを容器に移し、放冷し、トコロテンに凝固させる。
- Transfer the supernatant fluid into a container, and let it stand to cool and coagulate, thus making tokoroten (gelidium jelly).
- 消毒済みのビンや密閉容器などに移し、冷蔵庫で保存する。
- Place the paste in a sterilized bottle or an airtight container to preserve it in the refrigerator.
- 手裏剣を隠し武器、格闘用の小武器に使用する技術がある。
- According to one technique, shuriken are used as camouflaged weapons or smaller weapons for combat.
- 三弦(さんげん)は、日本の伝統楽器である三味線の別称。
- 'Sangen' is another name for the shamisen, a Japanese traditional musical instrument.
- 屠蘇器には、漆器、陶磁器、ガラスなど様々な種類がある。
- There are varieties of tosoki, including lacquer ware, ceramics, glassware etc.
- 硫化水素は有毒物質で粘膜・皮膚・呼吸器を強く刺激する。
- Hydrogen sulfide is poisonous and strongly irritates mucosae, skins and respiratory organs.
- あらかじめかき氷を入れる器を冷凍庫などで冷却しておく。
- Dishes used for shaved ice are pre-cooled in a refrigerator.
- 一つの穴に割れが入れば失敗であり、楽器として使えない。
- If one hole cracks, it is a failure and cannot be used as an instrument.
- そのため、特に室内系和楽器の音色の洗練度は非常に高い。
- For this reason, the tones of Wagakki for chamber music are, in particular, very sophisticated.
- また、楽器の改良もシンプルな方向に進むことが多かった。
- Furthermore, improvements in musical instruments were frequently made in a simple manner.
- 日本酒の器以外にも用いられる日本の伝統的な食器である。
- Katakuchi is a traditional eating utensil in Japan which is also used for purposes other than as a container for sake.
- 固体レーザー発振器であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Solid-state laser oscillators which fall under the following
- 化学レーザー発振器であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Chemical laser oscillators which fall under any of the following
- ガスレーザー発振器であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Gas laser oscillators which fall under any of the following
- 光検出器用の冷却器であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Coolers for optical detectors which fall under any of the following
- また食事の他に、托鉢の際に布施を受ける器にも用いられる。
- In addition to a meal, zuhatsu is used as a bowl in which to receive offerings when an ascetic is in takuhatsu (mendicancy).
- 山陰系・近江系・東海系などの他地域の土器が含まれている。
- They also include earthenwares made in other regions such as Sanin, Omi and Tokai.
- 乱戦や狭い空間での闘いでは長柄武器に対して有利だったこと
- In a tumble fight or a fight in a small area, it has an advantage against long handle weapons.
- 変質を避けるため開封後は密閉容器に入れ冷暗所に保存する。
- Once unpacked, powdered green tea must be kept in an airtight container and be put in a cool dark place, in order to avoid change in quality..
- 同時に遠州は朝日焼の窯場で数多くの名器を生み出している。
- At the same time, Enshu has created a lot of valuable pottery at the Asahi yaki kiln.
- 出土遺物に埴輪の祖形である吉備国系の土器が認められる点。
- The earthenware that belongs to the family of earthenware from Kibi Province, which is the antecedent of haniwa, has been found among the unearthed relics.
- 楼閣などの建物・動物・人物の絵画を土器に描く風習の確認。
- A custom of drawing buildings such as towers, animals and persons on earthen vessels was verified.
- 赤い粗めの斑点がぽつぽつと表面に浮き出たような器をいう。
- This term refers to pottery that have rough red spots standing out on the surface.
- 和楽器はきわめてデリケートな音色の変化を尊重、追求する。
- In Wagakki, delicate changes in tones are sought after and highly appreciated.
- 現在では徳利から酒を受け、飲むのに用いる小さな器である。
- Currently, choko is a small vessel used for receiving sake from a tokkuri to drink it.
- 初期の段階では異種の楽器同士を合奏させることはなかった。
- Therefore, at the beginning the different instruments weren't played together in ensembles.
- 半導体レーザー発振器であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Semiconductor laser oscillators which fall under any of the following
- 次の一から四までのすべてに該当する線形増幅器を用いたもの
- Telecommunication transmission equipment which uses linear amplifiers that fall under all of the following a. through d.
- 金レーザー発振器であって、平均出力が五ワットを超えるもの
- Metal laser oscillators the average output of which exceeds 5 watts
- 仏壇などに、茶湯器に水や茶などを入れて供えることはしない。
- A glass or teacup shouldn't be used when offering water or tea.
- 建築家陶器二三雄設計の建物は日本建築学会賞を受賞している。
- The building, which was designed by the architect Fumio TOKI, was awarded the Prize of AIJ (Architectural Institute of Japan).
- これらは石器の共伴を根拠に旧石器時代に編年づけられている。
- These remains have been determined belonging to the Paleolithic period based on the stone tools unearthed there.
- 古墳以外に古墳時代の住居跡や土器なども多数発見されている。
- In addition to the burial mounds, many dwellings and earthenwares were found in the remains of the Kofun period.
- 外見上の目立った違いは爪の形および楽器を構える姿勢である。
- Conspicuous differences in outward appearance are the shape of the pick and players' position against the instrument.
- またこの時代、ジャー式の保温弁当容器が開発され販売された。
- During that time, a jar type thermos lunchbox was developed and sold.
- 上部のマウスピース (楽器)歌口に息を吹きつけて音を出す。
- The blowing edge (or 'utaguchi') is located at the upper end of the shakuhachi, and a player directs a stream of breath at this blowing edge to cause sound to be emitted.
- 楽器として製作するため、穴配りに工夫と匠の技が求められる。
- To make it into an instrument, hole positioning requires an intuition and an expert's technique.
- 例えば三味線は駒 (弦楽器)ひとつで大きく音色が変化する。
- For example, the tones of the Shamisen may change greatly even when only its bridge (a component of a stringed musical instrument) is replaced.
- 発泡スチロール容器の普及は納豆の消費拡大に大きく貢献した。
- The popularization of foamed polystyrene containers has helped achieve a dramatic increase in the consumption of natto.
- これは歌よりも器楽部分である「手事」に重心が置かれている。
- For such pieces, more emphasis is placed on the 'tegoto' instrumental section than on the song.
- レーザー発振器の部分品であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Components for laser oscillators which fall under any of the following
- 最大の内のり寸法が一・五メートルを超える耐圧容器又は耐圧殻
- Pressure-resistant containers or pressure-resistant shells in which maximum internal dimensions exceed 1.5 meters
- 光検出器又はその部分品であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Optical detectors or components thereof that fall under any of the following
- 金属蒸気レーザー発振器であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Metal vapor laser oscillators which fall under any of the following
- 銅レーザー発振器であって、平均出力が二〇ワットを超えるもの
- Copper laser oscillators the average output of which exceeds 20 watts
- 光学器械又はその部分品であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Optical equipment or components thereof which fall under any of the following
- 武器の部分品若しくは付属品の設計、製造又は使用に関するもの
- Technology related to the design, manufacture, or use of any weapons parts or accessories
- インド神話では、ヴァジュラはインドラ(帝釈天)の武器である。
- In Indian mythology, vajra is a weapon of Indra (Taishakuten).
- 「輪」とは古代インドの投擲武器であるチャクラムのことである。
- 'Rin' (輪) means chakram, a throwing weapon in ancient India.
- 戦闘拠点であるとともに、食品や武器や資金の集積場所でもある。
- It was not only a bastion, but also a storage location for foods, weapons and funds.
- 日本には雅楽楽器として、7世紀末から8世紀はじめに伝来した。
- The shakuhachi was first transmitted to Japan sometime around the end of the seventh century to the beginning of the eighth century as an instrument used in the performance of gagaku (court music of a type developed in Tang dynasty China).
- また、落とすと容器の内部が破損してしまうという問題もあった。
- There was also the problem if dropping a lunchbox, it would damage what was inside.
- 米、ムギなどを原料とし、単式蒸留器で蒸留して作る焼酎である。
- Based on ingredients like rice and barley, it is distilled in a pot still.
- 浄瑠璃は、三味線を伴奏楽器として太夫が詞章を語る音曲である。
- In Joruri, the dayu (narrator) narrates a verse with the accompaniment of the shamisen, a banjo-like, three-string instrument.
- そのうち洋弓銃は軍や警察の武器や兵器として採用する国もある。
- Among them, crossbows have been adopted as a weapon for army or the police in some countries.
- 氷が溶けにくいように、肉厚の陶器の丼が用いられることもある。
- Sometimes, a thick ceramic bowl is used to prevent ice from melting quickly.
- 素焼きの陶器に絵付けをする、素人の趣味のための手軽な焼き物。
- Created easily by amateurs as a hobby and the unglazed pottery can be hand-painted.
- アルタミラ洞窟(旧石器時代時代区分:スペインカンタブリア州)
- Cueva de Altamira: Upper Paleolithic art; Cantabria Province, Spain
- ラスコー洞窟(旧石器時代時代区分:フランスモンティニャック)
- Lascaux Cave: Upper Paleolithic art; Montignac, France
- ただし長時間容器を傾けて運搬・保存できないという欠点がある。
- However, it is disadvantageous in that it can't be transported or stored for a long period with the container in a tilted state.
- 温度が一七七度以上で用いることができる位置検出器を有するもの
- Systems having a position detector that can be used at temperatures of 177 degrees centigrade and higher
- 一酸化炭素レーザー発振器であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Carbon monoxide laser oscillators which fall under any of the following
- 第九号ニに該当する光学器械又は光学部品の制御装置を有するもの
- Video cameras having a control device having an optical device or optical components which fall under item (ix), (d)
- 土器には、砕かれた土器や形を保っている供献土器がたくさんある。
- The excavated pieces of earthenware include not only a lot of broken pieces, but also many pieces that were used to make an offering to a tomb, an altar, and so on, and still remain intact.
- 茶を飲み茶器を鑑賞しあうことで、主客の融合をはかったのである。
- By having tea and appreciating tea things with each another, and hosts and guests tried to harmonize.
- オルガンは日本の伝統楽器を含んだ世界初のストップが好評である。
- The world's first organ stops which include tones from Japanese traditional instruments are very popular.
- また、流通業界における輸送機器の壁の呼び名としても用いられる。
- It is also used to refer to the walls of transport machinery in the distribution industry.
- またこの発掘調査で古墳時代後期の須恵器を焼いた窯跡を検出した。
- These excavations also discovered a kiln dating from the latter part of the Kofun period (tumulus period) that was used to fire sueki (unglazed ceramics).
- 彼が複数のストレージ機器を複数のホストコンピュータに接続する。
- He will connect multiple storage devices to multiple host computers.
- 粘土槨の東西に墓壙が掘られ、豊富な武器や武具が副葬されていた。
- A grave was dug on each of the east and the west sides of the Nendokaku and many of weapons and arms were buried in them.
- 備前焼が中心であるが、数軒は釉薬を使用した陶器を製作している。
- Most of them are producing Bizen ware, but few of them are making earthenware using yuyaku (glaze).
- 時実黙水が採取した須恵器の一部や調査時の出土品を展示している。
- This center exhibits a part of Sueki which were collected by Mokusui TOKIZANE and artifacts which were dug up during the research.
- 雌雄同株で、花器にも雄蕊、雌蕊とも揃っている両性花が開花する。
- Myoga is monoecious, and the perfect flowers carry both pistils and stamens.
- 10 管作って5 本が楽器として完成されれば上々の技とされる。
- It is considered the very best when five out of ten are completed as actual instruments.
- 武器の所持(鉄砲を除く)やその稽古まで禁じるものではなかった。
- As can be seen above, they didn't ban the ownership of weapons (except guns) or the practice of weapons.
- 穴と穴に距離がある楽器ならば素材が割れないので電動錐を使える。
- The electric gimlet can be used if an instrument has sufficient distance between holes as the material won't crack.
- また通常は噪音を出さない楽器でもわざわざ噪音を出す奏法がある。
- Furthermore, even in the case of instruments that normally don't generate noises there exist special playing techniques with which to generate noises intentionally.
- 古代中国では楽器を材料で8種に分類し、これを「八音」と呼んだ。
- In ancient China, musical instruments were classified into eight categories depending on the materials used, and were referred to as 'Hachion,' which means 'eight sounds.'
- 和楽器は、操作のための器具がシンプルであったり無かったりする。
- Wagakki require only simple accessories or none at all.
- レーザー発振器を用いたものであって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Equipment using laser oscillators that falls under any of the following
- Those that use laser oscillators and that fall under any of the following
- バリウムレーザー発振器であって、平均出力が二ワットを超えるもの
- Barium laser oscillators the average output of which exceeds 2 watts
- 経典は容器として金属製の経筒に納められ、経筒には銘文が彫られる。
- Scriptures were usually contained in kyozutsu (cylinders made of metal) and inscriptions were carved onto them.
- 金剛杵は、仏の智慧が煩悩を打破する武器であることを象徴している。
- The vajra symbolizes Buddha's wisdom being a weapon that destroys Bonno (earthly desires).
- それ以外の兵も自衛用の武器が必要とされ、主に刀を身につけていた。
- Other soldiers needed to have a self-defence weapon, and they had mainly Katana with them.
- 鉄弓や鉄矢は、実用性ではなく、武器本来の機能である威嚇用である。
- It is considered that the iron bow and iron arrows were not for practical use but for scaring enemies that is the original function of weapons.
- 銅鐸の工房跡ではないかとみられる弥生時代の青銅器鋳造炉跡の検出。
- Remains of a large-size building in the early middle Yayoi period, which can be seen as remains of dotaku workshop were discovered.
- ただし良い音の出る楽器と木目の美しさにはかなり密接な関係がある。
- Provided, however, that the good tone quality of instrument is closely linked to the beautiful grain of wood.
- この性質を利用して、医療用拡張器の原材料として昆布が利用される。
- For this property, kelp is used as a raw material to produce the medical dilator.
- これらは、フィップル(ブロック)を持たないエアリード楽器である。
- These instruments are all air reed instruments that do not use a fipple (block).
- 尺八に似た楽器として、西洋のフルートや南アメリカのケーナがある。
- Instruments from other countries resembling the shakuhachi include the Western flute and the South American quena.
- 他の名産地としては同県瀬戸市があり、ともに主として陶器製である。
- Seto City, Aichi Prefecture, is also known as a production area, and maneki-neko produced in both cities are primarily made of ceramic.
- 体術のみでは不十分で剣術や杖術などの武器術も修練する必要がある。
- Taijutsu alone is not sufficient, but training in the art of weaponry such as swordplay and Jojutsu is necessary.
- 主に砲弾や石などを発射し、弓矢というよりは機械や兵器ともいえる。
- It mainly shoots cannonballs and stones so that it is considered to be a machine or weapon rather than Yumiya.
- この時、器は斜めに満遍なく回転させ山盛りになるように盛りつける。
- The dish is rotated evenly and the shaved ice is formed into a mountain-like shape.
- それに対し、日本の楽器の多くはその淘汰を受けなかったからである。
- Contrastingly, most Wagakki weren't subjected to such adaptations.
- 広島県内等ではお持ち帰りもでき、スチロール製の容器の入れてくれる
- In Hiroshima Prefecture, you can order take out and it is put in the styrol box.
- また箏曲の器楽曲種目である「段もの」も三味線用に編曲されている。
- Furthermore, 'danmono' pieces, which belong to the instrumental genre of sokyoku, have been arranged for shamisen.
- このタイプが一般的となり、陶器の小瓶入りの茶は急速に姿を消した。
- As the tea sold in this new type of bottle became popular, the tea sold in an earthenware teapot rapidly disappeared.
- ネオジムガラスレーザー発振器であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Neodymium glass laser oscillators which fall under any of the following
- トランスファーレーザー発振器であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Transfer laser oscillators which fall under any of the following
- ナトリウムレーザー発振器であって、定格出力が五ワットを超えるもの
- Sodium laser oscillators the rated output of which exceeds 5 watts
- 1988年、宮内庁の報告で特殊器台・特殊壺の存在が明らかになった。
- In 1988, from the report by the Imperial Household Agency, ceremonial vessel stands and ceremonial jars were revealed.
- 鉄扇と同じく、軍事的・武器的用途としての「仕込み」のひとつである。
- Like Tessen, a Sensu is a kind of 'Shikomi (Anki)' intended to be used for military purposes or as a weapon.
- 器台は一メートルほどもあるものもあり、壺も40~50センチぐらい。
- Some vessel stands are as much as one meter in height and jars are approximately forty to fifty centimeters tall.
- 特殊土器は、日常の器台・壺と違い大きく、また文様で飾られている。。
- Unlike vessel stands and jars for everyday use, special earthenware is large and has decorative patterns.
- その後、壺形土器の形や盾の形を模倣したというような学説も生まれた。
- Later, other theories emerged claiming that keyhole-shaped tumuli were copied after a shield and a jar-shaped earthen vessel.
- 「矢倉」・「矢蔵」を本来の呼称と見て、武器庫が発達したものとする説
- According to another view, it originated from an armory since it was originally written as '矢倉' or '矢蔵 (arrow storehouse). '
- 旧舞鶴海軍兵器廠魚形水雷庫 - 明治36年竣工、現・赤れんが博物館
- The former Maizuru Naval Arsenal Fish-type Torpedo Warehouse: completed in 1903, now the World Brick Museum
- 甕棺(周濠外堤部より東海系壷片で蓋をした中部瀬戸内系土器棺埋納。)
- A burial jar (found from the outer banks of the shugo, which was a Chubu Setouchi type earthen coffin with a cover of the Tokai type lid)
- 他に、フィンランドの民俗楽器カンテレも類似楽器の一つに挙げられる。
- Another similar musical instrument in Europe is kantere, a folk musical instrument of Finland.
- 女性は女性器があり、もう一つ多いことから、九ノ一と呼ばれたという。
- It is also said that besides those holes a female has the vagina as an extra hole, which is why it is called kunoichi.
- 騎射(きしゃ)は、騎上(ウマの上)から弓 (武器)で矢を射ること。
- Kisha means to shoot an arrow or other weapon while riding a horse.
- 屠蘇は、通常、屠蘇器(とそき)と呼ばれる酒器揃えによって供される。
- Toso is usually served with tosoki, a set of sake utensils.
- 通常、胡弓と尺八は持続音楽器として同じ働きをするので互換性が強い。
- Generally, kokyu and shakuhachi are interchangeable with each other, because both of them similarly serve as instruments to make continuous sounds.
- 合気道の武器術については、師範により下のように見解が分かれている。
- Regarding the art of weaponry in aikido, views differ as described below, depending on the grandmaster.
- 発泡スチロール:露店での販売では発泡スチロールの器がよく使われる。
- Foamed polystyrene: Street stalls often use dishes made of foamed polystyrene.
- 楽器の音階を決める穴配りと穴あけには高度の製作技術が必要とされる。
- An advanced technique is required for positioning the holes and hole making to realize the instrument's scale.
- 西洋音楽の「モダン」な同属楽器と比較すると、音が小さいものが多い。
- Many Wagakki provide relatively lower sound volume levels than those of similar, 'modern' Western instruments.
- そのような体系化の中で、楽器に複雑な機構を要求するようにもなった。
- This process also required musical instruments to have complicated mechanisms.
- 売るその場で容器にティー・バッグを入れてさらに湯を注いで売られる。
- A tea bag was first put, and then hot water was poured into the bottle on the spot.
- 光学器械又は光学部品の制御装置であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Controllers of optical equipment or components that fall under any of the following
- 動物についていえば鼻、または類似器官が突き出た外見に因むものが多い。
- As for animals, most references are related to those having a prominent nose or a similar organ.
- 額に第三の目を持つが、俗にこれを女性器を表したものだという説がある。
- It has a third eye on the forehead, and some people say this depicts female genitalia.
- 諸蓋は鮎を盛る器で、横7寸2分、縦1尺2寸、深さ1寸5分の檜製の盆。
- Morobuta is a tray to place ayu on, which is made by hinoki (Japanese cypress) and 21.9cm wide, 36.4cm long and 4.5cm deep.
- その所有し、又は占有する高圧ガス又は容器を喪失し、又は盗まれたとき。
- When the high pressure gas or any container he owns or possesses has been lost or stolen.
- 合掌式の石室で、内部には遺骸がなく、武器ばかりが埋納されていている。
- It is a gassho-shiki type (a type with the shape of putting the palms of hands together) stone chamber, and no dead body was placed there, with only arms being buried.
- 昔は、各家庭に「鰹節削り器」があり、使用する直前に鰹節を削っていた。
- In the past, each Japanese household used to have a 'katsuobushi kezuriki' (a cutter box for katsuobushi), since it was necessary to shave the katsuobushi with it just before cooking it.
- 当日からすみは、足打(折敷)という木製の器に盛られて提供されている。
- Karasumi was served that day, being displayed on a four-legged wooden tray called 'Oshiki.'
- 簪も立派な武器であり、当然身につけたまま寝所に入ることは許されない。
- As kanzashi could be used as a weapon, it was prohibited to enter a bedroom while wearing it.
- 琉球では男も女も簪をしており、女性が唯一使うことのできる武器である。
- In Ryukyu, both men and women used to wear kanzashi and it was the sole weapon which women could use.
- 器楽曲(歌が付随せず楽器だけで奏される曲。段もの、砧ものも含まれる)
- Kigakukyoku (numbers that are played only with musical instruments but without songs; Danmono and kinutamono are also included)
- 器楽合奏的側面が近世邦楽の中でもっとも強く、多くは合奏で演じられる。
- Among the modern traditional forms of Japanese music they have the strongest instrumental ensemble aspect, and many are played in the ensemble fashion.
- 酸素からの励起移動によって励起するように設計したよう素レーザー発振器
- Iodine laser oscillators which are designed so that they are capable of being excited by excitation transfer from oxygen
- 単一横モード半導体レーザー発振器であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Single transverse mode semiconductor laser oscillators which fall under any of the following
- 多重横モード半導体レーザー発振器であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Multiple transverse mode semiconductor laser oscillators which fall under any of the following
- 経筒はさらに金属製や陶製、竹製などの外容器で入れ子にされることもある。
- Some kyozutsu were contained in other containers made of metal, ceramic, or bamboo.
- 応量器(おうりょうき)とは、 禅宗の修行増が使用する個人の食器のこと。
- Oryoki is tableware, as used by an individual ascetic of the Zen sect of Buddhism.
- 西村朗:『星辰神楽』8人の日本打楽器アンサンブルのための(1992年)
- Akira NISHIMURA: 'Seishin-kagura,' for an ensemble of Japanese percussion instruments played by eight musicians (1992)
- 旧舞鶴海軍兵器廠弾丸庫並小銃庫 - 明治35年竣工、現・まいづる智恵蔵
- The former Maizuru Naval Arsenal Bullets and Rifles Warehouse: completed in 1902, now Maizuru Wisdom Warehouse
- 茶人のコレクションという性格から、茶碗をはじめとする茶器の名品が多い。
- Their collection includes many fine tea utensils, such as tea bowls, because they loved the tools of the tea ceremony.
- 出土した土器は、8世紀以降の陸奥国府である多賀城の初期の土器より古い。
- Unearthed potteries are older than those of early-stage Taga-jo Castle, the kokufu (state government) of Mutsu Province after the eighth century.
- 飯碗と汁碗は塗り物の蓋付き碗、向付は陶器製の皿を用いるのが普通である。
- Normally, lacquerware having a lid is used for the rice bowl and soup bowl, and a ceramic plate is used for mukozuke.
- 煮物に続いて飯次(飯器)が出され、客は各自の飯碗にお替りの飯をつける。
- The boiled dishes are followed by the serving of the rice container and the guests help themselves and put an extra serving of rice in each rice bowl.
- また、併伝の棒術や節棍術(ヌンチャクなど)などの武器術も取り除かれた。
- At the same time, supplementary arts of weapons, such as bo-jutsu and nunchaku-jutsu, were abandoned.
- 背景音楽が使用される場合もあるし、演者自身が楽器を演奏する場合もある。
- Background music may be used or the performers themselves may play some musical instrument.
- 純粋な器楽曲は江戸時代を通じ、「段もの」と「砧もの」の数曲のみである。
- The only purely instrumental music from the Edo period is 'Danmono' and 'Kinumono.'
- 2008年には、ミツカンが新改良の発泡スチロール容器の製品を発売した。
- In 2008, Mizkan launched products packed in an improved type of foamed polystyrene.
- 長い器楽部を持つ「手事もの」が、もっともよく演奏され、曲も非常に多い。
- Tegotomono, which has long instrumental sections, is played most often, and the repertoire contains many pieces.
- レーザー発振器の試験装置又は附属品であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Test equipment or accessories for laser oscillators which fall under any of the following
- ジュールトムソン自己制御冷却器であって、直径が八ミリメートル未満のもの
- Joule-Thompson self-regulating coolers having a diameter of less than 8 millimeters
- 当初は既存の器を利用していたが、後に専用の花器が製作されるようになった。
- Existing containers were used at first, and special vases were created later.
- 笙は日本の音楽の中ではめずらしく和声(ハーモニー)を醸成する楽器である。
- A Sho flute is an instrument used to create harmony, which is unusual for Japanese music.
- 宇治茶の栽培が盛んになるにつれ、茶の湯向けの陶器が焼かれるようになった。
- As Uji cha (Uji tea) plantations flourished, earthenware for chanoyu (tea ceremony) were actively produced.
- 室内や山林など、長柄の武器の取り回しが悪い環境では刀に持ち替えて戦った。
- They changed to Katana and fought in a circumstances such as indoors or in a mountain forest where it is difficult to handle long handle weapons.
- 骨に鉄を用いた「鉄扇」はほとんど鉄棒と変らないため、殴打用の武器となる。
- A 'Tessen' made of iron ribs is hardly different from an iron bar, and can be a weapon used to slap or beat.
- 笛は旋律を奏でるというより、情景を象徴したり打楽器的に用いられたりする。
- Rather than playing the melody, the flute is used frequently as a percussion instrument for symbolizing the scene.
- 文書・器械展示のほか、ノーベル賞受賞者・田中耕一関連のパネル展示もある。
- It displays not only writings and instruments, but exhibits panels related to Koichi TANAKA, a Nobel Award winner, as well.
- 旧舞鶴海軍兵器廠雑品庫並損兵器庫 - 明治35年竣工、現・舞鶴市政記念館
- The former Maizuru Naval Arsenal Miscellaneous Articles and Damaged Weapons Warehouse: completed in 1902, now Maizuru City Commemoration Hall
- そして今は失われた仏塔の芯礎から、木箱に収められた舎利容器が発見された。
- A vessel for Buddha's sariras placed in a wooden box was found in a pillar foundation of the stupa, which no longer exists.
- 出土遺物:周濠より出土、弥生時代後期最終末期から古墳時代初頭の土器出土。
- Unearthed goods: Excavated from the shugo, unearthed earthen vessels from the end of the latter half of the Yayoi period to the early Kofun period.
- 副葬品として太刀、鉄鏃、刀子、ガラス玉、土師器杯、須恵器横瓶などがある。
- The burial items, such as swords, iron arrowheads, small swords, glass beads, Hajiki-hai (Haji pottery for sake cup), and Sueki-yokobin (oblong earthen bottles) were discovered.
- 縄文時代の遺跡から出土した土器からサンショウの果実が発見された例もある。
- There was a case where the fruit of sansho was discovered in earthware excavated from ruins of the Jomon period.
- なお、乾燥させた海苔は湿気に弱いので、乾燥剤を入れた密封容器に保存する。
- Dried nori is sensitive to humidity, so it's stored in a closed container with desiccant agent in it.
- 現在では懐石料理に用いる器は陶器、磁器、漆器、白木、ガラス器などがある。
- Today, the dishes used for kaiseki ryori include pottery, porcelain, lacquer ware, plain wood and glass.
- 油入変圧器並びに紙コンデンサー、油入コンデンサー及び有機皮膜コンデンサー
- Oil-filled transformers and paper condensers, and oil-filled condensers and organic-coated condensers
- 管絃の合奏の中心となる楽器は、一般的に三管、三鼓、両絃の8種類といわれる。
- The major instruments of Kangen music played in concert generally consisted of eight kinds, including three winds, three drums and two strings.
- 践祚し皇位を継承するには『三種の神器』を先帝から受け継ぐことが要求される。
- Imperial succession requires for a new emperor to inherit the three sacred imperial treasures from the previous emperor.
- 旧舞鶴海軍兵器廠予備艦兵器庫 - 明治35年竣工、現・舞鶴倉庫北吸六号倉庫
- The former Maizuru Naval Arsenal Spare Warship Weapons Warehouse: completed in 1902, now Maizuru Warehouse Co., Ltd. Kitasui Warehouse No.6
- 有田磁器(柴田夫婦コレクション) 10,311点(佐賀県立九州陶磁文化館)
- Arita Porcelain (SHIBATA Collection): 10,311 items (the Saga Prefectural Kyushu Ceramic Museum)
- 特殊器台・特殊壺は、高さ2.4メートル、径1.3メートルで日本最大である。
- The tokushu-kidai (ceremonial vessel stand) and tokushu tsubo (ceremonial jar), with a height of 2.4m and with a diameter of 1.3m, is the largest of its kind in Japan.
- また奈良・平安時代より独奏楽器(および弾き歌いの伴奏)としても用いられた。
- Soh was also used as a musical instrument for solo performance (and for singing a song while playing Soh) during the Nara and Heian periods.
- 江戸時代は尺八は法器として普化宗に属する虚無僧のみが演奏するものとされた。
- During the Edo period the shakuhachi was recognized as a Buddhist religious implement used for transmitting the Dharma, and only the komuso of Fuke sect were permitted to play the shakuhachi.
- 安土桃山時代には現代でも見られるような漆器の弁当箱が作られるようになった。
- After the Azuchi-Momoyama period, a lacquer lanchbox that can still be found Today was introduced.
- 現在でも箸や茶碗が属人器であるように、かつては食卓も属人器だったのである。
- Each dining table once belonged to an individual person, just as tableware including chopsticks and bowls do nowadays.
- - 武器や遊興の道具(下記投壺を参照)として、投げる事を前提に作られた矢。
- An arrow made assuming that it would be thrown as a weapon and a tool of pleasure (see the following description on Toku (Game of Pitch-Pot)).
- 武器としての簪は、琉球古武術で使用されているジーファーと呼ばれる簪である。
- Kanzashi which was used in Ryukyu's old martial arts was called jifa.
- しかしその一方で、胡器であるともされ、高貴な人が学ぶことは多くはなかった。
- But it was an instrument of an alien race, so not many nobles could learn how to play it.
- その点において世界の弦楽器の駒の中でももっとも発達したものと言ってもよい。
- As far as that point is concerned, it can be said that it's the most highly developed among the bridges used in the world's acoustic stringed instruments.
- 次のいずれかに該当する光検出器を組み込んだもの(イに該当するものを除く。)
- Equipment with built-in optical detectors which fall under any of the following (excluding those that fall under (a))
- 管楽器同士で練習をした後、打楽器を交えて、最終的なリハーサルをしたことから。
- It stems from the final rehearsal with percussion, after the practice of wind instruments.
- 粥を受ける最も大きな器は、釈迦の頂骨であるとされ、頭鉢(ずはつ)と呼ばれる。
- The largest bowl is deemed to be the skull of Sakyamuni (the founder of Buddhism), and the bowl is called 'zuhatsu.'
- 山中での互いの連絡や合図のために、ホラガイを加工した楽器や護身用に刀を持つ。
- They carry instruments made from conch shell for communicating with each other in the mountains, and they carry Japanese swords for protection.
- これにより日光彫、紅葉塗、日光春慶塗などの漆器の製造技術、産業化が確立する。
- Thanks to his efforts, lacquer ware production techniques, such as Nikko carving, Momiji-nuri (lacquer ware with maple leaf patterns) and Nikko Shunkei-nuri (Shunkei-nuri (a technique of applying transparent urushi lacquer over wood grain so the natural wood pattern shows through and was reportedly invented by a 14c lacquer master named Shunkei) ware produced in Nikko), were established and lacquer ware production was commercialized.
- 忍術は剣術や柔術なども含むが、忍術独自の用具(武器)は忍具、忍器と呼ばれる。
- Ninjutsu includes various martial arts such as swordplay and Jujutsu but equipment (weapons) specific to Ninjutsu is referred to as Ningu or Ninki.
- 武射とは弓射の武器としての側面であり、実際の戦場を想定した弓術の系統である。
- Busha reveals the aspect of Yumiire as a weapon and a lineage of Kyujutsu which was assumed in actual battle.
- 陶器製・金属製・石造のものがあり、囲炉裏の角で灰に埋めて使われることが多い。
- It is made of ceramic, metal, or stone, and when used is often buried into coals at the corner of the Irori fireplace.
- 武蔵府中熊野神社古墳からは土器が出土していないため、築造年代の推定は難しい。
- It is difficult to estimate when the tumulus was built since no earthenware were found in it
- この武器は日本列島で大流行し、日本でも鍛造技術が駆使されたことは間違いない。
- The weapons were used widely throughout the Japanese archipelago, and it is certain that hammering technique was fully used to make them in Japan as well.
- 遺物としては、紀元前2万年頃のナイフ形石器、翼状剥片、石核等を出土している。
- As relics, knife-shaped stone tools, exfoliated wing-shaped stone tools, and cores, used in around 20,000 years BC, were unearthed.
- 舎利孔からは金銅製の舎利容器(銅壺、佐波理蓋鋺合子)が完全な形で発見された。
- From the reliquary hall under this stone foundation for the central pillar, a gold-plated copper container was found in a complete, original condition (a copper jar, named as 'Saharinofuta Magarigosu').
- 墓誌の他に木櫃と副葬品の三彩の壷、銀製の和同開珎、須恵器、土師器が出土した。
- In addition to the epitaphs, the wooden container, a three-colored pot as grave goods, Wado-kaichin silver coins, sue-ki pottery and haji-ki pottery (both are earthenware but made in different ways, with the former grayish-colored and the latter reddish-colored) were unearthed from the grave.
- また楽器改良や作品の開拓だけでなく、古典作品の復刻や教育活動にも力を注いだ。
- Other than the improvement of instrument and the creation of the pieces of music, he also strived for reviving classical pieces and educational activities.
- 生田流は角爪を用い、この角を有効に使うため楽器に対し左斜め約45度に構える。
- In the case of the Ikuta school, players use kakuzume (square-shaped pick) and position themselves at an angle of about forty-five degrees left oblique against the instrument in order to use kakuzume effectively.
- たこ焼き器を戻すと、鉄板の上に出来上がりのたこ焼きが残る仕組みとなっている。
- When you turn the Takoyaki-ki back to its original position, complete balls of takoyaki are left on the iron plate.
- 柔道とは異なり、対武器の技法と腕に対する関節技や投げを中心とした武道である。
- Different from judo, aikido is the martial art that centers on the techniques of counter-weapon, arm joint locking, and throwing.
- 木製の樽で貯蔵し、香りのついた清酒(瓶その他の容器に詰め替えたものを含む)。
- seishu stored in a wooden cask and having a lingering fragrance (including those rebottled to bottle or other container).
- 第二種特定化学物質が使用されている場合に容器等に表示をしなければならない製品
- Products for Which Labeling on Containers, etc. is Required When Class II Specified Chemical Substances are Used
- 武器は武人の蛮用により破損してしまう事が日常的にあり、予備の武器が必要である。
- Since weapons can be broken on a daily basis by warriors' rough handling, backup weapons are necessary.
- 弓術(きゅうじゅつ)は、弓 (武器)を用いて矢で的を射る技術、武術、技法の事。
- The term Kyujutsu refers to a technique or a martial art to put an arrow in the target from a bow (weapon).
- 経済産業省令で定める機械器具その他の設備を用いて完成検査を行うものであること。
- The devices and other equipment used for the completion inspection shall be those specified by an Ordinance of METI;
- 古墳に接した鳥屋池の北東側の堤防下からは護岸工事の際に土器が多数出土している。
- A lot of earthenware were unearthed under the north-eastern embankment of Toriya Pond adjacent to the tumulus when bank reinforcement work was done.
- 技は体術・武器術(剣術・杖術)を含み、対多人数の場合も想定した総合武術である。
- The techniques include taijutsu, the art of weaponry (swordplay, Jojutsu), and is a comprehensive martial art assuming cases of multiple opponents.
- 弓矢は、武具や武器、武道や武術、戦い(軍事)や戦(いくさ)そのものを意味する。
- The term 'Yumiya' refers to arms or weapons, martial arts, battles (military) or ikusa (war) themselves.
- 石器時代の洞窟の天井や側面に描かれた洞窟壁画は、現存する人類最古の絵画である。
- Paintings drawn on the ceilings and cave walls during the Stone Age are the oldest existing ones.
- 和楽器(わがっき)とは、日本で、古来から使われてきた伝統的な楽器のことである。
- Wagakki is a term used to refer to traditional musical instruments that have been used in Japan from ancient times.
- 西洋楽器の影響を受けて「近代化」したものが少なくない中国楽器とは対照的である。
- Contrastingly, many Chinese traditional musical instruments have been 'modernized' due to the influence of Western musical instruments.
- これらの楽器によるそれぞれの音楽である地歌、箏曲、胡弓楽が成立、発展して来た。
- Music for these instruments, known respectively as jiuta, sokyoku and kokyugaku, was established and developed.
- 但し陶器の小瓶入りの煎茶は、近年でも復刻の形で駅弁とともに販売された駅がある。
- However, some stations sold sencha poured into a small earthenware teapot with Ekiben in the form of reproduced version in recent years.
- 入国審査官及び入国警備官は、その職務を行うに当り、武器を携帯することができる。
- Immigration inspectors and immigration control officers may carry weapons in executing their duties.
- 中でも老衰やそれに伴う多臓器不全などの自然死による他界を大往生と呼ぶことが多い。
- Death due to a natural cause, such as succumbing to old age and particularly multiple organ failure due to old age, is often referred to as a peaceful death.
- 宇治地方は古くから良質の粘土が採れ、須恵器などを焼いていた窯場跡が見られていた。
- Since long ago, the Uji region has always had an abundance of good quality clays, where old kiln sites of unglazed (ceramic) ware are found.
- 1961年(昭和36年)4月10日付けで陶器3件が重要文化財の指定を解除された。
- On April 10, 1961, three pieces of earthenware had their designations as important cultural properties canceled.
- 「合」は蓋と身からなる容器を数える際の単位で、「百合文書」の名はここに由来する。
- The name 'Hyakugo Monjo'(literally, a hundred of documents) comes from this 'go' which is a unit for counting containers consisting of a box and a lid.
- 上記の遺跡で旧石器時代の竪穴住居祉あるいはその可能性をもつものが報告されている。
- It has been reported that remains of a tateanajukyo (pit dwelling) in the Paleolithic period or those with such a possibility were found in the remains described above.
- 糸の構造は他の多くの和楽器糸と同じく、単糸を更に四本撚り合わせ、糊で固めたもの。
- As with ito of other traditional Japanese musical instruments, ito is produced by twisting four threads and pasting them together.
- 酸化防止とにおい移りを防ぐために、密封容器に入れ冷暗所に保管することが望ましい。
- To prevent oxidation and odor, it's preferable to put it in the hermetically sealed container and preserve it in a cold, dark place.
- 特に近畿圏において、たこ焼き用の凹みのついた調理器具は「たこ焼き器」と呼ばれる。
- Particularly in the Kinki region, cooking devices with dents in which takoyaki is to be baked are called 'Takoyaki-ki' (devices for takoyaki).
- つまり、「こと」は名称はともかく楽器としては弥生時代から存在していることになる。
- Accordingly, 'Koto' has existed as a musical instrument since the Yayoi period, setting aside whether the name of 'Koto' existed in those days.
- 大半の流派で小脇差や鉄扇や十手等を使った当身技や、その他隠し武器術を伝えている。
- Atcually, most schools of jujutsu have handed down various techniques, such as the atemi-waza which uses a very short sword, an iron fan, or a short truncheon with hook, and the techniques handling secret or disguised weapons.
- 亭主は正客の盃に酒を注ぎ、八寸に盛った肴を正客の吸物碗の蓋を器として取り分ける。
- The host pours sake into the guest of honor's cup and dishes out an appetizer from the hassun onto the lid of the guest's soup bowl.
- 武器としては打根(うちね)といって長さ三尺の小槍ほどの大きさで矢羽がついていた。
- As a weapon, Uchine, arrow feathers about 90 cm long, as long as a short spear, were attached to it.
- 和風:涼しさを演出する透明なガラスや切子(きりこ)の広口の器を用いることが多い。
- Japanese style: Transparent glass dishes or wide-mouth dishes of cut glass are usually used to emphasize the coolness.
- 雲仙温泉では地獄谷からでる蒸気で蒸し器を使う少し硫黄のにおいがするゆで卵である。
- At Unzen hot springs, eggs are available which have a slightly sulfurous smell and have been cooked in a steamer using steam from Jigokudani valley.
- ふっ化重水素からの励起移動によって励起するように設計した二酸化炭素レーザー発振器
- Carbon dioxide laser oscillators which are designed to be excited by excitation transfer from deuterium fluoride
- これらの楽器は大変高価であるが、練習用に、やや安価な楽器(プラスチック製)もある。
- These instruments are very expensive, but there are less expensive ones (made of plastic) available for practice.
- 従来は武器製造業の職工的な性格が強かった刀鍛冶にも作家的気質を持つ者が現れてきた。
- Although Katana kaji used to have an attribute as workmen of weapon manufacturing, some of them started to develop an artistic disposition.
- 文様の一部を浮き彫り状に盛り上げた上で、器面全体に漆を塗りかぶせ、木炭で研ぎ出す。
- After part of the motif is formed into a relief, lacquer is coated over the entire piece, and is then polishing with charcoal.
- 特殊器台や特殊壺などの出土から古墳時代初頭に築造された古墳であると考えられている。
- Because of the unearthed special vessel stands and jars, Hashihaka-kofun Tumulus is considered to have been constructed in the early Kofun period.
- 大阪府西部・滋賀県南部・三重県から愛知県西部・岡山県南部など各地の搬入土器が出土。
- Clay vessels carried in from various places such as western Osaka Prefecture, southern Shiga Prefecture, Mie Prefecture, western Aich Prefecture and southern Okayama Prefecture, were unearthed.
- 日本で「こと」と呼ばれる楽器は(1)琴、(2)箏、(3)和琴 (わごん) がある。
- There are three general groups of musical instruments called 'Koto' in Japan: (1) 琴 (generally called 'Koto' or 'Kin'), (2) 箏 (generally called 'So') and (3) 和琴 (generally called 'Wagon').
- 寒冷地では芋焼き釜の排気圧で「ポー」という音が鳴る機器を代わりに用いる場合もある。
- A machine that makes a 'po' sound from the steam coming out of a stone roast kettle is sometimes used instead in cold climates.
- つくねとは、種を手や器具できちんと団子状に成形したものを調理したものの総称である。
- Tsukune is a generic term for a cooked food which is properly formed into a ball by hand or by using a tool.
- 器にかき氷器を用いてかき氷を若干載せ、シロップをレードル(甘露尺)一杯分をかける。
- Using an ice shaving machine, a little amount of shaved ice is put into a dish and a ladleful of syrup is poured on top.
- アイヌ音楽の楽器であるムックリやトンコリ、沖縄音楽の楽器三線もこの項の解説に含む。
- Musical instruments for Ainu music, such as the Mukkuri and Tonkori, and musical instruments for Okinawan music, such as the Sanshin, are also described in this section.
- 一方、祭礼(祭囃子、神楽など)のために屋外で演奏される分野の楽器は、音量が大きい。
- On the other hand, the Wagakki used in the field of music played outdoors at festivals (festival music, Shinto music, etc.) can provide sufficiently high sound levels.
- 三弦を用いる近世邦楽の中では、演奏者が楽器を弾きながら歌を歌うことも特徴的である。
- Among the modern traditional Japanese music that uses sangen, it is unique because the performer sings as he or she plays the musical instrument.
- 今日の私たちが思い描くのは「塗り盃」だが、江戸時代後期には陶磁器の盃も用いられた。
- Today, we bring up the image of 'nurisakazuki (lacquerware sakazuki),' but ceramic sakazuki were also used in the latter part of the Edo period.
- 音響振動試験装置であって、次のイからハまでのすべてに該当するもの又はその石英加熱器
- Acoustic vibration test equipment which falls under all of the following (a) through (c)
- 教義や信仰上の内実はほとんどなく、尺八を法器と称して禅の修行や托鉢のために吹奏した。
- It hardly had any doctrine or religious inside substance, but treated shakuhachi as a ritual apparatus and played it to practice Zen or to do takuhatsu (a traditional form of begging, common to Buddhist monks in Japan).
- 鉦鼓(しょうこ)とは、雅楽で使われる打楽器の一つだが、雅楽で唯一の金属製楽器である。
- A shoko is a percussion instrument used in gagaku (Japanese court dance and music), and is the only metal musical instrument used in gagaku.
- 現在、国立劇場の企画の一環として、廃絶された楽器や楽曲を復元する試みが行われている。
- Currently, as one of the projects of the National Theater, there are attempts to restore the instruments and numbers that had been eliminated.
- 諸仏の代わりに、金剛杵(煩悩を打ち砕く武器)、蓮華、剣、鈴などの器物が描かれている。
- Instead of various Buddha, things like Vajra (weapons that defeat worldly desires), renge (lotus flowers), swords and bells are painted.
- 太鼓以外にも多くの日本の打楽器が登場する作品だが、第2楽章は太鼓ソロ(単式単打法)。
- Besides the Japanese drum, it is a work with a lot of percussion instruments of Japan, however the second movement is a Japanese drum solo (single drum, single drummer technique).
- 普段は西洋打楽器を演奏する作曲者と縁の深い「パーカッショングループ72」が初演した。
- Percussion Group 72, the percussion group usually playing western drums, played the score for the first time because they are on friendly terms with the composer.
- 鎧は打撃に若干弱い面があり、戦国期には刀を刃物付き鈍器として扱う戦い方もあったこと。
- Armor was a little weak against a hit, so, in the Sengoku era, there existed a fighting way using a sword as a blunt weapon with a blade.
- 年輪年代測定以前は、布留0式土器の出土により土器編年を利用し年代基準を決定していた。
- Before measuring the age from tree rings, the age criterion was determined by the unearthed Furu 0-type earthen vessels based on the chronology of earthen vessels.
- 正倉院に断片が宝物として保管され、現代においては復元された複製楽器が演奏されている。
- Its fragments have been preserved at Shoso-in and its reproduction is in use at present.
- 中国の撥弦楽器のうちツィター属のものだけでも時代、地方、様式により多くの種類がある。
- In China, there exist many kinds of stringed instrument that belong to zither group depending upon the ages, regions, or styles.
- 各牛丼チェーンでは持ち帰り用の容器を用意しており、「牛丼弁当」としても販売している。
- Gyudon chains have takeout containers to sell gyudon as 'gyudon bento.'
- 店によっては、たこ焼き器が傷つかないように竹製の菜箸(ただし1本)を使うことも多い。
- Some stores use a serving chopstick made of bamboo (not a pair of chopsticks but, a chopstick) instead of a stick, in order not to damage Takoyaki-ki.
- 和弓(わきゅう)とは、日本の弓道・弓術及びそこで使用される長弓の弓 (武器)のこと。
- Wakyu is the Chokyu (long bow) (weapon) used in Japanese Kyudo (Japanese art of archery).
- しかし笛と篳篥は昔から長さが決まっているのでそれ以前の昔に作られた名器が参考になる。
- However, the fue (Japanese flute) and the Hichiriki flute have a fixed length, so it is based upon the famous instruments made before the change in measurements occurred.
- 管楽器の笙は1尺7寸、13世紀の鎌倉初期までは大きな笙だったがその後は小さくなった。
- The length of Sho, a wind instrument, is one shaku (= 30.3 cm) and seven sun (= 3.03 cm x 7), and it was a large Sho until the beginning of Kamakura period, in the thirteenth century, but it became smaller afterward.
- 保温性のある発泡スチロール容器(カップヌードルの容器など)に卵を入れ、熱湯を加える。
- Put an egg into a polystyrene container (such as a cup noodle container) that will retain heat and add hot water.
- レーザー発振器用の人工の結晶であって、未完成のもののうち、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Among artificial crystals for laser oscillators that are unfinished, those that fall under any of the following
- 液体レーザー発振器(色素レーザー発振器を含む。)であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Liquid laser oscillators (including dye laser oscillators) which fall under any of the following
- 液体燃料噴射器であって、個々のオリフィスの面積が〇・一一四平方ミリメートル以下のもの
- Liquid fuel injection devices in which individual orifice areas are 0.114 square millimeters or less
- 発掘調査の結果、琥珀製棗玉、鉄製武器、農耕具のほか須恵器と土師器が多数が出土している。
- From the result of the excavation and research, natsumedama (jujube- shaped bead) made of amber, iron arms, and farming tools were found as well as sueki (unglazed ware) and Haji pottery.
- 応量器を用いた食事は厳格な作法が定められており、禅宗における重要な修行のひとつである。
- The table manners are rigid in regard to oryoki, and they're part of the important ascetic practices in the Zen sect.
- これは、直接攻撃用の武器の中で最も攻撃距離の長い槍が届かず、かつ遠すぎない距離である。
- This is about the shortest distance unreachable by a spear for a direct long distance attack.
- 刀剣の多くは接近戦専用で、広い空間では長柄武器(槍・薙刀など)に対して不利だったこと。
- Most swords were for close combat, and they have a disadvantage against long handled weapons (Yari - spear or Naginata - pole swords) in a wide space.
- また、多少の刃こぼれが威力に大きく影響するなど、主力武器としては耐久力に難点がある事。
- A slightly nicked edge greatly influenced its power, which causes difficulties in durability as a major weapon.
- 寒風古窯跡群(さぶかぜこようせきぐん)は岡山県瀬戸内市牛窓町長浜にある須恵器窯の遺跡。
- Sabukaze Koyoseki-gun is a group of remains of kilns of Sueki (unglazed ware) in Nagahama, Ushimado-cho, Setouchi City, Okayama Prefecture.
- ナイフ形石器文化期に属する椎ノ木・はさみ山遺跡を除いて、後続する細石刃文化期に属する。
- Except the Shinokiyama Remains and Hasamiyama Remains that belong to the knife-shaped stone tool-using culture period, all of the other remains belong to the microlithic culture period that followed.
- また、大寺にはそれぞれの寺領から納められた品や、寺の什器宝物などを収蔵する倉があった。
- Additionally, large temples had warehouses in which to keep the articles offered by their estates, as well as temple household goods and treasures.
- だが、最近は、前方後円墳や土師器出現の時期を画期として、「方墳」の一種とみなされている
- However, they are now regarded as a kind of 'square barrows' as a result of the epoch-making appearance of keyhole-shaped tumuli and the Haji pottery.
- これらの多くは邦楽本来の楽器および演奏法の特色の長所をなるべく活かす形で使われている。
- In these pieces, traditional Japanese instruments were used in a way to make the most of their characteristics and playing style.
- 楽器の各部分には、「龍角」「劉眼」「龍手」など、箏を竜に見立てた名称がつけられている。
- The name of each part of the instrument, such as 'ryukaku' (dragon horns), 'ryugan' (dragon eyes) and 'ryushu' (dragon hands), derived from the belief that Soh was the symbol of ryu (dragon).
- あらかじめ殻を割って器にとり、出汁と醤油をあわせた出汁醤油をかけて供されることが多い。
- They are often cracked and put in a bowl with dashi (stock) and soya sauce.
- 篳篥(ひちりき)は、雅楽や、雅楽の流れを汲む近代に作られた神楽などで使う管楽器の1つ。
- Hichiriki flute is one of the wind instruments used for gagaku (ancient Japanese court dance and music) and kagura (sacred music and dancing performed at shrines) that was created in modern times following the flow of gagaku.
- これは三種の神器を模したものであり、鉾は天叢雲剣、鍔は八咫鏡、鈴は八尺瓊勾玉とされる。
- The hoko-suzu symbolizes the three sacred imperial treasures with the blade representing the Tsurugi sword of Ama no Murakumo, the guard the Yata no Kagami Mirror, and the bells the Yasakani no Magatama jewel.
- 無線周波数分析器であって、四十三・五ギガヘルツを超える周波数を分析することができるもの
- Wireless frequency analyzers capable of analyzing frequencies exceeding 43.5 gigahertz
- これらの器物を「三昧耶形」(さまやぎょう)と言い、各尊の悟りや働きを示すシンボルである。
- These things are called 'Samayagyo Symbol' and they are the symbols of each Buddha's enlightenment and actions.
- 応量器は主に曹洞宗の呼び方で、臨済宗では持鉢(じはつ)、黄檗宗では自鉢(じはつ)と呼ぶ。
- The term 'oryoki' is mainly used by the Soto Zen sect, while in the Rinzai Zen sect it is called 'jihatsu' (written in Chinese characters as '持鉢' (or '自鉢' in Rinzai Zen's Obaku school)).
- 石櫃(附 銅骨蔵器、錫外筒、石櫃、金銅経筒、須恵器合子)(石櫃以外は東京国立博物館寄託)
- A cist (tsuketari 銅骨蔵器, 錫外筒, cist, gold and bronze sutra case, unglazed (ceramic) ware) (housed in the Tokyo National Museum, except for the cist)
- どら焼きの名は一般に、形が打楽器の銅鑼(どら)に似ることからついたという説が有力である。
- The prevailing theory on the origin of the name Dora-yaki is because the shape is similar to a percussion instrument or Chinese gong called a Dora.
- 製塩業の他にも踏鞴製鉄用の燃料や陶磁器焼成の為の燃料として、里山の木は大量に消費された。
- In addition to the consumption by the salt production industry, trees in Satoyama were massively consumed as fuels for tatara iron-making and ceramic firing.
- その中心となるものは箏の伴奏付き歌曲である「組歌」と、器楽独奏曲である「段物」であった。
- The central components of Soh music were 'kumiuta,' songs accompanied by Soh, and 'danmono,' solo of musical instrument.
- ただし実際には武器術を指導する師範の割合は多くなく、体術のみを指導する稽古が大半である。
- However, in reality the percentage of grandmasters instructing in the art of weaponry isn't high, so most training includes instruction in taijutsu only.
- また第5回京都学生祭典からはエコ・プロジェクトの一環としてリユース食器が取り入れられた。
- Since the fifth Kyoto Intercollegiate Festa, reusable plates and utensils have been introduced as part of an ecological project.
- すなわち、戦国時代 (日本)末期に琉球を経由して中国の弦楽器三弦が大阪の堺に入ってきた。
- A Chinese stringed instrument called the sangen was introduced to Sakai, Osaka, through Ryukyu toward the end of the Warring States period (Japan).
- 半導体レーザー発振器を集積化した半導体レーザーアレーであって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Semiconductor laser arrays with integrated semiconductor laser oscillators that fall under any of the following
- レーザー発振器又はその部分品、附属品若しくは試験装置であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Laser oscillators or components thereof, accessories or test equipment that fall under any of the following
- 竹雲の舶来品嫌いは徹底しており、蒸気機関車にも乗らず、ランプ (照明器具)も用いなかった。
- Chikuun hated the European culture to the bone, so he refused to get on a steam locomotive, and did not use a gas lamp.
- 茄子の皮の色を綺麗に出したいときは鉄釘か専用の鉄製器具が売られているのでそれを入れておく。
- When you want to make the color of eggplants' skin bright, insert an iron nail or an iron utensil which is sold exclusively for this purpose.
- 陶磁器では板谷波山と宮川香山の作品が2002年(平成14年)に指定されたのが最初であった。
- In pottery, works by Hazan ITAYA and Kozan MIYAGAWA were the first to be designated in 2002.
- 石棺と奥壁の間からは金銅鞍金具などの馬具類や武器武具類、土師器、須恵器などが出土している。
- Between the stone coffin and the back wall, harness such as gilt bronze saddle hardware as well as arms, Haji pottery, and Sue pottery were excavated.
- 柱(じ)は他の弦楽器でいう駒、ブリッジで、糸を支え音高を定め、振動を胴に伝える部品である。
- Ji is a part of Soh which corresponds to koma or bridge of other stringed instruments, and its function is to prop ito, defining pitch and transmitting vibration to the body.
- 奈良時代以降大陸から多数の弦楽器が渡来したとき、それら弦楽器全般を総称する言葉ともなった。
- Furthermore, since the Nara period, when various stringed instruments were introduced from China, the word 'koto' had become the general term for those stringed instruments.
- 代表的な物として、ハープは楽器ではあるが、弓を起源とし、その形態を色濃く残すものでもある。
- For example, a harp is a typical music instrument originating from the bow and its form remains.
- また、器は、青磁白磁はもちろん有田焼、尾形乾山、清水六兵衛などの美術品クラスのものを使う。
- It uses dishes which are classified as art objects, which includes not only celadon and white porcelains but also Arita ware, Ogata-Kenzan, and Shimizu-Rokubei.
- また、器楽部分では掛け合いと呼ばれる類似の旋律を三弦と交互に演奏するような作曲もみられる。
- There were also compositions with parts (called 'kakeai') which are interchangeable between the koto and shamisen.
- 半オクターブの周波数帯域を一〇マイクロ秒未満で同調可能な可変周波数共振器を六以上有するもの
- Devices having 6 or more variable frequency resonators capable of tuning across a half-octave frequency band in less than 10 microseconds
- チタン酸ジルコン酸鉛からなる送受信用素子以外の送受信用素子を組み込んだ送受波器を有するもの
- Underwater acoustic equipment having a transducer (an echo sender and receiver) with built-in transmitting and receiving element other than sending and receiving elements made of lead zirconate titanate
- 平舞(ひらまい)は、文舞(ぶんのまい)ともよばれ、武器などを持たずに舞う、穏やかな感じの舞。
- Hiramai dance is also called Bunnomai dance, which is a gentle dance that doesn't incorporate the arms.
- 前方部西側の台形張り出し部から朝顔型埴輪・円筒埴輪・楕円形円筒埴輪や土器などが出土している。
- Haniwa in the shape of a broad-rimmed vase, cylindrical Haniwa, elliptical cylindrical Haniwa, earthenware, and so on, were excavated at the edge of the trapezoid on the west side of the front square part.
- 窯で焼かれていた須恵器は、主に蓋・杯(つき)・高杯・平瓶(ひらか)・皿・甕・鉢などであった。
- Sueki which were fired in these kilns were mainly gai (a lid), tsuki (a drinking cup), takatsuki (a standing tray for cake and fruit), hiraka (a flattened bottle), sara (a dish), kame (an earthware pot), hatch (a bowl), and so on.
- 規模の大きさのみならず、大型建物の跡地や青銅器鋳造炉など工房の跡地が発見され、話題となった。
- In addition to its big scale, the area got into the news after the discovery of the sites where large-scale buildings and workshops such as bronze ware casting furnaces were.
- また龍と対を成していた鳳凰を象徴したハープ型の楽器「箜篌(くご)」は、伝統としては廃絶した。
- A harp-shaped musical instrument 'kugo' which symbolized hoo (a phoenix), one of a pair of ryu and hoo, is not existent as a traditional instrument.
- また箏曲家以外でも町田佳聲や高森高山らによって、多くの和楽器を合奏させる作品が多数作られた。
- Also, many pieces of music in which varieties of traditional Japanese instruments are played in concert were created by other persons than Soh musicians, such as Kasho MACHIDA and Takayama TAKAMORI etc.
- 出来上がった粘土状のもの(練り玉)を専用の押し出し器で押し出し、一定の太さの棒状に成型する。
- Mold clay-like material (neridama) into sticks with same thickness as what extruders produce for exclusive use.
- 篳篥は楽器であり、割れのないことはもちろん、正しい音階、響のよい音色となるように製作される。
- Hichiriki flute is an instrument, so it is made without cracks, has the right scale, and a well-sounding tone.
- また、酒器を手に取ってから飲み込むまでの各段階において感じられる香りは以下のように呼ばれる。
- Fragrances that are felt in each step from taking the sake cup in hand until sake is swallowed are called respectively as follows:
- このうち十七弦箏は、邦楽合奏における低音楽器として現在でも広く使われ、独奏曲も生まれている。
- The seventeen-stringed koto is still used today in ensembles for Japanese music to provide low notes and has had solos composed specifically for it.
- これは同梱のタレを従来の液状袋入りからペースト状にして容器内の小室に直接注入したものである。
- In this product, instead of attaching a conventional bag containing a liquid sause, a jellied sauce is directly injected into a small space in the container.
- 観音が世を救済するに、広く衆生の機根(性格や仏の教えを聞ける器)に応じて、種々の形体を現じる。
- When Kannon relieves people in this world, it changes its appearance in various ways according to the person's mind (character or ability to understand the teachings of Buddhism).
- 仏教では本来、僧侶は、最低限の着物と食器である三衣一鉢以外の金品の所有を戒律で禁じられていた。
- According to Buddhist precepts, monks were originally prohibited to own money and other articles other than sanne-ippatsu (three robes and one begging bowl), which were deemed as the minimum required clothes and eating utensil.
- 明朝風の禅と念仏が一体化した念仏禅を特徴とし、読経が楽器を伴う明風の梵唄であることで知られる。
- It was characterized by nenbutsu-zen which combined Zen of the Ming style and nenbutsu (Buddhist invocation), and was known by its sutra chanting being Bonbai (a song in Indian style) in the Ming style using music instruments.
- かつては刀剣などの武器を持込むことが禁じられた場所において、護身用の暗器として多く用いられた。
- In places where a weapon, such as a sword, was not allowed, a Sensu was often used as an Anki (small concealed weapon) for self-protection.
- 巨大旅館の場合、露天風呂など「器」の凝りようや豪華さは競うが、泉質については不利さは否めない。
- Although large ryokan can boast about their fancy facilities such as open-air baths, the quality of the onsen water is a disadvantage.
- 鉄剣形の槍先にした鉄矛は、朝鮮半島南部や北九州でも出土していて、当時の武器の中心になっていた。
- Iron halberds each with an iron-sword type tip shape, which were also unearthed in the southern part of the Korean peninsular as well as in the northern Kyushu area, constituted main arms at that time.
- しかしこの容器はサイズが大きいという欠点があり、とても鞄の中に収まるようなサイズではなかった。
- However, this type of lunchbox was disadvantageous in that it was too large to put in a bag.
- 弁当の具材は持ち運びがしやすい容器に入れられるのだが、その容器は「弁当箱」という名で呼ばれる。
- The portable container used to put ingredients in is called a 'lunchbox.'
- ゆえに大ヒットとなり、他社から同様の製品が発売され、日本の家庭から鰹節削り器を駆逐していった。
- Consequently, it became a red-hot product; other companies released similar products, which drove the katsuobushi kezuriki (a cutter box for katsuobushi) from the Japanese household.
- 柔術(じゅうじゅつ)は、日本古来の徒手あるいは短い武器による攻防の技法を中心とした武術である。
- Jujutsu is the name for traditional Japanese martial arts, which are centered on offense and defense techniques with no (or a small) weapon.
- 棒手裏剣は単純な形状の武器ではあるが、流派によって長さや重心などに様々なバリエーションがある。
- The bo shuriken is a simply-shaped weapon, but the length, and center of gravity among other factors vary according to the school.
- それゆえ、江戸時代初期の芸術音楽の範囲において、異種の楽器が合奏されることはほとんどなかった。
- Therefore, in the early Edo period ensembles of the different kinds of instruments were rarely conducted in the world of art music.
- 鍋や壺などの調理器具を用意しなくても加熱が可能なあぶり焼きという方法は、古代から行われていた。
- Grilling, which does not require cooking utensils such as a pan or pot for heating, had been done since ancient times.
- 三曲万歳は胡弓・鼓・三味線による賑やかな万歳で、初期の万才もこれに倣って楽器伴奏を伴っていた。
- Sankyoku Manzai was a boisterous manzai using a Chinese fiddle, a drum and a shamisen, and the early Manzai was accompanied by some musical instruments after the fashion of Sankyoku Manzai.
- 出土した青銅器には復元できなかった幹があるので、そこにもう一羽の鳥があるのかもしれないという。
- Since some trunks in the unearthed bronze ware were not restored, another bird might have been there.
- 1960年代以降は、流通面で効率的なことなどから、一般的には発泡スチロール容器が使われている。
- Since 1960 and onward, foamed polystyrene containers have generally been used, because such packaging facilitates efficient shipping and distribution.
- もともと地歌三味線、箏、胡弓は江戸時代の初めから当道座の盲人音楽家たちが専門とする楽器である。
- The jiuta shamisen, so (koto) and kokyu (Chinese fiddle) were originally musical instruments in which the blind musicians of Todo-za had specialized since the early Edo period.
- 振動機能を備えた一本の回転軸を有し、かつ、混合容器内及び回転軸上に捏和のための突起を有するもの
- Mixers having one rotating axle with a vibration function and having a projection for kneading in the mixing container and on the rotating axle
- 古来から武器としての役割と同時に美しい姿が象徴的な意味を持ち、美術品としても評価の高い物が多い。
- Its beautiful shape has symbolic meaning as well as its use as a weapon since ancient times, and many are highly appraised as art objects.
- 古くから開口していたが、発掘調査で金銅花形座金具、馬具、鉄製武器、農耕 具、玉類が出土している。
- It was opened since early times, and from excavation and research, gilt bronze parts of flower-shaped seats, harnesses, iron arms, farming tools, and beads were found.
- 1982年(昭和57年)4月15日付けで縄文時代の深鉢形土器1件が重要文化財の指定を解除された。
- On April 15, 1982, a deep-pot type of pottery of the Jomon period had its designation as an important cultural property canceled.
- デジタル映像技術や携帯端末などハイテク機器を使用した新しい百人一首の世界を体験することができる。
- One can experience the world of the new Hyakunin Isshu by using hi-tech digital imaging machines and portable consoles.
- なお、昭和2年(1927年)に淳和院遺構の発掘が行われ、多数の瓦や土器の欠片が発掘されたという。
- In 1927, the Junna-in Palace ruins were excavated and large numbers of Kawara tiles and earthenware were discovered.
- 舎利は翌年いったん掘り出され、新しい舎利容器と木箱に入れて、ふたたび芯礎部分に埋めたものという。
- It is said that in the following year the sariras were dug out, placed in a new vessel and a wooden box, and buried in the pillar foundation again.
- 箏は、前後にアーチのかかった横に細長い板状で内部が中空の胴に、13本の絃を張り渡した楽器である。
- Soh is a musical instrument that is composed of a hollow body, an arch-shaped long and thin board, and 13 strings stretched over the body.
- また利休は高麗茶碗や呂宋壺などの輸入品も用いたが、これらは産地では雑器扱いの大量生産品であった。
- Also, Rikyu was using imported goods such as Kourai Chawan (Korean tea bowl) and Luzon (Philippines) pots, which were mass produced and regarded as poor utensils.
- 手事と呼ばれる、歌の間にはさまれる長い器楽部分を持つ曲(手事物と呼ばれる)が多く伝承されている。
- Many pieces called tegotomono that have long instrumental sections between the sections with lyrics (called tegotomono) have been passed down.
- 「耳根」とは、眼、耳、鼻、舌、身の五根のひとつで、声や音を感受する器官およびその能力のことを言う。
- Nikon' is one of the five roots comprising eyes, ears, a nose, a tongue, and the body, and refers to the organ itself and its ability to pick up voice and sound.
- 金粉や銀粉を蒔いた後に、器面全体に漆を塗りかぶせ、乾燥後に木炭で漆を研磨して下の蒔絵層を出す技法。
- After sprinkling gold or silver powder, lacquer is applied over the entire surface of the piece; when it is dried, the lacquer layer is polished down with a piece of charcoal to reveal the pattern of makie layer.
- 代表的な建築物は、古書院、中書院、楽器の間、親御殿と雁行して建てられた書院造りの様式をとっている。
- Its representative buildings, Koshoin, Chushoin, Gakki no ma (a room where musical instruments were stored) and Oyagoten, are built in the Shoin-zukuri style in the form of ganko (lining up shoulder to shoulder like flying geese).
- 室町期も安定期になると、寝室としての利用よりも、納戸として重要な什器や武具が収納されたようである。
- It seems that during the Muromachi period, when political stability was achieved, it was used as a storeroom where important household goods and arms were kept rather than being used as a bedroom.
- 物流業界では各種コンテナ・貨物自動車等の箱型の輸送機器の説明や表現方法として、よく用いられている。
- The term is frequently used in the distribution industry to explain or indicate box-shaped transportation machines such as various types of container and trucks.
- ほか1階では鉄器など黒塚古墳出土品を展示して古墳時代の大和と黒塚古墳についてパネルで紹介している。
- On the first floor, there is also a display of artifacts, such as ironware, excavated from Kurozuka Tumulus with explanation panels to describe Kurozuka Tumulus as well as Yamato during the Kofun period (tumulus period).
- ちなみに大正琴は発音原理が琴(きん)に属する楽器のため、ここで扱う箏とは基本的分類において異なる。
- Incidentally, taishogoto (Japanese harp with three to five strings) is a fundamentally different instrument from Soh because it is categorized into kin group based on the law of making sound.
- 箏は楽器分類上ツィター属に含まれることもあり、ヨーロッパでの類似楽器としてはツィターが挙げられる。
- As seen from the fact that Soh is categorized into the zither group, zither is a similar musical instrument in Europe.
- 日本では古来弓は神器として考えられており、畏敬の念や信仰により長大になっていったというものである。
- The traditional bows were considered to be a holy tool in Japan and became longer with the respect and belief.
- 効果音では、太鼓を使った水辺を表す音や鉦による寺院の鐘の音など、楽器を使ってさまざまな効果を表す。
- They create various sound effects with their instruments, for example, a sound effect of water with a drum, or a sound effect of a temple bell using a gong.
- これは香りを楽しむものと蚊取り線香(→蚊遣器)のような実利的な燃焼時間延長のためのものが見られる。
- Coil-shaped Senko is divided into those developed for the purpose of enjoying aroma and those developed for meeting practical need for extending burning time, such as mosquito repellent Senko (=>Kayariki [mosquito repellent Senko holder]).
- また、さらに胡弓が合奏に加わるようになり、これら三種の楽器による合奏がよく行なわれるようになった。
- Also, kokyu came to be added to the ensemble, and then performing concerts using these three instruments became common.
- 駅弁とともに販売される煎茶は、かつては蓋付きの汽車土瓶と呼ばれる陶磁器の小瓶入りのものが売られた。
- Sencha (green tea of middle grade) sold along with Ekiben was sold by using a small ceramic bottle called 'kisha dobin' (the earthen teapot used on the train) before.
- クリプトンイオンレーザー発振器又はアルゴンイオンレーザー発振器であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Krypton ion laser oscillators or argon ion laser oscillators which fall under any of the following
- よどみ点における温度が五六〇度を超える流れの壁面摩擦を直接計測することができるように設計した変換器
- Converters which are designed so that they are capable of directly measuring the wall friction of a flow in which temperatures at stagnation point are greater than 560 degrees centigrade
- その意味で葬儀は、宗教が文明に発生する以前の旧石器時代から行われてきていた宗教的行為であるといえる。
- In that sense, funeral ceremonies are religious acts which had been observed since Paleolithic Period before religions were created in civilization.
- 主に日用品などに偽装したものと、他の武器に小さな刀身を仕込み二段構えの武器としたものの二種類がある。
- There are mainly two types; one disguised as a commodity, and a two-step weapon by fitting another weapon with a small blade.
- 前期古墳の副葬品の典型的組合せ、つまり、銅鏡や玉類、剣や刀などの武器類をセットにしていることである。
- It is a typical combination of burial goods of the early tumuli, which is characterized by making bronze mirrors, gems and weapons including Ken (sword of sharpened two edges) and Katana (a sword) as a set.
- 独奏曲としての箏という楽器を代表する楽曲「六段」(の調べ)は、この八橋検校の作曲によると伝えられる。
- It has been handed down that 'Rokudan' (no shirabe), a representative Soh solo, was composed by Yatsuhashi Kengyo.
- アイヌの伝統楽器の箏であるトンコリ(カーとも言う)」は、和琴と類似した構造を持つ(ただし弦は5本)。
- Tonkori (also known as 'ka'), a traditional stringed instrument of Ainu tribe, has a similar structure with that of wagon (provided that it has five strings).
- 歴史上または、現在も軍事の上での武器でもあり、武芸としての武具や競技(ゲーム・スポーツ)用具である。
- Both in history and at present, it has been a weapon for military as well as an arm for military art and a tool for sports.
- 名器とされる篳篥も多くなく、海賊丸、波返、筆丸、皮古丸、岩浪、滝落、濃紫などの名が伝わるのみである。
- There are not many famous Hichiriki flutes, so only names of Kaizokumaru, Namigaeshi, Fudemaru, Hikomaru, Iwanami, Takiotoshi, and Kokimurasaki have been handed down.
- 発泡スチロール容器は積み重ねられる形状になっていて、2~4つを1セットとして売られている場合も多い。
- Formed polystyrene containers are formed so that they can be stacked up, and in many cases they're sold in sets of two to four.
- つまり、蒸した大豆を発泡スチロール容器や紙パックに装填し、これに純粋培養した納豆菌の分散液をかける。
- In other words, steamed soybeans are packed in formed polystyrene or paper containers and a dispersion liquid containing pure cultured bacillus subtilis natto is sprayed onto them.
- 地歌の楽曲全体をみれば、音楽的には三味線音楽の中でも技巧的であり、器楽的な特徴を持つ曲も少なくない。
- When all the musical compositions of jiuta are considered, they are the most technical pieces among shamisen music, and many pieces emphasize their the instrumental characteristics.
- プロジェクションテレスコープであって、超高出力レーザー発振器と組み合わせて使用するように設計したもの
- Projection telescopes which are designed for use in combination with ultra-high output laser oscillators
- 無線周波数分析器であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの(他の貨物に使用するように設計したものを除く。)
- Wireless frequency analyzers that fall under any of the following (excluding those designed for use in other goods)
- エキシマーレーザー発振器であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの(第六条第十七号に該当するものを除く。)
- Excimer laser oscillators which fall under any of the following (excluding those which fall under Article 6, item (xvii))
- 近年は金属製のものもあるが瓶は米や水溜め用の素焼きの陶器のものが水滴を作るのに最も適しているとされる。
- While in recent years, there have been also metal jars, it is assumed that the most suitable jars are unglazed earthenware for storing rice grain or water.
- 以降、日本において仏舎利信仰が再燃し、仏塔だけでなく舎利容器に収めたものを室内でも礼拝するようになる。
- Subsequently, worship for Buddha's sariras was reignited in Japan and people started to worship not only sariras in stupa but also in a vessel for Buddha's sariras within the building.
- 室町時代、朝日焼が興る前には、経歴も全く不詳な宇治焼という焼き物が焼かれ、今も名器だけが残されている。
- During the Muromachi period, before Asahi yaki was born, the Uji region had produced another type of earthenware called Uji yaki which had no clear historical background, but some famous wares remain.
- まず京都の生田検校が元禄頃、箏の楽器法(調弦および奏法や爪の改良)や楽曲を大きく発展させたといわれる。
- It is said that Ikuta Kengyo in Kyoto developed the way of playing Soh (tuning, playing method, improvement of a pick) as well as Soh music in the era of Genroku.
- 最近では家庭用の「石焼き芋器」も市販されており、家庭でも手軽に石焼き芋が楽しめるようになってきている。
- Recently, 'ishiyaki imo equipment' for household use is on the market, so everyone can easily enjoy ishiyaki imo at home.
- 併せてキューブアイス用のかき氷器が製造され、粉雪状ではなく細かい氷の粒のかき氷が普及するようになった。
- Ice shaving machines for ice cubes were produced resulting in shaved ice, not in the powder snow-like form, but fine chip-like ice.
- しかし古代から伝えられた名器を観察し工夫努力を重ねることで製作者の技術は上乗せされてさらに伸びてゆく。
- However, a craftsmen's technique improves with ideas and effort by examining famous instruments passed down from ancient times.
- 手水鉢(ちょうずばち)とは、元来、神前、仏前で口をすすぎ、身を清めるための水を確保するための器をさす。
- Chozubachi originally referred to a bowl holding water for people to purify themselves by rinsing out their mouths before the altar of a shrine or a temple.
- 光検出器その他の光学部品の材料となる物質又はレーザー発振器用の結晶であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Crystals for optical detectors and other material or laser oscillators made of a material for optical components that falls under any of the following:
- 角度を検出する位置検出器を有するフィードバック装置であって、当該装置の精度が〇・〇〇〇二五度未満のもの
- Feedback devices having position detectors that detect angles in which the precision of said devices is less than 0.00025 degrees
- 雪又は氷(冷凍機器を用いて生産したものを除く。)を熱源とする熱を冷蔵、冷房その他の用途に利用すること。
- to use heat from snow or ice (excluding ice processed utilizing refrigeration equipment) for refrigeration, cooling space or other purposes;
- 楽器のみの演奏を管絃と言い、主として屋内で演奏され、舞を伴う演奏を舞楽と言い、主として屋外で演奏される。
- Performance exclusively with instruments is called Kangen music, which is mainly performed indoors, and performance with dance is called Bugaku, which is mainly performed outdoors.
- 昭和に製作された刀の全てを指すわけではなく、主に軍刀向けとして作られた兵器用の刀「模造刀」を指している。
- This does not necessarily indicates all the swords made in the Showa era, but it mainly indicates 'Imitation swords,' weapon swords made as military swords.
- 武者小路千家では、吉祥草を特別に好みとし、壺型の土器を散らした「つぼつぼ」は三千家共通に用いられている。
- The Mushanokoji Senke school especially favors kichijo-so (a plant native to Japan, a member of the lily family; scientific name, Reineckea carnea), and the 'tsubo-tsubo' (a pattern of pots) in which pot-shaped earthenware patterns are scattered, are used by the three Senke families in common.
- しかし、宮内庁職員によって宮山型特殊器台・特殊壺、最古の埴輪である都月型円筒埴輪、などが採集されている。
- However, the Miyayama-type special vessel stands and jars, the Totsuki-type cylindrical haniwa, which is the oldest type of haniwa, and other items have been collected by the staff of the Imperial Household Agency.
- 2室からなる切石積みの石室があり、天武天皇の夾紵棺と持統天皇の金銅製骨蔵器が納められているとされている。
- It is considered that there is a stone chamber of Kiriishi zumi (masonry laid with regularly cut stones) consisting of two rooms, in which kyochokan coffin of Emperor Tenmu and a gilt bronze urn of Empress Jito were placed.
- それに並行して朝日焼も隆盛を極め、宇治茶の志向に合わせて、高級な茶器を中心に焼かれるようになっていった。
- In parallel with this, Asahi yaki reached a new height of prosperity by producing high class utensils for tea ceremony according with the trend of Uji cha.
- 一般にことと呼ばれ、「琴」の字を当てられるが、正しくは「箏」であり、「琴(きん)」は本来別の楽器である。
- It is generally called koto and the Chinese character '琴' is used, but to be exact, it should be '箏' (soh) and '琴' (kin) is another musical instrument.
- したがって、昼に温かい弁当を食べるためには鞄以外にもこの弁当容器を肩に提げて出掛けなければならなかった。
- Therefore, one had to carry a lunchbox over one's shoulder besides a bag in order to have a warm bento at lunchtime.
- 売り子が帯のついた長方形の盆状か高さの低い箱状の容器に駅弁や茶を入れ、容器を前方に出す形で首から下げる。
- Another way is that salesclerks carry Ekiben and tea using a rectangular, tray or low box shaped container, which is suspended from their necks by a belt attached to the container and kept in front of them.
- 宮城道雄が開発した楽器はほかにも教育用普及楽器の短箏(たんごと)、試験的に作られた超大型楽器八十絃がある。
- Other instruments developed by Michio MIYAGI are tangoto (short stringed instrument), which was developed for education and promotion purpose, and super-large hachijugen (80-stringed instrument), which was produced on a trial basis.
- 古いタイプの丸形のたこ焼き器は、火力に練炭火鉢を使用するため、大きさもこの大きさに合わせた物となっている。
- Round-shaped Takoyaki-ki of the old type is large enough to accommodate a charcoal stove because it is heated by the stove.
- 葉や茎を軽く湯通しし、密閉した容器にしばらく保管しておくとワサビの辛い風味をおひたしで味わうことができる。
- One can enjoy ohitashi (boiled vegetables) with the pungent taste of wasabi by boiling wasabi's the leaves and stems slightly and preserving them in an airtight container for a while.
- 弓は人類史上、石鏃が発掘されている事から石器時代から存在する事が解っているが、日本では縄文時代からである。
- It is known that stone arrow heads were present from the stone age, but it began to appear in Japan from the Jomon period.
- 手裏剣(しゅりけん)は、敵の戦闘力を減退させるため相手に打つ、小形の刀剣・針様などの形状をもつ武器である。
- A shuriken is a small weapon shaped like a sword or needle, thrown at an opponent to diminish the fighting power of an enemy.
- 特徴としては、伝統的な型稽古や組手稽古、沖縄古来からの鍛錬法の重視、武器術の併伝などを挙げることができる。
- It is characterized by the practice of traditional kata and kumite, an emphasis on traditional Okinawan exercise methods and the complementary use of the art of weapons (buki-jutsu).
- 庖丁道(庖丁式)とは料理に関する作法・故実や調理法などを最も頻用する調理器具の包丁で象徴した呼び名である。
- The way of the kitchen knife (or the kitchen knife method) is the name given to cooking-related matters such as the art of cooking, its etiquette, and its traditions, and it has as its symbol one of the most frequently used cooking utensils, the kitchen-knife.
- これを切り分け水にさらした物が絹ごし豆腐と呼ばれ、水にさらさず直接容器に掬い上げた物が寄せ豆腐と呼ばれる。
- The curdled soy milk that is cut and soaked in water is called kinugoshidofu (silken tofu), while the kind that's scooped and put into a container directly without soaking in water is called yosedofu (fresh tofu).
- 仏の教えが煩悩を滅ぼして菩提心(悟りを求める心)を表す様を、インド神話上の武器に譬えて法具としたものである。
- It became a ritual object by comparing the way Buddha's teachings destroy earthly desires and reveal aspiration for Buddhahood (mind seeking for enlightenment) to a weapon in Indian mythology.
- 構造としては単純なものでも火を被う囲いと、その上部には鍋や釜といった調理器具を置くための台が一体化している。
- The structure of the kamado is simply a single unit built into a wall for enclosing the fire and a holder above it for placing cooking utensils such as pots or pans.
- 表裏2枚の革(馬革を鉄製の輪に張ってある)を置き、麻紐(「調緒(しらべお)」という)で締めあげた楽器である。
- Each of the two leather skins is mounted on the front and back (horse leather covers a ring of plastron) and is secured with hemp yarn (called 'adjusting string (sirabeo)').
- 発掘調査では、15世紀前半ごろを主体とする青磁・白磁・珠洲焼・越前焼・古瀬戸様式などの陶磁器が出土している。
- Excavations have unearthed ceramics and porcelain including celadon porcelain, white porcelain, Suzu-yaki pottery, Echizen-yaki pottery and Koseto style pottery which mainly date from the first half of the 15th century.
- 1987年(昭和62年)には官衙遺跡の下層から弥生土器が見つかり、官衙以前にも集落があったことが示唆された。
- In 1987 Yayoi pottery was found in the lower layer under the kanga ruins, suggesting that there was a settlement prior to the kanga.
- なお、古いスタイルではたこ焼きを裏返さず、片面だけ焼き、たこ焼き器ごと裏返して、対となる鉄板の上にかぶせる。
- Old-style takoyaki is not turned over; you bake hemispheres of takoyaki, turn over Takoyaki-ki itself and make the two corresponding iron plates face each other.
- 基本的には食事の最中、卓上に食器類や食べ物が乗っている状態でこれらをまとめてひっくり返す事を指すものである。
- Basically it refers to flipping a chabudai and all the tableware and food on it suddenly in the middle of dinner.
- なお尺八も中期に興隆したが、これは当道座の外の楽器であり、その音楽に三味線や箏が直接合奏することはなかった。
- Incidentally, shakuhachi music also prospered in the middle of the Edo period, but neither the shamisen nor the koto participated in shakuhachi music because the shakuhachi wasn't an instrument performed by those in the Todo-za.
- 実際に現在でも、初期に作られた楽曲(本曲、または本手組ともいう)は、他の楽器を加えないことがほとんどである。
- Even today, the tunes composed in the early days, called 'honkyoku' or 'honte-gumi,' are generally played solo.
- 胡弓との合奏も盛んに行われ、三弦、箏、胡弓の3つの楽器、つまり三曲で合奏する三曲合奏が行われるようになった。
- An ensemble with kokyu also (koto) was frequently performed, and an ensemble of the three instruments of sangen, so (koto) and kokyu--that is, sankyoku--emerged, being known as the sankyoku ensemble.
- また、鰻と御飯が二重になっている物をそう呼ぶ事がある(器の底から「御飯-鰻-御飯-鰻と「重」ねる意味から)。
- Occasionally, the dish is called unaju when broiled eel and boiled rice are served in a double layer ('ju 'pile-up'', in such an alternate order from the bottom, as rice-eel-rice-eel).
- 粉末状のコーティング材料を基材とともに容器に封入し、七五七度以上の温度で加熱して、基材の表面に定着させる方法
- Method of fixing the coating material onto the surface of base metal by placing powdered coating material and the base material into a container and heating to 757 degrees centigrade or more
- 灯篭・三具足(五具足)・花瓶・香炉・火立・仏飯器・輪(りん)・打敷・過去帳・見台(過去帳台)・経机・香合など。
- They are toro (a lantern), san-gusoku (three specific articles for a butsudan altar) (go-gusoku (five specific articles for a butsudan altar)), kabin (a vase), koro (an incense burner), hitate (candle stands), buppanki (a rice bowl for a Buddhist altar), rin (a bell for a Buddhist altar), uchishiki (a piece of cloth laid in a Buddhist altar), kakocho (a family register of deaths), kendai (also known as kakocho-dai (a stand for kakocho)), kyozukue (a sutra desk), kogo (an incense container), and so on.
- 長野県茅野市にある尖石遺跡では、皮を張って太鼓として使用されていたのではないかと推定される土器も出土している。
- From the remains of Togariishi in Chino City in Nagano Prefecture, earthenware mounted with skin, presumed to be used as a drum, has been excavated.
- 能管は「四拍子」のなかでは唯一の旋律楽器で、囃子のみによる舞(序之舞、中之舞など)では中心的なはたらきをする。
- Since the Noh pipe is the only melody musical instrument with the four-beat-rhythm, it plays a central role during a Noh dance (jo-no-mai or chu-no-mai) when only the Noh musicians are providing the sound.
- 1986年(昭和61年)の発掘調査では、後期旧石器時代(3万年~1万3000年前)の住居の構造を明らかにした。
- Investigations based on excavations conducted in 1986 revealed the structure of a dwelling in the latter part of the Paleolithic period.
- なお、調査時に採取した旧石器時代住居跡のはぎとり土層断面は、資料として大阪府立近つ飛鳥博物館に展示されている。
- The cross section of the earth layers cut out of the dwelling site in the Paleolithic period is exhibited in Osaka Prefecture Chikatsu-Asuka Museum as a historical material.
- そこからは、多数の鍬や鋤の農耕具、斧の柄などの工具、高杯や鉢などの容器類の各種未製品の木製品が多数検出された。
- A lot of farming tools such as hoes and plows, industrial tools such as ax handles, various unfinished wooden containers such as high cups and pots were found in this area.
- 18世紀後半に山田検校が江戸で浄瑠璃風の歌ものを中心とした楽曲の作曲や楽器の改良を行い、山田流の始祖となった。
- In Edo, Yamada Kengyo composed jorui (dramatic narrative chanted with shamisen accompaniment)-style music and improved a pick in the late 18th century, and he became the founder of Yamada school.
- また、重曹処理された高野豆腐は炊飯器に水と一緒に入れて炊くことによって普通の豆腐に近いものを作ることができる。
- Also, by cooking koya-dofu processed with baking soda in a rice cooker together with water, it can make tofu close to the ordinary type.
- かき氷器には粉雪のように細かい粒子のかき氷を削り出すことができるものと氷の薄い切片状のかき氷になるものがある。
- There are two types of ice shaving machines; one is for shaving ice to produce very fine particles of ice like powdered snow and the other to produce small chips of ice.
- 飲用は慢性消化器病に効く(飲泉は、医師の指導を受け、飲用の許可がおりている場所で、注意事項を守って行うこと)。
- Drinking of chloride spring water is effective for chronic digestive diseases (drinking should be done according to instructions from a doctor, at the place where drinking is permitted as well as in compliance with the necessary precautions).
- 千利休はわび茶をさらに発展させ、国産の道具を用いるだけでなく自身で器具を積極的にデザインし、職人につくらせた。
- SEN no Rikyu endeavored to develop wabicha further, and had professionals produce utensils based upon the designs he drew to use for his tea ceremonies in addition to his ordinary Japanese utensils.
- 現在の日本ではこのような方法でご飯を炊いているのは特殊な部類に属し、普通は電気やガスの自動炊飯器が用いられる。
- In present Japan, cooked rice by such a method is special, and an electric or gas powered automatic rice cooker is usually used.
- 尽しもの(主題となる特定の器物や歌枕、地名などの名を連ねて一連の歌詞とした曲群。「何何尽し」という曲名が多い)
- Tsukushimono (a group of songs in which the words consist of a string of specific kibutsu (bowls, containers, utensils or tools), utamakura (place names used in Japanese poetry, which have special meanings, moods, seasons or other references to history associated with them) or place names that are the themes of the songs; the titles usually end with 'tsukushi')
- そういった欠点のない投げ捨て専用の手頃な武器としての手裏剣が、現代に連なる形態で登場したのは室町時代末期である。
- It was in the late Muromachi period that shuriken appeared in the form known today as an affordable weapon specifically for throwing, free of these disadvantages.
- 上槽時、すなわち槽という搾り器を使って醪(もろみ)をしぼるときに、最初にほとばしるように出てくる部分の酒のこと。
- Sake gushing out at the beginning of joso, in other words, when moromi is squeezed using a squeezer called fune
- また、かつては空手以外に棍術(棒術)や節棍術(ヌンチャクなど)といった武器術も併せて修行するのが一般的であった。
- Also, at one time the exercise of 'buki jutsu' (the art of weapons), together with karate, such as 'bo-jutsu,' (the art of using a stick as a weapon) 'sai-jutsu,' (the art of using traditional Okinawan weapon) and 'nunchaku-jutsu' (a traditional martial art with two linked fighting sticks), was long a general practice.
- 三味線音楽の種目ごとに楽器各部や撥、駒 (弦楽器)、弦 (楽器) (糸) に微妙な違いがあるのがその好例である。
- As a typical example, in the case of the Shamisen, slightly different instrument bodies, plectrums, bridges (components of stringed musical instruments) and strings (for musical instruments) are provided for each category of Shamisen music.
- ビジネスモデルとして、機器を販売、ソフトを販売するものが、使用量に応じた課金システムとなっていくことでもあった。
- The business model also changed from selling devices and software to charging based on the amount used.
- また、納豆を容器に入れたままかき混ぜて糸を引くことができるように、底に凹凸が付けられるなどの工夫もなされている。
- A method has been devised to make the bottom of container hubbly so that it is easier to stir the natto in the container until threads appear.
- - もとは摂泉十二郷の銘柄であった『男山』340年の歴史と江戸時代の資料、文献、酒器などが展示、公開されている。
- The history for 340 years of 'Otokoyama' which was one of brands for Sessen Junigo and materials, literatures, sake drinking sets and so on during the Edo Period are exhibited to the public.
- また金剛宝器戒(こんごうほうきかい)といい、この戒律は一度受時すれば破ろうとしても破戒することはできないとされる。
- Kongohokikai cannot be commited transgression once it is accepted.
- 材質は鉄または土が本則とされ木製は禁じられているが、漆をかけたものは鉄製とみなすとして一般には黒塗りの漆器である。
- Principally, oryoki should be iron or earthen instead of wooden, but lacquered ware is deemed to be iron so generally black-lacquered ware is used.
- 火事・天災・破却・戦災(核兵器によるものを含む)で消失した天守を、少なくとも外観は以前の通りに復元したものをいう。
- It refers to a Tenshu which was lost by fire, natural disaster, knockdown, or war damage (including damage by nuclear weapons) and restored to its original state at least in appearance.
- 明治35年(1902年)に舞鶴鎮守府兵器廠の弾丸庫並小銃庫として建設された赤れんが倉庫を再利用した文化施設である。
- The cultural facility is housed in a reused red brick warehouse which was originally built as the Maizuru Naval Arsenal Bullets and Rifles Warehouse in 1902.
- その後中国では、歌口の傾斜が管の外側にあるタイプの縦笛は断絶し、日本でも雅楽の楽器としての尺八は使われなくなった。
- Later years in China saw this type of vertical flute with the blowing edge formed cut outward from the uppermost end of the bamboo disappear, and the shakuhachi also ceased to be used as a gagaku instrument in Japan.
- 元々浴室内部は木造で板張りであったが、近代的でモダンな雰囲気と圧倒的な清潔さから陶器のタイルが好まれ、採用された。
- Although the interior of the bathroom was originally built of wooden boards, ceramic tiles were preferred and adopted amid the preference for a modern atmosphere and, more importantly, cleanliness.
- 胡弓の弓 (楽器)も、ヴァイオリンの弓が機能的に改良されたのとは違って、音色の追求により改良され現在の形になった。
- The bow for the Kokyu (musical instrument) has also been improved by chasing more beautiful tones, while bows for violins have been improved in terms of functionality.
- 宇宙用に設計した固体の光検出器(ゲルマニウム又はシリコンを用いたものを除く。)であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Solid optical detectors designed for space use (excluding those using germanium or silicon) that fall under any of the following
- また東儀の他に、雅楽器も用いた演奏集団、音楽理論の分析・研究に重点を置き現代的雅楽曲を創作する、芸術団体などがある。
- Other than TOGI, there is also a performance group that uses Gagaku instruments and an art group that creates modern Gagaku music with a focus on the analysis and study of music theory, etc.
- そのため、旧石器時代住居・土坑の検出地点は「はさみ山遺跡梨田地点」(はさみやまいせき-なしだちてん)と呼ばれている。
- Therefore, the spot where the dwelling and doko in the Paleolithic period were found is called 'The Nashida spot of the Hasamiyama Remains.'
- 本曲は、「その楽器のみによる楽器本来の楽曲」を意味し、外曲は、「他種目の旋律をその楽器用に編曲した楽曲」を意味する。
- The term honkyoku means, 'music that was originally performed only on a specific instrument and which is the original music played on that instrument,' whereas the term 'gaikyoku' means, 'music of a different type of genre that has been arranged to be played on a specific instrument not originally used in that genre.'
- しかし、柔術には嘉納治五郎が柔術を『徒手もしくは小型の武器を持つ武術』と定義したように、その程度しか共通理念はない。
- However, jujutsu is a martial art with no (or a small) weapon, as Jigoro KANO defined, and this definition describes the minimum common factor of all jujutsu-related martial arts.
- 和楽器ではむしろ室内で耳をこらしてデリケートな音色の変化を賞玩するために、音量よりも音色の洗練、追求に力が注がれた。
- In the case of Wagakki, the sophistication of tones rather than higher sound levels has been pursued so that delicate changes in tones could be enjoyed in a quiet room.
- 捕虜収容所長は、第一項の規定により領置した領置武器等については、これを領置している間、いつでも廃棄することができる。
- The prisoner of war camp commander may destroy retained arms, etc., pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) at any time during his/her retention.
- 有害動物又は有害植物が附着し、又は附着しているおそれがある植物又は容器包装の譲渡又は移動を制限し、又は禁止すること。
- To restrict or prohibit the assignment or transfer of plants, containers or packages to which injurious animals or injurious plants are attached or could be attached;
- 他に、神木(諏訪大社・長野県諏訪市)、人の性器(田縣神社・愛知県小牧市)をかたどったもの、人形を置いたものなどもある。
- The other types of mikoshi include shinboku (the sacred tree) (Suwa Taisha, Suwa City, Nagano Prefecture), the one in the form of human genitalia (Tagata-jinja Shrine, Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture) and the ones with dolls.
- 1880年(明治13年)、発掘調査がなされ、甲冑、刀剣、銅鋺、土器などの出土品は東京国立博物館に収蔵・展示されている。
- Excavation investigation in 1880 found some artifacts such as armors, swords, copper bowls, earthen vessels, which are now stored and exhibited in Tokyo National Museum.
- この遺跡より南に少し離れた地より弥生中期・後期の多量の土器片が発見されており、方形周濠墓や竪穴住居なども出土している。
- However, many pieces of earthenware produced during the mid to the late Yayoi period have been found at the location slightly south to the Makimuku Remains, and other remains, such as tombs surrounded by a square moat and pit-houses, were excavated.
- 祭祀遺跡(穴師ドヨド地区の景行天皇纏向日代宮の伝承地から碧玉製勾玉・石釧・管玉・ガラス小玉、4世紀後半の土器など出土)
- The remains of a ritual place (from the location of Makimuku Hishiro Imperial Palace of Emperor Keiko described by the Imperial tradition, some artifacts have been discovered, such as a jasper Magatama, stone Kushiro, jasper Kudatama (for threaded necklace), glass beads, and the earthenware from the late 4th century.
- 平成11年(1999年)に国の史跡に指定され、ここから出土した土器に描かれていた多層式の楼閣が遺跡内に復元されている。
- In 1999 it was designated as a national historical spot, and a multistory tower drawn on unearthed earthen vessels are restored in the ruins.
- ツィターはヨーロッパの楽器としては一般的なほうではなく、アルプス地方の民俗楽器(特にオーストリア)として扱われている。
- Zither is not a commonly-used musical instrument in Europe, but a folk instrument of the Alpine region (especially Austria).
- 一般に糖蜜等を原料とした発酵液をもとに、連続蒸留器で蒸留して高純度エチルアルコールを生成し、これに加水したものである。
- In general, based on fermentation liquor made from substance like honey, it is distilled by continuous still to produce high-purity ethyl alcohol and water is added.
- 2007年 神戸新聞社の機器故障により、9月22日夕刊・9月23日朝刊の神戸新聞について、紙面制作を京都新聞社で行う。
- 2007: The Kyoto Shimbun Co., Ltd. produced the evening edition of September 22 and the morning edition of September 23 of the Kobe Shimbun News, due to the machine failure on the part of Kobe Shimbun Co.,Ltd.
- 使い捨ての武器としては短刀や打根はやや高価で連続使用に難があり、打矢は携帯するにはかさばり、針は安価だが威力に乏しい。
- Short swords and uchine were somewhat costly and unsuitable for repeated use, uchiya were too bulky to bring along, and needles were inexpensive but lacked force.
- 屠蘇器は、屠蘇散と日本酒・味醂を入れる銚子(ちょうし)、屠蘇を注ぐ盃、重ねた盃をのせる盃台、これらを載せる盆からなる。
- Tosoki consists of a decanter into which tososan, sake and mirin are put, the cups into which toso is poured, a stand on which the cups are arranged in layers, and a tray on which the above items are set.
- 楽器編成は古くは三弦、箏、胡弓の組み合わせが一般的であったが、箏、胡弓、尺八といった組み合わせの三曲合奏も行なわれた。
- The common instrumental trio was sangen (shamisen), koto and kokyu, but occasionally it was koto, kokyu and shakuhachi.
- 広義には、出来合いの市販品としてカップ入りのアイスクリームと同様の器に細かく砕いた氷と各種シロップを混ぜたものも指す。
- In a broad sense, shaved ice covers a ready-made product available on the market that is mixture of finely crushed ice and various syrups in containers similar to ice cream in a cup.
- 沖縄空手の特徴としては、古流空手同様、伝統的な型稽古や鍛錬法の重視、また武器術や取手術の併伝などを挙げることができる。
- Like koryu karate, Okinawa karate is characterized by practice of traditional kata, emphasis on traditional exercise methods, and the complementary use of buki-jutsu (art of weapons) and toitee-jutsu (grappling).
- 自社の店頭やオンライン通信販売ではコーヒー以外にも、コーヒーカップなど食器類・アクセサリといった商品を取り扱っている、
- Tableware such as coffee cups and accessories are offered in addition to coffee through their own shops and an online mail order system.
- しかし、ビニール容器入りの煎茶も、1980年代末期以降、缶入りやペットボトルの烏龍茶や緑茶が普及したため少なくなった。
- However, sencha in the vinyl made container has also declined due to the spread of oolong tea and green tea sold in a can or a plastic bottle since the end of the 1980s.
- 1993年、口縁部直径50~70センチの大型品で有黒斑・有段口縁を持つ器台型埴輪、最古の都月型円筒埴輪が大量に出土した。
- In 1993, many large vessel-stand shaped haniwa whose rims are 50 to 70 centimeters in diameter and has dark spots and tiered rims, and the oldest Totsuki-style cylindrical haniwa were found.
- 玄室内から大量に出土した土師器、須恵器から古墳時代後期、6世紀第4四半期(576~600)の円墳であると推定されている。
- It is estimated that the tumulus is a round barrow from the late Kofun period (tumulus period), between A.D. 576 and A.D. 600, as numerous Haji pottery and Sue pottery were excavated from the burial chamber.
- 現代のかき氷器は鉋状の刃のついた台座の上で氷の塊が回転し、氷をスライス状に削りながら氷の塊を繰り下げていく仕組みをもつ。
- A contemporary ice shaving machine rotates a block of ice on a pedestal, and the block of ice is shaved as it is pressed down against a saw-like blade.
- 大曲で二箇所の手事(楽器だけで奏される器楽間奏部)も音楽的に凝ったもので、転調も頻繁に現れ、技術的にもなかなか難しい曲。
- It was a huge music success and was solid even in two parts of tegoto (partly played with just instruments), changed the key frequently, and is considered a technically difficult piece to play.
- 江戸時代中期以降、大阪の峰崎勾当、三ツ橋勾当らにより器楽部分である手事を重要視した地歌の楽曲形式「手事物」が完成される。
- The mid Edo period and onward saw the completion, by Koto MINEZAKI and Koto MITSUHASHI, of a jiuta musical style called 'tegotomono' in which importance was placed on the instrumental part between songs.
- このような微妙なものに重きを置く考えは非常に根強いもので、現代でもほとんどの和楽器が基本的に江戸時代の姿を変えていない。
- Such a way of thinking, which places emphasis on delicate matters, is still highly respected in modern Japan, and most Wagakki have still basically maintained their original appearance of the Edo period.
- それは常緑樹信仰にも通じ、人間の手の及ばない神秘の力を、花器の上で包括的に管理してしまおうとする試みであったかもしれない。
- This notion parallels in tree worship; maybe it was an attempt to control a mystic power seen as beyond human control, comprehensively in a vase.
- 国宝 1件、国の重要文化財 9件を含む所蔵品は、中国の殷(商)から清まで各時代の青銅器、仏像、書画、陶磁器など多彩である。
- The collection has many different kinds of art works, including one national treasure, nine national important cultural properties, bronze pieces, Buddha statues, paintings, calligraphy, porcelains and ceramics.
- だが、1987年(昭和62)には明日香村雷(いかずち)近辺の「雷丘東方遺跡」で「小治田」と墨書された土器破片が見つかった。
- In 'Ikazuchi no Oka Toho site' around Ikazuchi, Asuka Village, an earthenware fragment with ink inscription of 'Oharida' was found in 1987.
- 三曲合奏とは、三曲の楽器である地歌三味線(三弦)、箏、胡弓の三種の楽器による合奏編成、及びそれにより演奏される音楽をいう。
- 'Sankyoku gasso' means the ensemble made up of 'sankyoku' (instrumental trio); originally, the trio was 'shamisen' (also called 'sangen,' the three-string Japanese banjo) for accompanying 'Jiuta' (songs of the country), 'koto' (the long Japanese zither with thirteen strings) and 'kokyu' (the Chinese fiddle), but it also means the ensemble music itself.
- こだわる人は先に焼酎と水を合わせておき、一日もしくは数日おいて馴染ませたものを黒ぢょか等の酒器にて燗をして飲むこともある。
- Those who are particular about it, leave blended shochu and water for one or a few days until it is blended more and then warm it up in kurorojoka (black pot to make hot shochu) and drink it.
- 弓は狩猟目的の生活道具から殺傷目的の対人武器へと用いられるようになり、弓に対してより高い威力、飛距離を求めた改良が行わる。
- The purpose of the bow shifted from everyday hunting tool to an assassination weapon, and many adjustments were made to shoot with more strength and longer distance.
- 長唄曲に「三曲糸の調」や「三曲松竹梅」があるが、これは三曲を指し、つまり三種の楽器を詠んだもので、三曲合奏の意味ではない。
- In Nagauta (ballads sung to shamisen accompaniment), there are certainly tunes whose titles include sankyoku, such as 'Sankyoku Ito no Shirabe' (The Melody of Sankyoku Strings) and 'Sankyoku Sho-chiku-bai' (literally, Sankyoku Made Up of Pine, Bamboo and Plum Blossom), but the sankyoku embedded in their titles indicates not sankyoku gasso but the three kinds of instruments themselves.
- さらには見えない魔物や魔を祓う、武器や楽器のように使用するものとして、「鳴弦」や現代に伝わる「破魔矢・破魔弓」などがある。
- In addition, 'meigen' (resounding bowstrings), the present 'hamaya' (ritual arrows to drive away devils) and 'hamayumi' (ceremonial bow used to drive off evil) are used as a weapon or musical instrument to exorcize invisible monsters and devils.
- 食材、腕、器のすべてが一級品といわれており、今もこの店には東京のフランス料理店の人たちがわざわざ食べに来るといわれている。
- Chihana uses only first class ingredients, bowls, and dishes, and people who run French restaurants in Tokyo still come all the way to eat at Chihana's.
- かわらけ投げ(かわらけなげ)とは、厄よけなどの願いを掛けて、高い場所から素焼きや日干しの土器の酒杯や皿を投げる遊びのこと。
- 'Kawarake Nage' refers to throwing an unglazed or sunbaked earthen sake cup or dish from a high place, wishing protection from evil and so on.
- また洋楽器が操作機能や音域拡大、分担化の追求により分化、発展したのに比べ、和楽器は音色の追求により分化、発展したといえる。
- Furthermore, it can also be said that while Western musical instruments have developed and diversified through the pursuit of better manipulation features, larger tessitura and higher levels of specialization, Wagakki have developed and diversified through the pursuit of more beautiful tones.
- この違いは顕著で、また近隣の中国や朝鮮の音楽と比べても、和楽器には噪音(倍音以外の音)を多く含む音を出す楽器の比率が高い。
- This difference is conspicuous, and in the case of Wagakki the percentage of instruments that generate sounds, including a large number of noises (or sounds other than harmonic tones), is high, even by comparison to the music of neighboring countries such as China and Korea.
- 電子機器の冷媒用に使用することができる液体であって、フルオロカーボンからなるもののうち、次の(一)及び(二)に該当するもの
- Among liquids usable for cooling electronic devices and made of fluorocarbons, those falling under the following 1. and 2.
- また三種の神器が無い上に、譲国の詔を発する治天の君が不在で、やむなく広義門院を治天とし、即位にこぎつけた後光厳天皇であった。
- And without Sanshu no Jingi (three sacred imperial treasures) and Chiten no Kimi (literally, supreme ruler) who should issue Jokoku no Mikotonori (imperial decree to assign the reign), Emperor Gokogen finally realized his enthronement by making Kogimonin Chiten (ruler).
- 味噌やすり鉢といった調味料や調理器具、あるいは根菜類の煮しめといった調理技法は、日本料理そのものに取り入れられることになる。
- Seasoning, cooking devices and cooking techniques used for Shojin ryori, like fermented soybean paste, earthenware mortar and Nishime (traditional Japanese stewed meal) with root vegetables, were introduced into Japanese cuisine.
- 漆器の表面に漆で絵や文様、文字などを描き、それが乾かないうちに金や銀などの金属粉を「蒔く」ことで器面に定着させる技法である。
- In the technique, pictures, patterns, or letters are drawn with urushi (a Japanese lacquer) on the surface of lacquerware, and metal powder, such as of gold or silver, is sprinkled before the urushi dries to secure the design on the lacquer surface.
- 鉄砲伝来まで弓矢は最有力の武器であったことから重んじられ、的中と矢の威力を高めるため、技術の発展と道具の改良がなされてきた。
- The bow and arrow was highly valued as the most prevailing weapon in Japan before the introduction of firearms, so technique had been developed and their equipment and strength of the arrow improved to improve the hitting ratio.
- 奈良県高山茶筌生産協同組合が、地場産業(茶筅などの竹製の茶器製造)の振興のためにつくられたもので、茶筅製作の実演などがある。
- It was established for Takayama Tea-whisk Manufacturers' Cooperative Association, Nara Prefecture to promote a local industry (Manufacture of bamboo Chaki [tea utensils] including tea-whisk) and holds demonstrations of manufacturing tea-whisks.
- 富本憲吉― 白磁八角壺(1932年)、磁器色絵円に花模様大角飾筥(1941年)、磁器赤地金銀彩羊歯模様蓋付飾壺(1953年)
- Kenkichi TOMIMOTO - Hakuji hakkaku tsubo (white porcelain octangular pot) (1932), Jikiiroeenni hanamoyouookakukazaribako (1941), Jikiakajikinginginsaisidamoyoufutatsukikazaribako (1953).
- 同じ米でも、家庭の炊飯器などで調理して食べる食用米に比べ稈長(稲の背丈)は高くなり、穂長(稲穂の長さ)も長いのが通例である。
- Although both of them are types of rice, compared to food rice, which is cooked and eaten at home using a rice cooker, sakamai usually has a longer stem length (height of the rice plant) and a longer ear length (length of the rice ear).
- その一方で、三味線はその音楽がますます発展し、次々と新しい形式が生み出され、後期にかけて日本音楽の主導権を握る楽器となった。
- Meanwhile, shamisen music continued to develop and new styles were introduced one after another, so it took the lead among Japanese musical instruments until the later Edo period.
- 弓矢から派生したものとして吹き矢・ダーツ(日本では投げ矢という)・クロスボウ(機械弓のこと)・バリスタ (兵器)などがある。
- Various bows and also arrows have been developed from Yumiya such as blowguns, darts (called nageya in Japan), crossbows (machine bow), varistor (weapon) and so on.
- 中でも地歌三味線では、一人の奏者が何個もの駒を持ち、その日の天候、楽器のコンディション、曲の雰囲気などに合わせて使い分ける。
- Particularly, for the Jiuta-shamisens one player carries several bridges and selects the most appropriate one depending on the weather, the condition of the instrument, the nature of the music to be played, etc.
- マイクロ波用機器又はミリ波用機器の部分品であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの(他の貨物に使用するように設計したものを除く。)
- Components of devices using microwaves or millimeter waves that fall under any of the following (excluding those designed for use in other goods)
- 植物防疫官は、必要と認めるときは、輸入される植物及び容器包装につき、船舶又は航空機内で輸入に先立つて検査を行うことができる。
- In the event that the plant protection officer deems necessary, he/she may inspect imported plants and containers or packages in vessels or aircraft prior to importation.
- 同番組では衝撃力、攻撃範囲、扱い易さの3つを兼ね揃えた武器が最強としており、扱いやすく威力の高い武器として刀剣類をあげている。
- In this program, they defined a weapon with the impact strength, target area, and handiness as the strongest, and named swords as weapons which are easy to handle and have strong power.
- 発掘された土器の中で多数を占めるのは地元のものだが、関東系土師器もあり、飛鳥III式と呼ばれる畿内系土師器も少数出土している。
- Most of the unearthed potteries were local ones, but some were Kanto-style Haji potteries and a small number of Kinai-style Haji potteries called Asuka type III were also found.
- しかし他の楽器との演奏は法令により表向き禁止されていたらしいが、実際にはすでに18世紀末に尺八が加わった三曲合奏図が見られる。
- Though it seemed the ensemble of shakuhachi and other instruments was officially prohibited by law, a picture in those days shows us that in fact the shakuhachi was already participating in sankyoku gasso at the end of the 18th century.
- また三曲に属する箏曲の中でも、筑紫箏、及び八橋流箏曲は三曲合奏以前の音楽を伝えているので、まったく他楽器との合奏を行なわない。
- Of all the pieces of Sokyoku (koto music), both of Tsukushi-goto (the refined and elegant Sokyoku composed during the Azuchi-Momoyama period, which became the origin of Sokyoku in the early modern age) and the Yatsuhashi school of Sokyoku perform the music before sankyoku gasso, so they aren't to be played with other instruments.
- このように三曲合奏が多音的な展開を見せたのも、地歌の手事もの、箏曲の段もの、胡弓本曲など器楽的な発展が著しかったからであろう。
- Sankyoku gasso developed in such a polyphonic way probably because there was much development in instrumental works, such as Jiuta's 'tegotomono' (pieces with long instrumental interludes called 'tegoto'), koto music's 'danmono' (leveled pieces) and kokyu music's 'honkyoku' (pieces composed in the early days).
- このためかき氷器の製造メーカーはブロックアイス用からキューブアイス用に移行し、粉雪状のかき氷と薄い切片状のかき氷に二分された。
- Therefore, manufacturers of the ice shaving machine shifted from machine for block ice to machines for producing cubed ice and shaved ice is divided into two types, powdered snow and small chips of ice.
- 専用の「温泉卵製造機」が市販されているが、保温性のある発泡スチロール容器などを利用して作ることもできる(家庭での作り方参照)。
- Specialized 'Onsen egg cookers' are available however they can be made by using a container that retains heat such as a polystyrene container (see 'How to make onsen eggs at home').
- 1865年フランスの画家ブラックモンが陶器の包み紙であった『北斎漫画』を友人らに見せて回ったことで印象派に大きな影響を与えた。
- In 1865, the French painter Bracquemond showed his friends 'Hokusai Manga,' which were on the wrapping papers of earthenware goods, and ultimately this had a great influence on the Impressionists.
- さらに、工業的な製法として、豆乳を一旦冷やし、凝固剤といっしょにプラスチック容器に流し込んでから加熱して固める充填豆腐もある。
- Furthermore, as an industrial production process, juten dofu (filled tofu) is made through the processes of chilling soy milk, putting the chilled soy milk into a plastic container with a coagulant, and curding it by heating.
- 植物検疫についての政府機関を有しない国から輸入する植物及びその容器包装であるためこの章の規定により特に綿密な検査が行われるもの
- Plants and their containers or packages that are imported from countries having no governmental organizations for plant quarantine, for which particularly careful inspection is carried out pursuant to the provision of this Chapter;
- なお、『大鏡』に伝えられている道隆の弟・藤原道長と嫡男・藤原伊周が弓 (武器)の勝負をしたとされているのが道隆時代の南院である。
- According to 'Okagami' (a book on Japanese historical tales), it is said that FUJIWARA no Michinaga, a younger brother of Michitaka and FUJIWARA no Korechika, heir to Michitaka, fought with bows and arrows (weapons) in the nanin hall in the Michitaka era.
- はさみ山遺跡(はさみやまいせき)は、大阪府藤井寺市に所在する旧石器時代 (日本)~近世の各時代の遺構や遺物が見つかった複合遺跡。
- Located in Fujiidera City, Osaka Prefecture, the Hasamiyama Remains are compound remains where remains and relics in various periods from the Paleolithic period (in Japan) to the early-modern times have been found.
- また、特殊なものとして、陶棺(陶製の棺桶)や寺院の屋根に飾られる鴟尾(しび)、官衙などで使用される硯などの陶器も製造されていた。
- What is more, to name special things, tokan (ceramic coffin), shibi (ornamental ridge-end tile) with which the roof of a temple was decorated, and earthenware like a suzuri (ink stone) which was used in government offices were made, too.
- しかし、陵墓指定範囲の外側の周辺部での発掘調査によって、墳丘の裾の幅10mの周濠の底から布留0式(ふるぜろしき)土器が出土した。
- However, the Furu 0-style earthenware was excavated from the bottom of the 10-meter-wide surrounding moat at the foot of the burial mound in the excavation research, in the vicinity outside the area specified as the imperial mausoleum.
- 尺八はフルートと同じく、奏者が自らの口形(マウスピース (楽器)アンブシュア)によって吹き込む空気の束を調整しなければならない。
- In the same manner as with the flute, the shape into which a player forms his or her mouth (mouthpiece (instrument) embouchure) must be used to adjust to the speed of the air stream blown into the shakuhachi.
- 例えば、『源氏物語』などの古文では、「琴」は、この項で説明している琴(きん)のほかに、箏、琵琶などすべての撥弦楽器を指している。
- For instance, in ancient writing such as 'Genji Monogatari,' 'Koto' indicates all plucked string instruments such as 'So (箏) no Koto' and Biwa (a four-string Japanese lute) besides 'Kin (琴) no Koto,' which is explained in this paragraph.
- 酛桶は、最近では高品質のステンレス鋼のものが多く、どうみても「タンク」といった風体だが、醸造器としてはあくまでも「酛桶」という。
- Recently, motooke made of high-quality stainless steel is mainly used and, although it looks like a 'tank, 'it is called 'motooke' as a piece of equipment used for sake brewing.
- 現在では駅弁とともに売られるお茶は、ビニール容器入りから大手メーカーのペットボトルや缶入りのお茶にほぼ取って代わられたといえる。
- At present, tea sold in a vinyl made container with Ekiben was mostly replaced by that sold in a can or a plastic bottle produced by major manufacturers.
- 航空機搭載用に設計したものであって、シリコンを用いた検出器以外の検出器を用いたもののうち、瞬時視野が二・五ミリラジアン未満のもの
- Among mono-spectrum image sensors or multi-spectrum image sensors designed for installation in aircraft using non-silicon detectors, those the instant field of vision of which is less than 2.5 milliradians
- 以降は日本古来の武術、弓 (武器)の中でも長弓に分類される和弓を用いて矢を射る日本の弓術のことを述べ、またこれを指して弓術とする。
- Japanese Kyujutsu is the art of shooting a bow (Wakyu -Japanese bow classified as Chokyu, or long bow), and arrow.
- 三種の楽器(地歌三味線、箏、胡弓)が合奏される由来は、もともとこれらがすべて当道座に属する盲人音楽家が扱う楽器であったからである。
- Ensembles of three types of instruments (shamisen, koto and kokyu) began to be played, because all these instruments were originally played by the blind musicians who belonged to Todo-za, the traditional guild for the blind.
- 八橋検校の箏作品には「箏組歌」(箏伴奏付き歌曲)と「段物」(器楽曲)の二種があり、いずれも整然とした楽式構造を持つのが特徴である。
- Kengyo YATSUHASHI produced two types of work, i.e. 'So-kumiuta' (songs accompanied by koto) and 'Danmono' (solo instrumental music for koto), both featuring well-organized musical structures.
- 弥生時代から存在する和琴 (わごん)などを除き、ほとんどの楽器は中国大陸伝来 (胡弓は不明) のものに変化が加えられたものである。
- Most Wagakki were produced by modifying the original instruments introduced from the Asian continent, except for those such as the Wagon, which have been present since the Yayoi period (it is unknown whether the Kokyu originated from the Asian continent).
- 重箱を使うものは大正時代に登場し、漆器を使うなど高級な印象を与えることを狙ったようで、現在でも鰻丼と比べると価格が高い傾向がある。
- The jubako box made its appearance during the Taisho period, and lacquer or other material was used in an effort to create the impression of luxury, so that even today unaju in a jubako box tends to be more expensive than unadon or unagi-donburi in a bowl.
- 名器を並べて観賞し、茶の産地を飲み当てる茶は、その流行のなかから次第に茶をたてて飲む行為そのものに、精神的意義を認めるようになった。
- In the first style of tea ceremony, the place where the tea was produced was guessed while enjoying beautifully made tea cups, but later the action of drinking the tea itself came to be valued mentally through its prevalence.
- 日本刀は、「武士の魂」、神器としての精神的、宗教的価値や美術的価値が重視される一方で、戦場ではそれほど活躍しなかったとする説がある。
- Japanese swords were 'the very soul of the samurai' and its mental and religious value as sacred treasures and artistic value were emphasized, but on the other hand, it is said that they didn't achieve much on the battlefields.
- 1986年に吉備的な特殊器台の破片の発見によって、古墳発生期まで遡る可能性の指摘された中山大塚古墳(120メートル、県史跡)がある。
- This group also includes the 120m Nakayama Otsuka tumulus (designated as a historical site by the prefecture), where broken pieces of a tokushu-kidai (ceremonial vessel stand) specific to the Kibi area were found in 1986, and based on the discovery, it was pointed out that the tumulus may have been constructed in the era when kofun tumuli started being constructed.
- 次に、具象的な図柄では盾・靱(ゆぎ)・甲冑・刀・船などの武器・武具・その他の器物や人物・馬・鳥・蟾蜍(ひきがえる)・朱雀などである。
- Next, concrete designs are the weapon and panoply such as shields, ligaments, armors, swords, ships and so on, the other properties, people, horses, birds, hikigaeru (frog), and Suzaku (red Chinese phoenix).
- 奏者の動作としては楽器と下顎(下唇よりやや下)との接点を支点にして顎を引く(沈める)と「メリ」になり、顎を浮かせると「カリ」になる。
- With respect to the movements of the player, if the player pulls back and down (withdraws) the point on which the shakuhachi rests (point on the lower jaw between the chin and lower lip), a meri effect is produced, and if the player extends the lower jaw, a kari effect is produced.
- また「梓弓」等季語として和歌にも詠まれるように人々にとって弓は武器以上の精神的な意味を持つようになり、神器としての特色も深めていく。
- In addition, 'azusayumi' (a bow made of Japanese cherry birch) began to be used as a kigo (a season word) in waka (a traditional Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables), and the bow began to develop spiritual aspect into a holy tool rather than being just a weapon.
- すりおろす道具としては、酸素と触れなければ辛味が出てこないため、細胞を細かく摩砕できるサメの皮で作られたおろし器が良いとされている。
- Because the pungent taste of wasabi is emitted only through exposure to oxygen, the recommended grater is one that can finely mash the cells, such as one made of shark skin.
- 入手困難な素材の中から楽器に良い条件をみたすわずかな一部分を選んで作っている貴重な竹であるので、失敗は許されない緊張と迷いが生じる。
- Such precious bamboo are from a small portion of selected materials that are difficult to obtain that meet the requirements for making good instruments, so tension and hesitation occurs as no mistakes can be allowed.
- 又、弦楽器に関しては当初は和琴・楽箏両方の譜面が用意されたが、俗箏でも構わないとされたことから箏での演奏が普及し、現在に至っている。
- Music for stringed instruments was originally written for both the six-stringed wagon and the thirteen-stringed gakugoto but since the use of zokuso (common koto) was permitted, the koto has become more popular.
- いっぽうこの頃から、歌ばかりでなく、「さらし」「三段獅子」「六段恋慕」など、歌の間にまとまった器楽部分を持つ曲が作られるようになる。
- However, from this time on the composition of not only songs but also pieces with instrumental music sections between songs emerged, such as 'Sarashi' (Bleached Cloth), 'Sandan Jishi' (Triple Lion) and 'Rokudan Renbo.'
- この節に規定するもののほか、容器検査の手続、附属品検査の手続その他この節の規定の実施に関し必要な手続的事項は、経済産業省令で定める。
- In addition to what is provided for in this Section, procedures for container inspection, procedures for accessories inspection and other necessary procedural matters for carrying out the provisions of this Section shall be prescribed by an Ordinance of METI.
- 指定部隊長又は抑留資格認定官は、第一項の規定により領置した領置武器等については、これを領置している間、いつでも廃棄することができる。
- The designated unit commanders or the recognition officers of internment status may destroy detained arms, etc., retained pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) at any time during their retention.
- 一〇〇ヘルツ以上の帯域幅で光の走査、追尾若しくは安定化又は光共振器の調整を行うものであって、その精度が一〇マイクロラジアン以下のもの
- Optical components which are used to scan, track or stabilize light at bandwidths of 100 hertz or more or coordinate optical resonators, and the precision of which is 10 microradians or less
- 二酸化炭素レーザー発振器(ふっ化重水素からの励起移動によって励起するように設計したものを除く。)であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Carbon dioxide laser oscillators (excluding those designed to excite by excitation transfer from deuterium fluoride) which fall under any of the following
- そんな時に日本刀の「武士の魂」、神器としての精神的、宗教的価値や美術的価値がある意味現実的な力として求められたとしても不思議ではない。
- In such time, it is no wonder that 'the very soul of the samurai' of Japanese swords, the mental and religious value as sacred treasures and the artistic value are needed as realistic force, in a way.
- 液化石油ガス法第二条第七項に規定する液化石油ガス器具等の製造又は販売の事業を行う者及び液化石油ガス法第六十二条の二第一項の認定検査機関
- A person conducting the business of manufacture or sale of LPG appliances or other products as provided for in paragraph (7) of Article 2 of the LPG Act or an Authorized Verification Agency under paragraph (1) of Article 62-2 of the same Act;
- 瀬戸内市内には古墳時代から平安時代にかけての須恵器窯跡が点在し、「邑久古窯跡群」と呼ばれており、中四国地方最大の須恵器生産地であった。
- The city of Setouchi is dotted with the kiln sites of Sueki from the Kofun period to the Heian period, and they are called 'Oku koyoseki-gun' (Oku old kiln site group), which was the largest place of production of Sueki in the Chugoku and Shikoku region.
- はさみ山遺跡の旧石器時代住居は移動生活主体で住居としては洞穴や岩陰遺跡が多かったとみられる時代のものとしてはきわめて稀少なものである。
- It is considered that in the Paleolithic period, people's lives were mobile, and they were likely to live in caves or behind rocks, and that therefore, such a site as the Hasamiyama Remains was quite rare in that period.
- しかし乱取が競技化したことにより (組み付いた状態での) 投げ技と寝技の乱取稽古に特化し、当身技や対武器の技術は形稽古のみで行われた。
- However, the style of randori (freestyle practice) was incorporated into the competition of judo, and judo became specialized in randori of throwing and ground grappling techniques (in a physical contact), while body-striking and counter-weapon techniques were used only in kata geiko (practice of 'kata' [pre-arranged forms of offense and defense]).
- 一度目は尚真王(在位1476年 - 1526年)の時代に実施され、このとき、国中の武器が集められて王府で厳重に管理されることになった。
- The first kinmu seisaku was implemented during the time of King Sho Shin (who reigned from 1476 to 1526), whereby weapons across the nation were collected and strictly controlled by the Kingdom.
- 弦楽器は現在でも絹糸の弦にこだわるが(箏は経済的な事情でポリエステルが多くなった)、これも絹糸でしか出せない音色を尊重するからである。
- Silk strings are still used in most stringed Wagakki (although, for the So, polyester strings are becoming common for economic reasons), and this is because beautiful tones, which can be generated only by silk strings, are highly appreciated.
- 日本の文化の集大成の場でもあり、会席料理・食器和食器・数寄屋造り・日本庭園・美術品・家具・芸妓・邦楽などの正統派の日本文化を堪能できる。
- It is a place compiled of Japanese culture such as feast cuisines, tableware, plates and utensils for Japanese cuisine, tea-ceremony room style of building, Japanese garden, work of art, furniture, geisha (Japanese professional female entertainer in kimono at drinking party), and Japanese music, where one can enjoy the orthodox traditional Japanese culture to the full.
- 日本における最初の文化財関連法令と見なされるのは1871年(明治4年)の太政官布告「古器旧物保存方」(こききゅうぶつほぞんかた)である。
- In Japan, the earliest ordinance concerning cultural properties is the 'Edict for the Preservation of Antiquities and Old Items,' which was announced by the early Meiji government in 1871.
- 後に、薩摩武士らは海軍の要職を占めるが、この気質をもとにドイツ等で当時の最新の砲術兵器を学び一発でしとめる名手が海軍大将などを歴任した。
- Later, Satsuma warriors held important posts in the Navy, and based on this nature, experts to defeat at the first attempt who learned the latest gunnery weapons of the day in Germany or other countries succesively held the posts including Full Admiral.
- 本来大鼓は小鼓の連調から発展してきた楽器であるといわれ、初期には鼓方の若手が大鼓にまわって小鼓の伴奏をしたのではないかと考えられている。
- It is said that a big drum was originally a musical instrument that evolved from a small hand drum and in early days it is thought that younger drummers accompanied the small hand drums by playing the big drums.
- 「献物帳」記載の品がそのまま現存しているわけではなく、武器類、薬物、書巻、楽器などは必要に応じて出蔵され、そのまま戻らなかった品も多い。
- Not all the items listed on Kenmotsu Cho still exist, and many of them, such as weapons, medicines, books and musical instruments, were taken out of the warehouses when they were needed but never returned.
- 投げ、固めの技法から、当身技や武器術も含む技法を網羅した武道を目指したものが柔道であった (前期柔道として現代柔道と区別する者もいる)。
- Originally, judo aimed to be the martial art covering the techniques from throwing, grappling, body-striking, to weapon-handling; some call this the pre-modern judo to distinguish it from the modern judo.
- こうした用法から、世界各地で弓は弦楽器の起源の1つとなったと考えられ、儀式に用いる弓矢ではなく、本来の弓を楽器として用いる場合もあった。
- Judging from this practice, a bow can be thought as one of the origins of string instruments in various parts of the world and the original bow was sometimes used as a string instrument instead of the Yumiya used for ceremonies.
- おもりの重さによって音色も変わって来るので、地歌の演奏家は普通、楽器の癖、皮の張り具合、天候、曲調などに合わせいくつもの駒を使い分ける。
- The amount of weight affects the sound, and therefore jiuta performers usually use koma of various types depending on the character of the instrument, the tension in the leather, the weather and the melody of the music.
- その一方で「残月」「越後獅子」「吾妻獅子」「梅の月」など、手事を技巧的で長いものとし、三味線が器楽的に大いに活躍する曲をも多数作曲した。
- However, he also wrote many pieces such as 'Zangetsu' (A Morning Moon), 'Echigo Jishi' (Lion of Echigo), 'Azuma Jishi' (Lion of Azuma) and 'Ume no Tsuki' (Plum Moon) in which the tegotomono is long and technical, and in which the shamisen is a featured instrument.
- 波長可変レーザー発振器以外の固体レーザー発振器(アトミックトランジション固体レーザー発振器を含む。)であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Solid-state laser oscillators other than variable wavelength laser oscillators (including atomic transition solid state laser oscillators) which fall under any of the following
- 第五十条第四項の制限に違反して容器再検査若しくは附属品再検査を行つた者又は第五十六条の六の四第二項の制限に違反して特定設備の検査を行つた者
- A person who has conducted the reinspection of containers or accessories in violation of the restriction under paragraph (4) of Article 50 or a person who has conducted the inspection of Designated Equipment in violation of the restriction under paragraph (2) of Article 56-6-4;
- 全国的には、現在わかっている日本最古の住居跡が見つかったことで知られ、そこでは後期旧石器時代の住居の構造が明らかになったことが特筆される。
- Nationally, the remains are known as a place where the oldest-in-Japan dwelling site was found, and in particular, the structure of a dwelling in the latter part of the Paleolithic period was made clear there.
- これらの四種の音楽のうちで、三種の楽器編成で合奏されるのが現在言われる「三曲合奏」であるが、それと「三曲」の概念との前後関係は不明である。
- What we call sankyoku gassou today is the ensemble made up of the three kinds of instruments out of the above-mentioned four, but it isn't clear which concept came first, 'sankyoku gasso' or 'sankyoku.'
- 電子機器の部分品として用いる基板であって、ダイヤモンドからなる薄膜又は炭化けい素を用いたものの設計又は製造に係る技術(プログラムを除く。)
- The technology (excluding programs) pertaining to the design or manufacture of substrates used as components of electronic devices that use thin films made of diamond or silicon carbide
- 農林水産大臣は、第一項の規定による譲与、譲渡及び貸付の目的に供するため、常に、これに必要な薬剤及び防除用器具の整備に努めなければならない。
- For serving the purpose of disposition, transfer and lending pursuant to the provision of paragraph 1, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries shall make an effort to administrate necessary chemicals and the Equipment for Control at any time.
- 模写は1940年(昭和15年)から始まり、金堂内では、当時日本では軍事用以外には使われていなかった最新機器である蛍光灯が照明として使われた。
- In the reproduction started from 1940, fluorescent lamp, which was the latest illumination at the time and only for military purposes in Japan, was used for lighting in the Kondo.
- 如意宝珠とは全ての願いを叶えるものであり、法輪は元来古代インドの武器であったチャクラムが転じて、煩悩を破壊する仏法の象徴となったものである。
- Nyoi hoju fulfills all hopes and Horin is a Buddhist symbol to destroy Bonno (earthly desires), and which was transformed from Chakuram, a weapon in ancient India originally.
- 能の囃子(能楽囃子)に用いられる楽器は、笛(能管)、小鼓(こつづみ)、大鼓(おおかわ、大皮とも称する)、太鼓(たいこ、締太鼓)の4種である。
- The musical instruments used by the Noh musicians (Noh gaku-hayashi) have 4 types: flute (Noh pipe), small hand drum (kotsuzumi), big drum (ohkawa, also called 'big skin'), and side drum (taiko).
- 石室の内部には、一見木棺のようであるが細部を検討すると木櫃(もくひつ)とした方がよい大きな木製容器が置かれて、約4キロの朱が納められていた。
- Inside the stone chamber, there was a large wooden container to be looking like a wooden coffin at a glance but better to be regarded as a Mokuhitsu (wooden chest) by a detailed study and about four kilograms of Shu (vermillion) was stored in it.
- 2002年には古美術商店「不言堂」創業者坂本五郎から寄贈された大量の中国古代青銅器の展示スペースが本館付属棟(元は収蔵庫)に開設されている。
- In 2002, a space for exhibiting a large amount of Chinese ancient bronze wares donated by Goro SAKAMOTO, the founder of an antique art shop 'Fugendo,' was established in the Annex attached to the Original Museum Building (originally a repository).
- 日常雑器の中に新たな美を見つけ茶の湯に取り込もうとする彼らの態度は、後に柳宗悦等によって始められた「民芸」の思想にも一脈通ずるところがある。
- They discovered new beauty in daily pottery tried to incorporate it into the tea ceremony and their attitudes were also along the same line with the thought of 'mingei' (folkcraft) started later by Muneyoshi YANAGI.
- 和楽器の場合、弦楽器は糸 (絹糸) を用い、管楽器は竹でできているので、楽器、ひいては音楽を「糸竹 (いとたけ・しちく)」と呼ぶこともある。
- Because strings (silk strings) are used in stringed Wagakki and bamboo are used in wind Wagakki, the Wagakki, and even music played by them, are sometimes referred to as 'Ito-take or shi-chiku,' which means 'strings and bamboo.'
- 今日では日本刀は武器ではなく、居合/居合といった武道用の道具、絵画や陶器と同格の立派な美術品であり、その目的でのみ製作・所有が認められている。
- Today, Japanese swords are not weapons, but tools for martial arts such as Iai, and decent art objects same as paintings and pottery, and the production and possession are allowed only for such purposes.
- 京都府立陶板名画の庭(きょうとふりつとうばんめいがのにわ)は京都市左京区下鴨にあり古今の名画を陶器の板に転写して展示している屋外美術館である。
- Garden of Fine Art, Kyoto is an outdoor art museum exhibiting ceramic plates on which great pictures of all ages are copied, located in Shimogamo, Sakyo-ku Ward, Kyoto City.
- この鰹節削り器は、大工道具の鉋を刃を上向きにして小箱に据え付けたもので、小箱には引き出しがついており、削った鰹節が取り出せるようになっている。
- This implement, converted from a carpenter's plane, had a small box in which the blade was positioned upward, and the small box had a drawer from which the shaved katsuobushi pieces were removed.
- 遺跡から発掘される土器に描かれている絵や魏志倭人伝の倭人に関する記述に『兵器は……木弓を使用し、その木弓は下部が短く、上部が長くなっている。』
- According to the pictures on potteries discovered in archeological remains and Gishi Wajinden (Records of the Wa people (Japanese), Chronicle of Wei), Wa people had 'weapons...that are wooden bows and the bow is shorter at the bottom and longer at toward top.'
- 敵の武器が届かない距離を保ちながら攻撃をし、着実に敵を後退、飛び道具を持たない敵兵は弓騎兵の攻撃下では手も足も出ずに士気を奪われ隊列を乱した。
- They remained at a distance from the enemy and attacked them where the enemy could not fight back, they made sure to let the enemy go backwards, while it reduced the morale of the enemies to fight back since they had no shooting weapon and could not do anything to fight against the archery cavalry soldiers.
- 中国のもので非常に珍しく、矢ではなく球を放つ弓で、元は武器であったが、日本の猿楽の起源の一つである唐の散楽の見世物や庶民の遊技として使われた。
- It is a very unique bow in China which shoots a ball instead of an arrow, and it was used in the performance of Sangaku of Tang which was one of the origins of sarugaku (form of theatre popular in Japan during the eleventh to the fourteenth centuries) or for the pleasure of the common people, although it was originally a weapon.
- 壁により敵の侵入を防ぎながら、塔から高さを生かした攻撃を行うもので、重力を利用すれば、弓矢の威力は増し、単なる石や丸太も武器と化すことができた。
- Enemies were prevented from entering the walls and the enemies were attacked from towers by taking advantage of their height, which increased the power of arrows, while simple stones and logs could be used as weapons when gravity was used.
- その点、このブーム以前の洋楽における邦楽器の使われ方として多かった「別に箏でなくてもピアノやハープでも代用できる洋楽流の書法」とは一線を画する。
- In this sense, it is completely different from 'using Soh in substitute for piano and/or harp,' which was a common way of using traditional Japanese instruments in western music before the boom started.
- 盛平伝承の合気道は、剣杖など武器による武術を豊富に伝えていながら、古来の武術と一線を画して、万有愛護と宇宙の生成に寄与するためという意識が強い。
- Aikido, as handed down by Morihei, teaches many martial arts using weapons such as swords and cane staffs, but it draws its lineage from the ancient martial arts and has a strong sense of loving and protecting all things, as well as to contribution to the formation of the universe.
- 盆とは文字通り、本来は霊に対する供物を置く容器をも意味するため、供物を備え祀られる精霊の呼称となり、盂蘭盆と混同されて習合したともいう説もある。
- Bon' originally meant a container for offerings to souls of the departed, then also came to refer to the spirits themselves, becoming synonymous with Urabon.
- その偽装には傘仏(傘の形の桐材の容器に親鸞の御影の掛け軸を収めた)やまな板仏(まな板に似せた蓋つきの薄い木箱に本尊の掛け軸を納めた)などがあった。
- Among the various forms of camouflage, there were Kasabotoke (Umbrella Buddha) (the hanging scroll with the portrait of Shinran was stored within a container shaped as an umbrella) and Manaita Hotoke (cutting-board Buddha) (the hanging scroll with the principle image was stored within a thin wooden box shaped like a cutting board).
- 衣食住、生業、信仰、年中行事等に関する風俗慣習、民俗芸能、民俗技術及びこれらに用いられる衣類、器具、家屋その他の物件は民俗文化財と定義されている。
- Folk cultural properties are defined as being the folk customs, public entertainments and traditional skills, and the associated costumes, tools and stages related to the indispensables such as foods, clothing, housings, livelihoods, beliefs and annual events.
- 古代中国の青銅器・古鏡・古銅印、拓本類と、中国・高麗・李氏朝鮮・ 日本の陶磁器、田能村竹田の画帖「亦復一楽帖(またまたいちらくちょう)」等がある。
- They include bronze wares, old mirrors, kodoin (ancient bronze seals) and engraved prints of ancient China, ceramic wares of China, Goryeo, Yi Dynasty Korea and Japan, and 'Mata Mata Ichirakucho' (Little Pleasures), Gajo (an album of paintings) of Chikuden TANOMURA.
- 『古事記』などに「こと」を弾く場面がしばしば登場するように、本来「こと」は古くから日本に存在しており、呪術用の楽器として使用された様子がみられる。
- As shown in 'Kojiki' (The Records of Ancient Matters), in which the scene of playing the 'koto' frequently appears, 'Koto' has existed in Japan since ancient times, apparently used as a musical instrument for witching purposes.
- 後になっていわゆる民生用も誕生するオープンリール・テープレコーダーであるが、この時期はまだ業務用として最先端の機器であり非常に高価なものであった。
- Although consumer open reel tape recorders were produced later, it was the state-of-the-art equipment for professional use, and therefore it was very expensive at the time.
- 近年は歌唱にとどまらず、ブレーンの吹奏楽CD「マイナス・ワン」シリーズのように特定の楽器のソロパートを除いた「楽器演奏用のカラオケ」も現れている。
- Recently, there are not only karaoke for singing, but also 'karaoke for an instrument' that excludes a solo part for a particular instrument, like 'Minus One' series of wind orchestra CD from BRAIN MUSIC.
- 弥生時代時代に入ると狩猟生活から稲作へと人々の生活が変化、それに伴い土地や水源確保のため領地争いが盛んになり、戦いの場で弓矢も武器として使用される。
- In the Yayoi Period life changed from hunting and gathering to rice farming, which led to many problems on lands in order to getting field and water, so the bow and arrow developed into weapons on the battlefield.
- 具体的には1964年ごろより洋楽系の現代音楽の作曲家の間での「邦楽器ブーム」により、洋楽系現代音楽の中に箏を含む邦楽器が広く用いられるようになった。
- Under 'the boom of traditional Japanese instruments' that started from 1964 among the composers of contemporary western music, varieties of traditional Japanese instruments including Soh were introduced in contemporary western music.
- また、本場中国の茶器「唐物」がもてはやされ、大金を使って蒐集し、これを使用して盛大な茶会を催すことが大名の間で流行した(これを「唐物数寄」と呼ぶ)。
- In addition, genuine Chinese tea utensils called 'karamono' (things imported from China) were praised at that time, and it became popular among daimyo (feudal lords) to collect them in quantity and hold tea parties using these (this was called 'karamono suki' (the taste for karamono)).
- 木・竹・皮など天然素材を生かしたものが多く、近代・現代西洋音楽の複雑な機構を備えたピアノやベーム式フルートなどの楽器と比較すると、構造は簡潔である。
- Many Wagakki are made of natural materials such as wood, bamboo, leather, etc., and are simpler in structure than musical instruments such as pianos or Boehm flutes, which have a complicated structure required for Western music of the early modern and modern eras.
- 粗製土器片やサヌカイト片に混じって砂岩製の石棒破片が土偶や深鉢などがこの遺跡のあちこちから出土していて、縄文時代の集落が営まれていたと考えられている。
- In addition to the crude earthenware pieces and Sanukite pieces (musical instrument), other products, such as stone curved sticks, earthen figure sculptures, deep pot pieces, were excavated throughout the area of the remains, which suggests the existence of a village at this location during the Jomon period.
- 敵に武器を投げつけて、傷つけたり、自分の危難を逃れようとする技法は古くからあったが、その際に使う武器は飛礫(つぶて)や短刀、打根、打矢、針などだった。
- There had long been methods of escaping danger or hurting an enemy by throwing weapons at them, but the weapons used were tsubute (throwing stones), short swords, uchine (throwing arrows), uchiya (throwing arrows), and needles among other weapons.
- また、20~25分間70~75度に湯の温度を保って卵を茹でれば温泉卵はでき、容器に拘る必要はないが沸騰や温度の降下に至らないように工夫する要領が要る。
- Furthermore, if you boil an egg for 20 to 25 minutes at between 70 to 75 degrees, you can make an onsen egg without the necessity for a container, however it is necessary to have a way of maintaining the boiling and temperature.
- 一七・五メガパスカルを超える吐出圧のターボポンプ若しくはその部分品又は当該ターボポンプのためのガス発生器若しくはエクスパンダーサイクルタービン駆動装置
- Gas generators or expander cycle turbine drive units for turbine pumps or components thereof with a discharge pressure of more than 17.5 megapascals or for turbine pumps therefor
- 外為令別表の一〇の項(四)の経済産業省令で定める技術は、超高出力レーザー発振器の試験装置の設計、製造又は使用に必要な技術(プログラムを除く。)とする。
- The technology specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in row 10 (iv) of the appended table Foreign Exchange Order shall be technology (excluding programs) necessary for the design, manufacture or use of test equipment for extra high output laser oscillators.
- 無線周波数分析器であって、三一・八ギガヘルツ超三七・五ギガヘルツ以下の周波数を分析することができ、三デシベルの分解能帯域幅が一〇メガヘルツを超えるもの
- Wireless frequency analyzers capable of analyzing frequencies exceeding 31.8 gigahertz and 37.5 gigahertz or less and for which the resolution bandwidth for 3 decibels exceeds 10 megahertz
- ただし空襲で使用された焼夷弾とは屋根を貫通したあと内部で発火する兵器のため、屋根に焼夷弾が直撃した場合は、外壁は無事でも内部が焼け落ちたという例も多い。
- However, the fire bombs used in the air raids were weapons which caught fire after penetrating roofs, so in cases where the firebombs directly hit the roof, there were many examples in which the outer walls remained intact, while the inside was burnt out.
- 特にヴァイオリンとの演奏はフランスの女性ヴァイオリニスト、ルネ・シュメーにより広く演奏され、作品はもちろん宮城道雄の名と箏という楽器を世界的に紹介した。
- He played this piece together with French violinist Renee Chemet at various places and introduced not only this piece of music, but also his name Michio MIYAGI as well as musical instrument Soh around the world.
- 尺八は本来虚無僧の占有楽器であり、娯楽よりは宗教行為のひとつとして演奏されてきたが、江戸時代中期に黒沢琴古が出て、宗教音楽から世俗音楽への道が開かれた。
- Originally, the shakuhachi was exclusively owned by 'komuso' (a mendicant Zen priest of the Fuke sect), and its performance was deemed part of religious activities instead of entertainment, but in the middle of the Edo period Kinko KUROSAWA changed it from an instrument for religious music to one for secular music.
- 特に民間で行われた普茶料理は、長崎の卓袱料理とも影響し合い、テーブルクロスや貴重なガラス製のワイングラスや水差し、洋食器が用いられる事もしばしばあった。
- Of note fucha ryori served at ordinary restaurants and shippoku dish (a Japanized Chinese dish served on large plates from which diners help themselves) from Nagasaki influenced each other mutually, and a tablecloth, wineglasses made of expensive glass, a water jug, and Western tableware were often used.
- 特に民間で行われた普茶料理は、長崎の卓袱料理とも影響し合い、テーブルクロスや貴重なガラス製のワイングラスや水差し、洋食器が用いられることもしばしばあった。
- With the reciprocal effects of Shippoku cuisine (a delectable melange of Western, Chinese and Japanese cuisine)from Nagasaki, Fucha ryori cuisine in civilian society often used tablecloths, vitreous wine glasses and decanters that were precious at the time, and also other western tableware.
- 建物は1903年(明治36年)に竣工した旧大日本帝国海軍の兵器廠魚形水雷庫のを改装したもので、現存する鉄骨構造の煉瓦建築物としては日本最古級とされている。
- The building is a renovated arsenal torpedo warehouse previously owned by the Imperial Japanese Navy; it was originally completed in 1903 and is one of the oldest existing brick buildings having a steel structure in Japan.
- 全国からヒスイや土器などが集まる一方、銅鐸の主要な製造地でもあったと見られ、弥生時代の日本列島内でも重要な勢力の拠点があった集落ではないかと見られている。
- The site is regarded as a place where jades and earthen vessels across the country were carried in, a main place where dotaku (bronze bell-shaped vessels) were produced and a settlement which had bases of important powers among Japanese Islands in the Yayoi period.
- さらに尺八と交代して主旋律も奏でるといった、邦楽の語法として新しく楽器の性能も十分に駆使した書法により、現在でも箏という楽器を代表する名曲の位置を占める。
- He also used Soh, instead of shakuhachi, for playing the melody in order to make the most of the instruments property, and this piece is regarded today as an excellent piece of music that represents the musical instrument Soh.
- さらに1970年代に開発、発売された保温弁当容器も進化を遂げて、一昔前の大きな弁当箱というイメージは薄れ、男性用ビジネス鞄に入るスリムなタイプが登場した。
- Furthermore, the thermos lunchbox developed and released in the 1970's further evolved, and it was not what used to be (large lunchbox of a decade ago) but a new type of thermos lunchbox slim enough to slip into a man's bag.
- 仏教はインドに起源を持ち、アジア各地に広まった宗教であるが、梵鐘に関してはその祖形をインドに求めることは困難であり、中国古代の青銅器にその源流が求められる。
- Although Buddhism is a religion that originated in India and has expanded throughout Asia, the origins of Bonsho are hardly found in India but in ancient Chinese bronze ware.
- 非器なりと思ふ事なかれ、依行せば必ず得べきなり」と、釈迦時代の弟子衆にもすぐれた人ばかりではなかったことを挙げて、末法は方便説に過ぎない、と末法を否定した。
- Don't think that you are not qualified. If you train according to the teaching, you will surely attain enlightenment.' He thus noted that the disciples at the time of Sakyamuni were not all outstanding people, denying the decadent age by saying that it is nothing more than a skillful means.
- 食卓にコンロ(または電磁調理器)と天ぷら鍋を置き、次々と衣を着けた天ぷらを揚げ、何人かで取り囲んで鍋料理のように食べる、オイルフォンデュのような形式もある。
- There is cooking similar to oil fondue style in which a group of people set a deep fryer on a portable stove (or an electromagnetic cooker) on a dining table and deep-fry battered ingredients in heated cooking oil, just like a Nabe-ryori (hot pot.)
- また、岡山市付近から運ばれたと推測できる特殊器台・特殊壺が後円部上でのみ認められるのに対して底部に孔を開けた二重口縁の壺形土師器は前方部上で採集されている。
- While the special vessel stands and jars, which are presumed to have been brought from Okayama City and its environs, are only seen in the rounded rear, the jar-shaped Haji pottery with a dual-rimmed mouth and holes on the bottom have been gathered from the square front.
- 昭和初頭、地元の郷土史研究家である時実黙水(ときざね もくすい)は遺跡周辺の須恵器を大量に採取、研究誌を発表しここに遺跡があることが認知されるようになった。
- In the early Showa period, a local history researcher and local resident, Mokusui TOKIZANE collected a large quantity of Sueki around the remains and published the research paper on them, with the result that it has gotten recognized that the remains are here.
- この為に、卓上にある食器その他は派手に宙を舞うものの、空中で半回転して裏向きになった卓袱台の下敷きになるように押しつぶされ、あまり遠くに飛ばないことが多い。
- Although tableware on the chabudai flies dramatically into the air, they usually do not go far, as they are crushed under the table which turns upside down in midair.
- 明治の終わり頃から氷コップと呼ばれる専用のガラス器も使われるようになり、この器は大正時代から昭和の戦前頃まであぶり出し技法などを駆使した独特の発達を遂げた。
- Around the end of the Meiji period, dedicated glassware called kori koppu (cup for ice) was introduced and this type of dishes had developed during the period from Taisho period to the Showa period just before the Second World War fully utilizing a technique called aburidashi (a technique of glass-works that motifs come to the surface by difference in temperature), etc.
- フェーズドアレー型の超高出力レーザー発振器の附属品であって、使用する波長の一〇分の一又は〇・一マイクロメートル以下の精度でコヒーレント光を合成するためのもの
- Accessories for phased array type ultra-high output laser oscillators which synthesize coherent light at 1/10 of the wavelength used or at a precision of 0.1 micrometers or less
- アレー状に配列された増幅器又は組立品、モジュールの垂直に隣り合った距離をセンチメートルで表した値にギガヘルツで表した最小動作周波数を乗じた値が一五以下のもの
- Devices for which the value of the distance of vertically adjacent amplifiers or assemblies, or modules in array alignment expressed in centimeters multiplied by the minimum operating frequency expressed in gigahertz is 15 or less
- 何人も、第一項に規定する場合を除くほか、その取り扱う鉱工業品又はその包装、容器若しくは送り状に同項の表示を付し、又はこれと紛らわしい表示を付してはならない。
- Except for the cases as provided for in Paragraph 1, no person shall affix the label of Paragraph 1 or a confusingly similar label to any mineral or industrial product it handles, or its package, container or invoice.
- なお日本刀のうち、打刀や脇差の刀装具として鞘に格納される小柄(こづか)や笄(こうがい)を、緊急時に手裏剣として用いる武器のように時代劇の描写で誤解されている。
- Through their depiction in period dramas, it is often misunderstood that among Japanese swords, kozuka (the hilt of a small sword or the small sword itself) and kogai (a spatula attached to a small sword), which were stored in the scabbard as an accouterment of uchigatana and short swords, were weapons used as shuriken in emergencies.
- 二度の禁武政策を通じて、武器を取り上げられた人々が、薩摩藩に対抗するために空手を発展させたとする説が、従来、歴史的事実であるかのように繰り返し言及されてきた。
- Traditionally, the belief that Okinawan people, who were deprived of weapons after two kinmu seisaku, tried to refine karate to confront the Satsuma Domain was repeatedly insisted as if it were a historical fact.
- 入れ子状に重ねられた5枚(黄檗宗では3枚)の容器からなり、袱紗、膝掛、浄巾(じょうきん)、水板(すいばん)、鉢単(はったん)、箸、匙、箆(せつ)などが付属する。
- Oryoki comprises a nest of five (or three in Obaku school) bowls, to which various kinds of tableware attach, such as fukusa (napkin), hizakake (lap robe), jokin (lap cloth), suiban (water board), hattan (place mat), hashi (a pair of chopsticks), saji (spoon) and setsu (spatula).
- 皇位そのものの証明は三種の神器の所持を以て挙げられるため、南北朝正閏論に於いては神器が無いまま即位した北朝 (日本)の正当性が否定される根拠の一つとなっている。
- Since the imperial throne itself may be approved by the retention of the three sacred imperial treasures, the Nanbokucho-Seijunron (argument on legitimacy of either Northern or Southern Court) has a basis for its denial of orthodoxy of Hokucho (Northern court) which ascended to the throne without the three sacred imperial treasures.
- 土器自体は縄文時代の作品であったがこの土器の特色とされた口縁部の蛇形装飾の把手がオリジナルではなく、推定復元であることが判明したため指定を解除されたものである。
- Although the earthenware dated back to the Jomon period, the characteristic ear with decoration shaped like a snake near the rim of the mouth was not original; therefore, since it was presumed that this was the result of restoration, its designation as an ICP was canceled.
- しかし箸墓古墳と同様の吉備様式の特殊器台が後円部に並び(寺沢 2000)、埴輪や墳丘の形態等からも箸墓古墳に続く時期の大王墓という見方がある(白石 1999)。
- But since there were Kibi-style ceremonial vessel stands, same as Hashihaka-kofun Tumulus, were lined in the back circular part (by Terasawa, 2000), and also because of the shapes of Haniwa (unglazed terra-cotta cylinders and hollow sculptures arranged on and around the mounded tombs) and the mound, there is another idea that it was a tumulus for okimi (great king) in the period after Hashihaka-kofun Tumulus (by Shiraishi, 1999).
- 前方後円墳は、憤丘(前方部・後方部・造出)、埋葬施設(棺室・槨室・石室)、副葬品、外表施設(封土固めの葺石、祭祀用の土器・埴輪など)などの諸要素から成っている。
- Keyhole-shaped tumuli consist of various elements including a burial mound (the front square, the rounded rear, and tsukuridashi, or a space for religious ceremonies), burial facilities (a coffin room, a compartment protecting coffin room, and a stone chamber), gravel goods, and external facilities (fuki-ishi for hardening the mound covering a tomb and the earthenware, haniwa, and the other related items used in rituals).
- 第四十九条第三項若しくは第四項又は第四十九条の四第三項の規定による刻印若しくは標章の掲示をせず、又は虚偽の刻印若しくは標章の掲示をした容器検査所の登録を受けた者
- A person with a registered container reinspection station who has failed to stamp or attach a marking plate as required under the provision of paragraph (3) or (4) of Article 49 or paragraph (3) of Article 49-4 or has had a container reinspection station registered with fraudulent stamping or attaching of a marking plate thereunder;
- また、どんな試合規則にしても(禁止技無しでさえ)一対一で合図と共に戦いが始まることが前提となり、不意打ちや隠し武器などを想定した技術までカバーすることは難しい。
- Also, on the premise that we start one-to-one fighting by signal, whatever the rules of game are (even without banned skills or techniques), it's difficult for us to acquire the skills that include surprise moves, hidden weapons and so on.
- たこ焼きを盛り付けるか入れる使い捨ての容器は、薄く削いだ木(経木)によるボート形の皿が一般的だが、紙製・発泡スチロールの容器、薄いプラスチックの容器などもある。
- One-trip containers on or into which takoyaki is put are mostly boat-shaped trays made of paper-thin sheets of wood (kyogi), but some containers are made of paper, styrene foam or thin plastic sheets.
- また、弓矢は邪を祓う力があるとされ、霊器・神器として、精神性の高いものとして扱われていた(現在でも破魔弓として信仰の名残や各地で弓道、流鏑馬神事が行われている)。
- In addition, bow and arrows were considered to have the power to drive off evil and were treated as highly spiritual goods or sacred equipment (even today Hamayumi (ceremonial bow is used to drive off evil) keeps a trace of faith and Kyudo and the Yabusame-shinji ritual are performed in various places).
- 爪掻本綴織は、普通の織り方と違って横糸を一気に通さず、縦糸数本ごとに掬い上げていくので糸を締めこむための器具を使わず職人が爪で糸を締めこんでいかなければならない。
- Unlike regular weaving, in tsumekaki hon tsurezure ori (literally nail-scratching genuine-tapestry weave), the weft is not carried through straightaway and the strands of warps are plucked, so the weaver does not use the tool to rake the weft, but has to rake the weft with the tips of his or her fingernails.
- 石室の奥壁には、右から順に2頭の動物像、矢を射る騎馬人像、大の字形に手足を広げて手を繋いでいる4人の人物像、器物を持った3人の人物像が横一列に朱色で描かれている。
- On the inner wall of the stone chamber, figures of two animals, a person on horseback shooting an arrow, four persons outstretching arms and legs and holding hands with each other and three persons holding articles were drawn in Shu-iro (Empire red) from right to left lining up sideways.
- また、素手で鉄砲や刀などの武器に対抗するという発想そのものが非現実的であり、このような動機に基づいて琉球士族が空手の鍛錬に励んだとは考えられない、との指摘もある。
- Also, some critics point out that the idea that an unarmed person counterattacks weapons such as guns and swords is unrealistic in the first place, and that it is unlikely that the warrior class in the Ryukyu Kingdom practiced karate based on such an unrealistic reason.
- 本土でも、江戸時代の初期において上方では真鍮などで制作されていた簪が、江戸の武家階級ではより固い金属にとって変わったのも、護身武器としての効果を狙ったためである。
- During the early Edo period, women of a Samurai family in Edo core kanzashi made of solid metal in place of brass kanzashi, which was commonly used in Kamigata (Kansai region), with the aim of using it as a weapon for self-defense.
- カラオケとは、歌を歌う際、またはメロディパート(主旋律)を担う楽器を演奏する際に、生演奏ではなく事前に録音された伴奏を再生することにより演奏を再現することをいう。
- Karaoke is a reproduction of a musical performance by musical accompaniment recorded in advance, instead of a live music, when one sings a song or plays a melody part (main part) on an instrument.
- 特にラジオカセットレコーダー(ラジカセ)が普及すると、これをカラオケ用の装置として使うようになった(多くのラジカセには、マイク接続による拡声器機能が付いていた)。
- Especially when a radio cassette recorder grew popular, it was used as a karaoke device (many of the radio cassette recorders had a loudspeaker function connected to a microphone).
- 江戸時代、太平の世にあって弓矢が武器としての役割を後退させる中で、武射系統も礼法を摂取することにより文武の両側面は融合し、弓術は武士階級に必須の武芸となっていった。
- In the peaceful Edo Period when the bow and arrow declined as the role of a weapon, the lineage of the Busha group incorporated rules of decorum so that both aspects of Bunsha and Busha were combined and Kyuju became the essential military art for the Samurai hierarchy.
- 文部科学大臣は、無形の民俗文化財に用いられる衣服、器具、家具など有形の民俗文化財のうち、特に重要なものを重要有形民俗文化財に指定することができる(第78条第1項)。
- Among the tangible folk cultural properties such as costumes, tools and stages associated with the intangible folk cultural properties, the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology can designate the ones judged to be especially important as 'important tangible folk cultural properties' (Article 78, Clause 1).
- 後円部の頂上には、高さ2メートル弱と推定される一辺9.75×12.5メートルの貼り石のある矩形壇が知られており、その壇の裾周りに二重口縁の壺形土器が巡らされている。
- It is known that there was a 9.75-meter and 12.5-meter Kukei-dan with the estimated height of a slightly less than two meters with stuck stones located on the top of the back circular part, and Nijukoen Tsubogata doki earthenware were placed around the foot of the platform.
- 一緒に出土した土器や地層の状況から前期・難波宮の完成前後のものと考えられ、万葉仮名は天武・持統朝(672年-697年)に成立したと考える説に再考を促す発見であった。
- Based on earthenware excavated at the same time and the conditions of geological formation, it is considered that mokkan was made around the time when the early Naniwa no Miya was completed and it was the finding which urged reconsideration of the existing belief that Manyo-gana came into existence between 672 and 697.
- また、飾り簪とも呼ばれる平打簪と同じ技法でモチーフに趣向を凝らした物もあり、優雅な花鳥風月に止まらず、俵や団扇など身近にある器物や野菜や小動物などもモチーフになる。
- Also, products designed to look like kacho-fugetsu (beauties of nature), daily utensils such as a rice bag and uchiwa, vegetables and small animals were produced by the same technique with hirate-kanzashi, also called kazari kanzashi (decoration kanzashi).
- 日本の鵜飼いより100年ほど古い時代、5世紀ごろ行われたと思われる鵜飼いの様子を記した土器がペルーのチャンカイ谷より出土し、リマ市にある天野博物館に収蔵品されている。
- An earthenware with a description of Ukai, which was estimated to be around the 5th century, a hundred years earlier than the age of Ukai in Japan, was excavated from the Chancay Valley in Peru and housed in the Amano Museum in Lima City.
- 槍などの刀以外の武器では、戦場の真っ只中で迅速に首を切り落とすのは、非常に困難であり、合戦では自らの功績を示すものが敵将の首級であった為、重要であったとする説がある。
- It was quite difficult to cut off a head quickly in the middle of a battlefield with Yari (spears) or weapons other than swords, and the cut head of the enemy general could show the achievement of a soldier in a battle, so it is said that swords were important.
- 平安時代中期には北・中・南の三倉とも勅封蔵と見なされていたが、東大寺の什器類を納めていた南倉のみは、後に勅封から綱封(東大寺別当らの寺僧組織が管理する)に改められた。
- In the mid-Heian period, all three warehouses (north, middle and south) were regarded as Chokufu warehouses, but later the south section became 'Kofu,' administered by temple and monk organizations run, for example, by the head secretary of Todai-ji Temple instead of by Chokufu.
- 前述の筑紫箏を基本として、楽器としての箏および箏曲の基礎を大成させたのが、江戸時代初期に活躍した八橋検校(やつはし・けんぎょう、1614年 - 1685年)であった。
- Based on the above-mentioned Tsukusigoto, Yatsuhashi Kengyo (1614 - 1685), who was active during the early Edo period, established the basis of the musical instrument Soh as well as Soh music.
- 次のいずれかに該当する風洞又は装置とともに使用するように設計したものであって、実時間で制御する装置、計測器(センサーを含む。)又は自動的にデータを収集し、解析する装置
- Devices for real-time control, measuring instruments (including sensors) or devices which collect and analyze data automatically which are designed for use in wind tunnels or devices which fall under any of the following
- 1979年(昭和54年)、九州自動車道の工事に際して行われた宮崎県えびの市の前畑遺跡の調査において16世紀の陶磁器片とともに大木を引いた経路と見られる遺構が発見された。
- The research of the Maehata Remains in Ebino city, Miyazaki Prefecture, conducted in 1979 for the construction of Kyushu Expressway, discovered ancient structural remnants considered to be a pathway where huge timbers seemed to have been dragged as well as ceramic ware pieces from the 16th century.
- 原因については、公式には壁画模写の画家が使っていた電気座布団から出火したとされているが、模写に使用した蛍光灯用の電熱器が火元とする説、放火説などがあり真相は不明である。
- Officially, the fire was started from the electronic heating pad used by reproducing painters, however, there were some opinions that the fire origin was an electric generator for the fluorescent lamps used in reproducing or that it was fired on purpose, and so on, and the truth is unknown.
- リコーダー(いわゆる「縦笛」)はマウスピース (楽器)の構造(フィップル、ブロック)によって初心者でも簡単に音が出せるが、尺八・フルートで音を出すには熟練が必要である。
- The recorder (a so-called 'vertical flute') has a structure (instrument) constructed in the form of a fipple, block, which enables a beginner to produce a sound easily; however, to produce a sound on a shakuhachi, it generally takes intensive practice.
- ただしこの効果は血液中の酸素分圧を下げることによって得られるため、循環器および呼吸器の疾病を持つ患者がむやみに入浴すると、過度な刺激となり症状を悪化させるおそれがある。
- As the above effects are resulted from lowering oxygen partial pressure in the blood, persons with cardiovascular or respiratory diseases should be careful when bathing as bathing could worsen their condition due to excessive stimulation.
- 昭和の始め(昭和8年(1933年)頃とされている)、日本屈指の名料亭である大阪の「吉兆」の創始者である湯木貞一が八幡でこの器の話を聞き、弁当の器にすることを思いついた。
- In the early 1930's, 'Kitcho' Japan's preeminent restaurant in Osaka was established by Teiichi YUKI who heard about the container while at Yawata and thought about using the container to hold food.
- 反射鏡又は透過性を有する(部分的に透過する場合を含む。)光学部品若しくは電気光学部品であって、イからニまでのいずれかに該当するレーザー発振器に使用するように設計したもの
- Reflectors, or optical components or electro-optical components which are permeable (including partially permeable), and which are designed for use in laser oscillators which fall under any of (a) through (d)
- 何人も、第一項又は第二項に規定する場合を除くほか、その取り扱う鉱工業品又はその包装、容器若しくは送り状に第一項の表示を付し、又はこれと紛らわしい表示を付してはならない。
- Except for the cases as prescribed in Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 2, no person shall affix the label of Paragraph 1 or a confusingly similar label to any mineral or industrial product it handles or its package, container or invoice.
- 指定完成検査機関は、完成検査を行うときは、第五十八条の二十第一号に規定する機械器具その他の設備を使用し、かつ、同条第二号に規定する者に完成検査を実施させなければならない。
- A Designated Completion Conformity Inspection Body shall use the devices and other equipment under item (i) of Article 58-20 when conducting the completion inspection and shall have such inspections performed by the personnel under item (ii) of said Article.
- しかしながら、竪穴の平面形態や柱穴、炉などの住居跡として保持する要因が不統一であり、必ずしも旧石器時代の明確な包含層から検出されていないものもあって確実な例とは言い難い。
- However, it cannot be said that they are definitely examples of remains in the Paleolithic period, because the elements of a dwelling site, such as the floor layout of such a pit dwelling, the column pits and the furnace, lack consistency and because some of them were not found from the earth layers that can be identified clearly as those in the Paleolithic period.
- 第六天社は金太郎親子が深く信仰しており、母の八重桐が赤いごはんや魚を捧げたりするのを真似て、金太郎はメダカを捕らえてきては生きたまま器に入れ、社前に捧げたといわれている。
- Kintaro and his mother had great faith in the Dairokutensha shrine and while his mother, Yaegiri, dedicated steamed rice with red beans, or fish, Kintaro caught killifishes and put the live fish in a bowl in front of the shrine as an offering.
- これは、一つには現代使用されている楽器が平調のためのもので、特に、主旋律を奏する篳篥の音域が狭いため、他の調子を演奏するときに、部分的に変えて演奏せざるを得ないためである。
- This is partly because the instruments used today have Hyojo tone; particularly, the Hichiriki instrument playing the main theme has a narrow range, which has no choice but to play by changing partly when playing in another tone.
- また屋内に設置されているものでは戸内に煙が充満しないよう、室外に煙突が設けられ、温度の高い煙は煙突から外へ、放射熱は調理器具の底を熱するようになっている形態が一般的である。
- Also, a popular type of kamado used inside the house included a chimney to keep the smoke from filling the house, the high-temperature smoke exits outside through this chimney, while the radiant heat warms the bottom of cooking utensils.
- 特に代表作「春の海」は、尺八(正確には一尺六寸という、尺八より小さい同属楽器)との合奏において、それまでのヘテロフォニーな邦楽の合奏には見られなかった和声的伴奏を駆使した。
- In his representative piece 'Haru no umi,' he used harmonic accompaniment, which was rarely used in heterophony ensemble of traditional Japanese music, in the ensemble with shakuhachi (to be exact, an instrument which is shorter than shakuhachi called isshaku-rokusun).
- 当時は炊いた飯は、お櫃にうつしてから食すのが一般的で、保温機能を持つ電気炊飯器や電子レンジなどはもちろん存在しないため、炊きたてからは時間がたつにつれて冷える一方であった。
- In those days, with no electric rice cookers with a keep-warm function and no microwave ovens, cooked rice was stored in a wooden cooked-rice container, to which cooked rice was usually transferred before being eaten, and it got cold.
- 宇宙用に設計した固体の光検出器(ゲルマニウム又はシリコンを用いたものを除く。)であって、一、二〇〇ナノメートル超三〇、〇〇〇ナノメートル以下の波長範囲で最大感度を有するもの
- Solid optical detectors designed for space applications (excluding those that use germanium or silicon) with the maximum sensitivity within the range exceeding 1,200 nano meters to 30,000 nano meters or less
- 捕虜収容所長は、被収容者が次の各号のいずれかに該当することとなった場合には、領置している金品(領置武器等を除く。次条において同じ。)を当該被収容者に返還しなければならない。
- The prisoner of war camp commander shall return the cash and articles under retention (except for arms, etc. being retained; the same applies to the following Article) to the detainee in cases when a detainee falls under any cases set out of the following items:
- したがって、対機説法(たいきせっぽう)、臨機応変という言葉が示すように釈迦仏が衆生の機根(教えを聞ける器、度合い)に応じて、教法を前後して説いたことを留意しなくてはならない。
- Therefore, attention should be paid to the fact that Shaka preached his teachings taking into account people's patience (ability to listen to or understand his teachings) and as the term taiki-seppo (the best suitable expression of the teaching for the target audience) and Rinki Ohen (the best suitable action according to circumstances) indicate, he preached not necessarily in sequence.
- なお珠光が棗 (茶器)を羽田五郎に作らせたという説もあるが、これも棗の茶会記への登場が武野紹鴎没後の永禄年間と遅く、しかも他の木製茶器よりも遅いため、やはり疑問視されている。
- Incidentally, there also exists the view asserting that Juko made Goro HANEDA produce natsume (tea utensil), but this view is also questionable because according to chakai-ki (the record of the tea ceremony), natsume was first used from 1558 to 1569, after the death of Joo TAKENO, and its first use was later than other wooden tea utensils.
- 三種の神器は八咫鏡・八尺瓊勾玉・天叢雲剣で構成されるが、その内八咫鏡は祀られている賢所を含む宮中三殿を相続する事によって受継ぎ、八尺瓊勾玉・天叢雲剣を受継ぐ儀式が剣璽となる。
- The three sacred imperial treasures are composed of Yata-no-Kagami mirror, Yasakani-no-Magatama (comma-shaped jewel) and Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi sword, each of which is enshrined in the Kyuchu-sanden (three sacred shrines in the imperial palace) including Kashiko-dokoro where the Yata-no-Kagami mirror is stored, while all of which, both jewels and shrines, are succeeded by the new emperor and the above said Kenji ceremony is held as a ritual for succession of Yasakani-no-Magatama and Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi sword.
- 後円部は四段築成で、四段築成の上に小円丘(径約44~46メートル、高さ4メートルの土壇、特殊器台が置かれていたと考えられる)がのったものと指摘する研究者(近藤義郎等)もある。
- Some scholars (such as Yoshiro KONDO) point out that the rear has four terraces and a small knoll (on which it is believed that a clay platform, whose diameter and height were approximately 44 to 46 and 4 meters, respectively, and special vessel stands were placed) on top of the terraces.
- それに先立って1957年に結成された邦楽四人の会、邦楽器ブーム初期の1964年より活動を続けている日本音楽集団の活動も、洋楽系現代音楽における重要な邦楽活動として挙げられる。
- Activities of Hogaku Yonin no kai (the four players group), which was organized in 1957, and Nihon Ongaku shudan (the group of Japanese musicians), which started activities in 1964 prior to the boom of Japanese traditional instruments, were also significant as the activities of Japanese traditional music conducted by the western contemporary musicians.
- 方相氏が大内裏を回るとき、公卿は清涼殿の階(きざはし)から弓矢をもって方相氏に対して弓 (武器)をひき、殿上人(でんじょうびと)らは振り鼓(でんでん太鼓)をふって厄を払った。
- When Hososhi went around the Imperial Palace and government offices, court nobles holding bows and an arrows drew their weapons at Hososhi from the stairs in the Seiryoden (Literally Limpid Cool Hall, an imperial summer palace), and tenjobito (high-ranking courtiers allowed into the Imperial Palace) performed exorcism by rolling the handles of den-den drums.
- 特に薩摩藩の実施した禁武政策(1613年の琉球王府宛通達)は、帯刀など武器の携帯を禁じただけで、その所持まで禁じたものではなく、比較的緩やかな規制であったことが判明している。
- Particularly, it is revealed that the kinmu seisaku by the Satsuma Domain (which came into effect in 1613 through a written notice to the Ryukyu Kingdom) was a relatively loose regulation, whereby the carriage of weapons such as swords was banned but ownership of weapons was not.
- 楽焼(らくやき)は、一般的に電動轆轤や足で蹴って回す蹴轆轤(けろくろ)を使用せず手とへらだけで成形する「手捏ね」(てづくね)と呼ばれる方法で成形した後焼成した軟質施釉陶磁器。
- Rakuyaki is a soft-type glazed ceramic ware baked after formed not by an electric potter's wheel or kerokuro (a kicking potter's wheel), but just by the hands with the clay on a pallet called tezukune (handmade.)
- この布告に基づいて近畿地方を中心とした社寺等に提出させた「古器旧物」の目録を元に、翌1872年(明治5年)5月から10月にかけて日本初の文化財調査とされる壬申検査が実施された。
- Based on the edict and a checklist of 'antiques and old items' submitted to temples and shrines mainly in the Kinki region, Jinshin Kensa, the first investigation of cultural properties in Japan, was conducted from May through October of 1872 (a year after the edict).
- 特に日本民芸運動とは関係が深く、それにまつわる作家の美術作品や、彼らが手本とした古い生活雑器、古美術品の収集も行い、大阪の北の三国にはこれらの作品を収めた邸宅・三国荘があった。
- He had an especially close relationship with the Japanese folk art movement, and collected works of art by them, old everyday ornaments they admired, and antique art works, which he stored in his mansion 'Mikuni-so' villa in Mikuni, north of Osaka City.
- 舞鶴地域の文化遺産を保存・展示する施設として、市内の遺跡から発掘された土器や石器、旧家の古文書などが、時代別に陳列されており、古代から現在までの舞鶴の歴史を伝える展示場である。
- As a facility for storing and exhibiting the cultural heritage of the Maizuru area, it is an exhibition hall which exhibits the history of Maizuru City from ancient times to the present day, by displaying historical articles, such as earthenware and stoneware excavated at ruins in the city and old documents from families of pedigree, for each separate period.
- つまり、同じく彼らが専門とする新しい三種の楽器(三味線(主として地歌の三味線)、箏、胡弓)」とその音楽である地歌、箏曲、胡弓楽を区別するために使われ始めたのではないかと思われる。
- In other words, they must have begun using the name sankyoku to distinguish heikyoku from their new, professionally engaged three instruments (shamisen (mainly for Jiuta), koto and kokyu) and their tunes (Jiuta, Sokyoku (koto music) and Kokyu-gaku (kokyu music)).
- 「雅楽の琵琶」 (楽琵琶) のように、大陸では失われてしまった古い姿を残している楽器も多いが、「三味線」「尺八」「能囃子」「能囃子・能囃子」のように独特な進化を遂げたものもある。
- While many Wagakki, such as the 'Gagaku Biwa' (a Japanese lute traditionally used for ceremonial court music), have retained their original forms (and these forms can no longer be found in mainland Asian), other instruments, such as the Shamisen (a three-stringed musical instrument), the Shakuhachi (a five-holed traverse bamboo flute), the Nohkan (a traverse flute used in Noh), and the Ko-tsuzumi and O-tsuzumi (small and large drums, respectively, that are used in Noh), have developed in a unique fashion in Japan.
- 原子周波数標準器(ルビジウムを用いた周波数標準器であって、宇宙用に設計していないものを除く。)であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの(他の貨物に使用するように設計したものを除く。)
- Atomic frequency standards (excluding frequency standards employing rubidium that were not designed for use in space) that fall under any of the following (excluding those designed for use in other goods)
- 1903年(明治36年)に建てられた旧舞鶴海軍兵器廠魚形水雷庫であったものが現在は赤れんが博物館として活用されている他、旧雑品庫並損兵器庫も現在は舞鶴市政記念館として活用されている。
- The former Maizuru Naval Arsenal Fish-type Torpedo Warehouse, built in 1903, now forms the World Brick Museum, and the former Maizuru Naval Arsenal Miscellaneous Articles and Damaged Weapons Warehouse is currently used as Maizuru City Commemoration Hall.
- 建物の絵を描いた土器は西日本の各地で46例見つかっており、そのうち15例がこの遺跡から出土した土器で、屋根飾りを付けた建物の絵はこの遺跡で6例、隣村の清水風(天理市)で1例あるのみ。
- Forty-six earthen vessels on which pictures of buildings are drawn have been founded in various places in Western Japan; of them fifteen came out from these ruins and six vessels on which pictures of buildings with roof decorations are drawn were found in these ruins and only one in the neighboring village, Kiyomizukaze (Tenri City).
- また、食器として箸の他に鎌倉時代以降は衰退する匙(スプーン)が存在し、各料理を盛りつけた容器の大きさがほぼ同じで料理の序列が判然としていない点も後の時代の料理とは異なる特徴といえる。
- Chopsticks and spoons were used, although they declined in use after the Kamakura period, and all plates and bowls were almost same size and the order of foods was not clear, which was characteristic of this style.
- 翌1875年(明治8年)開催された第1回奈良博覧会は、東大寺大仏殿と周囲の回廊を会場として、正倉院宝物をはじめ、社寺や個人から出品された書画、古器物、動植物標本、機械類などを陳列した。
- The first Nara Exhibition held in the next year, 1875 exhibited calligraphic works and paintings, antique wears, specimens of animals and plants and machinery, etc. displayed by Shinto shrines, temples and people, including Shosoin treasures, using Daibutsu-den Hall (the Great Buddha hall) of Todai-ji Temple and corridors around the hall as the site.
- このように高価な唐物を尊ぶ風潮に対し、珠光は粗製の中国陶磁器(「珠光青磁」と呼ばれる安価な青磁が代表的)などの粗末な道具を使用したし、利休の師であった武野紹鴎は信楽焼や備前焼を好んだ。
- Contrary to the trend appreciating such expensive karamono, Juko was using humble utensils such as inexpensive Chinese ceramics (inexpensive celadon ceramics called 'Juko Seiji' were typical) and Joo Takeno, Rikyu's teacher, was fond of Shigaraki-yaki ware and Bizen-yaki ware.
- 江戸時代からとだえることなくつたわる漆工芸や螺鈿の技術等により工芸品としては高度なものであるが、弦の張力は演奏に耐えるものではなく、演奏のための楽器としての復元は昭和になってからである。
- Although they were sophisticated as craftworks thanks to the techniques of lacquer craftworks and mother-of-pearl works successively handed down from the Edo period, the tension of the strings cannot withstand performance, and the restoration of instruments for performance was done after the Showa period.
- 大学のサークルで、邦楽部が存在する場合にはこの三曲を構成する楽器を行っている場合が殆どである(ただし、主に伝統的な曲を行っているサークルと、主に現代的な曲を行っているサークルとがある)。
- If there is a Japanese music club at a college, in most cases the club activities are the performances of the sankyoku instruments; there are two types of clubs, and one is mainly about the traditional tunes while another is about the contemporary ones.
- 「盃を交わす」「盃を取らせる」といった表現があるように、日本文化の中では盃はたんに酒を飲む容器であるだけではなく、人間関係、名誉、格式などのさまざまな文化事象と関係した複雑な媒体である。
- As we see in expressions like 'exchanging sakazuki' and 'to give sakazuki,' in Japanese culture, sakazuki is not only a vessel used for drinking sake, but also a complicated medium that has a connection with various cultural factors such as human relations, honor, and formalities.
- しかし陶器は重量があり破損しやすいため、昭和30年代からそれらに代わって、半透明の厚いビニールの本体部分に黄緑色のプラスチックのスクリューキャップ(ネジ式の蓋)の付いた小瓶が導入された。
- However, as earthenware was heavy and fragile, a small bottle with a translucent, thick vinyl made body and a yellowish green-colored plastic made cap (a screw type lid) were introduced instead of a ceramic bottle in the late 1950s to the early 1960s.
- マイクロ波用モノリシック集積回路電力増幅器であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの(四〇・五ギガヘルツ以上四二・五ギガヘルツ以下の動作周波数で使用するように設計した衛星放送用のものを除く。)
- Monolithic microwave integrated circuit power amplifiers that fall under any of the following (excluding those used for broadcasting satellites designed for use at an operating frequency of 40.5 gigahertz or more and 42.5 gigahertz or less)
- これら特殊軍刀々身は「昭和刀」「新村田刀」「新日本刀」などと呼称され、物によっては従来の日本刀よりも(俗に名刀と呼ばれる刀であっても)武器としての資質において勝るものも数多くあったという。
- These special blades were called 'Showa swords,' 'New Murata sword' and 'New Japanese swords,' and it is said that a lot of them outweighed conventional Japanese swords (even famous swords) in quality as weapons.
- 入浴料と電気代は宿泊料金に含まれているが、それ以外の布団貸し出し料(布団持込の場合は不要)、冬季ならコタツ、ストーブなどの暖房器具貸し出し料、炊事用にコンロ利用のためのガス代を徴収される。
- The following are charged for when staying at jisui-ryokan: the room charge including bathing and electricity; rented futon (no charge if users bring in their own futon); rented heaters such as kotatsu (a small table with an electric heater underneath and covered by a quilt) or oil space heaters in winters; and gas for cooking.
- 電子加速器であって、二メガエレクトロンボルト以上のエネルギーを有する加速された電子からの制動放射によって電磁波を放射することができるもの又はこれを用いた装置(医療用に設計したものを除く。)
- Electron accelerators capable of emitting electromagnetic waves by means of a bremsstrahlung from accelerated electrons having energy of 2 mega electron volts or more or equipment using those (excluding those designed for medical use)
- 農林水産大臣は、家畜の伝染性疾病を予防するため必要があると認めるときは、都道府県に対し、動物用生物学的製剤を譲与し、又は予防用器具を無償若しくは時価よりも低い対価で貸し付けることができる。
- The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries may, when deeming it necessary for preventing domestic animal infectious diseases, transfer biological preparations for animal use or loan instruments for preventive measures free of charge or at a lower cost than the current price to prefectures.
- 殷・周時代から制作されている「鐘」(しょう)という青銅器が梵鐘の源流と推定されているが、この「鐘」は全体に小型で、その断面形状は後世の梵鐘のような円形ではなく、杏仁形(アーモンド形)である。
- The bronze ware 'Sho,' produced during the Yin and Zhou periods, are thought to be the origins of Bonsho, but generally the size of 'Sho' is small and the cross-section is not a circle as found in Bonsho of later times but it is almond-shaped.
- 楽器間の関係は、曲によってほとんどユニゾンのものもあれば(歌がある場合はその方が良いことも多い)、器楽的要素が強い曲では各楽器が複雑にからみ合うよう作られているものが多い(特に三味線と箏)。
- In some tunes, all instruments are performed nearly in unison; This is better in most cases, if the instruments accompany a song, and in other tunes the different melodies of the instruments are interwoven when the tune has an instrumental flavor, especially when the tune is an ensemble of shamisen and koto.
- 金属製の器に氷を刃物で削った削り氷(けずりひ、文中では「けつりひ」)に蔓草の一種であるアマヅラ(あまかづら・あまづら、ツタの樹液またはアマチャヅルの茎の汁と思われる)をかけたとの意味である。
- It means that Kezurihi (in the original sentence, 'ketsurihi') prepared by shaving ice with a knife is put into a metal bowl and amazura, that is a type of vine, (it seem that sap from vine or juice from stem of Gynostemma pentaphyllum) is poured on top of the ice.
- 総推力容量が一・一メガニュートン秒を超えるもの又は燃焼器内の圧力を七メガパスカルにした状態でノズルの出口圧力を海面レベルの大気圧にした時の比推力が二・四キロニュートン秒毎キログラム以上のもの
- Solid rocket propulsion units, the specific impulse of which is more than 2.4 kilonewtons second per kilogram when the outlet pressure is brought to atmospheric pressure at sea level and the effective thrust capacity is greater than 1.1 meganewtons or when the pressure inside the combustor is 7 megapascals
- 光検出器を用いた装置であって、直視型のもののうち、次のいずれかに該当するもの(医療用装置であって、主材料に砒化ガリウム又は砒化インジウムガリウムを用いた光電陰極を組み込んでいないものを除く。)
- Among equipment which uses optical detectors having a direct field of vision, that which falls under any of the following (excluding medical equipment which do not have built-in photocathodes and which uses gallium arsenide or indium gallium arsenide as the main material)
- 鉱工業品の輸入業者又は販売業者は、主務大臣の登録を受けた者の認証を受けて、その輸入し、若しくは販売する当該認証に係る鉱工業品又はその包装、容器若しくは送り状に、前項の表示を付することができる。
- An importer or distributor of mineral or industrial product may, having obtained the certification of a person accredited by the competent minister, affix to the mineral or industrial product imported or sold pertaining to said certification or its package, container or invoice, the label of the preceding paragraph.
- もっとも単純な形の炉は、石を火の周囲に積み上げた物で、今日でもキャンプなどの飯盒による調理などでおなじみだが、既に石器時代にはそのような炉が登場していたと見られ、当時の遺構にその痕跡が見られる。
- The simplest shape of the fireplace was made of stones stacked up around a fire and is still familiar camping trips and cooking meals in a mess tin, and seems to have already appeared in the Stone Age because traces of it have been found in ancient structural remnants from that period.
- しかしこの番組では筋骨隆々な白人のITF系テコンドー家が振り回して紹介したり、日本刀の優位性について具体的な根拠や他の武器との比較が説明されず、イメージ優先の演出で信憑性に疑問を持つ意見もある。
- In this program, however, a white muscular ITF Taekwondo martial artist introduced by swinging, and the superiority of the Japanese sword was not explained specifically or compared with other weapons, so some people think the program had an image-oriented direction and doubt its credibility.
- 埋葬施設:主室は後円部墳丘中央部の南北主軸に沿う竪穴式石室(長さ約3.6メートル、幅約3.6メートル)、舟形の刳抜式木棺(長さ約2メートル、幅約1.2メートル)で同棺からは同鏃と鉄器が出土した。
- The burial facilities: The main chamber, a pit stone chamber (approximately 3.6 meters in length and approximately 3.6 meters in width) along the north-south axis in the center of the back circular part mound, and a hollowed-out wooden ship-shaped coffin (approximately 2 meters in length and approximately 1.2 meters in width), from which copper arrowheads and iron vessels were found.
- 音響送波器(送受波器を含む。)であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの(音波の発生装置であって、電子式のもの(垂直方向にのみ使用することができるものに限る。)又は機械式若しくは化学式のものを除く。)
- Acoustic transmitters (including transducers) which fall under any of the following (excluding sonic water generators which are electronic (limited to those which are capable of being used only in a vertical direction) or mechanical or chemical)
- つまり印西派は、弓矢が強力な武器であった時代において、戦場で戦う徒歩武者が如何に敵を射殺できるか、その鍛錬と戦場での実践のために編み出された射法であり、文字通り極めて実戦的かつ合理的なものである。
- In other words, the Insai school teaches a shooting method conceived during an era when powerful bows and arrows were used and by walking warriors who fight on the battlefield to kill the enemy, as the name suggests, it is extremely practical and reasonable.
- ただし、自分で用意していた殺傷用武器の護身使用は「正当防衛」にはならない可能性が高く、またこれを用いて暴漢等を殺害した場合「未必の故意による殺人罪」もしくは「傷害致死罪」の適用となる可能性がある。
- However, it is likely that the use of such lethal weapons prepared for self-defense may not be considered 'self-defense,' and if one kills a criminal using this, you may prosecuted for 'homicide by willful negligence' or 'manslaughter.'
- 一、〇〇〇ナノメートル超一、一〇〇ナノメートル以下の波長範囲で使用するように設計したネオジムを添加した固体レーザー発振器(ネオジムガラスレーザー発振器を除く。)であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Solid-state laser oscillators (excluding neodymium glass laser oscillators) with added neodymium which are designed for use within a wavelength range exceeding 1,000 nanometers and 1,100 nanometers or less and which fall under any of the following
- コードレス電話機端末間での暗号化機能を有しないコードレス電話装置であって、コードレス電話機端末と家庭内基地局の間に無線中継器がない場合の一無線区間での電波到達最長実効距離が四〇〇メートル未満のもの
- Cordless telephone equipment not capable of end-to-end encryption where the maximum effective range of unboosted cordless operation is less than 400 meters in a single, unrelayed hop between terminal and home base station
- 矜羯羅童子は童顔で、合掌して一心に不動明王を見上げる姿に表わされるものが多く、制多迦童子は対照的に、金剛杵(こんごうしょ)と金剛棒(いずれも武器)を手にしていたずら小僧のように表現されたものが多い。
- Many kongara-doji are shown as baby-faced figures that stare toward Fudo Myoo intently with hands clasped in prayer, while on the contrary many Seitaka-doji are shown as naughty boys with kongosho (vajra club) and kongo-bo (both are weapons) in their hands.
- 仏教では、法華宗・日蓮宗の団扇太鼓以外では太鼓を使うことはあまり見られず打楽器としてはもっぱら木魚(法華宗・日蓮宗では木柾)と鈴が使われるが、大規模な行事には銅鑼や鉦鼓などと一緒に太鼓が用いられる。
- In Buddhism, the Japanese drum is not so often seen to be used except for the round fan drum in the Hokke and Nichiren Sects; as far as percussion instruments are concerned, the mokugyo (a fish-shaped small wooden gong) and the bell are exclusively used (the Hokke and Nichiren sects, however, use mokusho (a round small wooden gong) instead of mokugyo), nevertheless for a large-scale event, the Japanese drum is used with the metallic gongs and metallic drums.
- 毎月一日、天皇が三種の神器が安置されている内侍所へ参拝する為に御月扇として月毎に扇が新調されたほか、毎年、絵所から賢聖御末広として、表面に古代中国の賢聖、裏面に金銀砂子に草花を描いた扇が献上された。
- A Sensu was made every month for an On-tsuki-ogi (御月扇) because the Emperor carried it with him for a visit at the Naishidokoro (a place where the sacred mirror was enshrined) storing the three sacred imperial treasures on the 1st day of the month, and also the Edokoro government office presented a fan with pictures of Kenjo sage in ancient China on its surface and pictures of plants and flowers on Kin-gin Sunago (gold and silver leaf reduced to powder) on the reverse side as a Kenjo-Onsuehiro fan.
- 外国においてその事業を行う鉱工業品の輸出業者は、主務大臣の登録を受けた者の認証を受けて、その輸出する当該認証に係る鉱工業品又はその包装、容器若しくは送り状に第十九条第一項の表示を付することができる。
- Subject to a certification by a person accredited by the competent minister, an exporter of a mineral or industrial product carrying on business in a foreign country may affix the label in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Article 19 on the mineral or industrial product it exports pertaining to said certification, or its package, container or invoice.
- 外国においてその事業を行う鉱工業品の製造業者は、主務大臣の登録を受けた者の認証を受けて、その製造する当該認証に係る鉱工業品又はその包装、容器若しくは送り状に第十九条第一項の表示を付することができる。
- Subject to a certification by a person accredited by the competent minister, a manufacturer of a mineral or industrial product carrying on business in a foreign country may affix the label in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Article 19 on the mineral or industrial product it manufactures pertaining to said certification, or its package, container or invoice.
- 入国審査官及び入国警備官は、その職務の執行に関し、その事態に応じ、合理的に必要と判断される限度において、武器を使用することができる。但し、左の各号の一に該当する場合を除く外、人に危害を加えてはならない。
- Immigration inspectors and immigration control officers may use their weapons with respect to the execution of their duties within the limits judged to be reasonably necessary according to the circumstances. However, they shall not injure a person except in any of the following cases.
- 日本の合戦は中世の弓や近世の鉄砲などといった遠距離兵器が主体であり、中距離での戦いは槍などで闘ったあと、短刀や鎧通しで頸動脈を切るための組み打ちで終結するため、日本刀は槍の補助として使われる事が多かった。
- Battles in Japan had mainly long-distance weapons including bows in the middle age and guns in the modern age, and as for a middle-distance fight, after fighting with Yari (spears), they ended up wrestling to cut the carotid artery by Tanto (short sword) or Yoroidoshi (knife going through armor), so Japanese swords were usually used as assistance for Yari.
- 三 衣食住、生業、信仰、年中行事等に関する風俗慣習、民俗芸能、民俗技術及びこれらに用いられる衣服、器具、家屋その他の物件で我が国民の生活の推移の理解のため欠くことのできないもの(以下「民俗文化財」という。)
- 3. The indispensables in order for our nationals to appreciate the flow of life (such as food, clothing, housings, industry or livelihood, beliefs, folk customs about festivals, public entertainments, and traditional skills with the associated costumes, tools and stages) (such indispensables being hereinafter referred to as folk cultural properties)
- 埋葬祭祀で使用された土器は、最古級の前方後円墳では、宮山型特殊器台・特殊壺、この土器から変化した最古の埴輪といわれる都月形円筒埴輪と次に古い特殊壺形埴輪、円筒埴輪、家型埴輪、武器形埴輪、人形埴輪などである。
- The earthenware used in burial rituals include the Miyayama-type special vessel stands and jars as well as the Totsuki-type cylindrical haniwa, which is said to be the oldest haniwa evolved from the foregoing along with the next oldest group of haniwa including special jar-shaped haniwa, cylindrical haniwa, house-shaped haniwa, weapon-like haniwa and human-shaped haniwa.
- また、日本の古代音楽を最も古い形のまま現在まで伝承しているとされる恐山などのイタコが、交霊の際に演奏する楽器の一つとしても用いられる(ただし和琴を使うのはごく一部で、一般にイタコが用いる楽器は梓弓が多い)。
- Wagon is also played by itako (the Japanese shaman) of Osore-zan Mountain in the ceremony of necromancy, and this music is believed to be the oldest existing Japanese ancient music (provided that a small minority of itako use wagon and azusayumi - a bow made of Japanese cherry birch - is generally used by other itako).
- 一方で弓は武器として狩猟、戦場で用いられた事は勿論だが、人々の間で弓矢には霊妙な力があると信じられており、奈良時代には弓矢の奉納、弓射神事が行われ、またそれらを起源とした祭りや神事が現在でも各地に残っている。
- On the other hand, not only was a bow used as a weapon for hunting and for battle, but also Yumiya/Kyushi (bow and arrow) were believed to have spiritual power, so that in Nara Period dedications of Yumiya and Yumiire shrine rituals were performed, which became the origin of present festivals and shrine rituals in various places.
- このことは、明治時代に日本に新しい楽器が入ってきた際に、洋琴(ピアノ)、風琴(オルガン)、手風琴(アコーディオン)、自鳴琴(オルゴール)、提琴(ヴァイオリン)などと呼ばれていたことからも伺い知ることができる。
- This tendency is also clear in the name attached to the new instruments that were introduced to Japan during the Meiji period, such as '洋琴' (piano), '風琴' (organ), '手風琴' (accordion), '自鳴琴' (music box) and '提琴' (violin).
- 外国においてその事業を行う加工業者は、主務大臣の登録を受けた者の認証を受けて、その者が当該認証に係る加工技術による加工をした鉱工業品又はその包装、容器若しくは送り状に第二十条第一項の表示を付することができる。
- Subject to a certification by a person accredited by the competent minister, a processor carrying on business in a foreign country may affix the label in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Article 20 on the mineral or industrial product it processes using its processing technology pertaining to said certification, or its package, container or invoice.
- 道具では、弓道もアーチェリーも本質的には同じであるが、アーチェリーの弓には(競技種目にもよるが)多数の補助具(スタビライザー、サイト(照準器)、クリッカーなど)を付けるのに対し、和弓は基本的に弓と弦だけである。
- In terms of tools, Kyudo and archery are essentially the same, but while in archery many supplementary tools (stabilizer, sight (sighting device), clicker, etc.) are attached to the bow (depending on the athletic event), the Japanese bow is basically a bow and string.
- 直線上の位置を検出する位置検出器を有するフィードバック装置であって、当該装置の精度が位置検出器のミリメートルで表したスケールの有効長さの一〇万分の六パーセントに〇・〇〇〇八ミリメートルを加えて得た数値未満のもの
- Feedback devices having position detectors that detect position on a straight line in which the precision of said devices possesses a value that is less than the value obtained by adding 0.0008 millimeters to 6% of one hundred thousandth (100,000th) of the effective length of a position detector scale in millimeters
- 植物防疫官は、第十六条の二第一項又は第十六条の三第一項の規定に違反して移動された植物、有害動物若しくは有害植物又は土及びこれらの容器包装を所持する者に対して、その廃棄を命じ、又は自らこれを廃棄することができる。
- The plant protection officer may order persons who possess plants, injurious animals or injurious plants or soil and their containers or packages that have been transferred in violation of the provision of paragraph 1 of Article 16-2 or paragraph 1 of Article 16-3 to dump them, or may dump them for himself/herself.
- しかしそれでも日本では半世紀程度前(1950年代頃)までは使われていたため、飯の炊き方などにこの竈による調理方法が口伝などの形で残されており、これらは現代の炊飯器でも「美味しいご飯の炊き方」として再現されている。
- And yet, because kamado were still used in Japan until a half century ago (around the 1950's), methods of cooking by kamado, such as how to cook rice, and so on, are still, passed down by word of mouth, and some contemporary rice cookers reproduce them with 'tips on how to cook rice better.'
- 宮内庁の実測調査時に特徴から田辺編年のTK43型式の須恵器片が出土しており、5,6世紀半ばまでに築造された古墳に見られる埴輪は一つも発見されていないことからも、築造時期は6世紀後半であるとの説が有力視されている。
- From the facts that fragments of unglazed ware assumed to be TK43-type in Tanabe Chronology from their characteristics were unearthed in the measurement survey by the Imperial Household Agency and that no haniwa (clay figure) found in kofun built by the 5th century to the latter half of 6th century has been discovered, the theory that this kofun was constructed in the latter half of the 6th century has been highly probable.
- 金属の薄板を定着させる平文(ひょうもん)(または平脱/へいだつ)や漆器表面に溝を彫って金銀を埋め込む沈金、夜光貝、アワビ貝などを文様の形に切り透かしたものを貼ったり埋め込んだりする「螺鈿」(らでん)とは区別される。
- Makie technique is distinguished from other lacquerware decorating techniques including: hyomon (also referred as heidatsu) technique, whereby a thin metal sheet is placed on the surface; the chinkin technique, whereby the lacquerware surface is carved and gold and silver is inlayed in the depression; and the 'raden' technique, whereby green turban shell, abalone or other type of shell is cut out into decorative pieces, and glued or inlayed into the lacquered material.
- 1980年代以降世界中に広がったグラフィティ(落書き)も、建物の所有者の了解を得ない器物破損である一方、若者のさまざまな主張や趣味を表現しているものともいえ、次第に壁面全体を大きく使うものが現れるようになっている。
- While graffiti (doodling) which spread on a global scale in the 1980s and later considered damage to property without the owner's approval, it can be said that the graffiti demonstrates young people's views and interests, and gradually, a pictures drawn on an entire surface of a wall began to appear.
- 中国長江文明では、三星堆遺跡から出土した青銅器(青銅神樹と呼ばれる)には木に止まる太陽を模した9羽の鳥があり、上古神話では鳥は8羽が既に死んでおり現在の太陽は最後の1羽だが既に瀕死であるという(故に供物を捧げた)。
- The bronze ware (called seidoshinju) unearthed from Sanseitai-iseki Remains in the region of Chinese Chang Jiang Culture has nine birds representing suns perching on a tree, and according to ancient mythology, the eight birds were already dead and the last bird which represented the current sun was almost dead (offerings were already made).
- ネオジムガラスレーザー発振器又はネオジムを添加した固体レーザー発振器(一、〇〇〇ナノメートル超一、一〇〇ナノメートル以下の波長範囲で使用するように設計したものに限る。)以外のものであって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Solid-state laser oscillators other than neodymium glass laser oscillators or solid state laser oscillators with added neodymium (limited to those designed for use within a wavelength range exceeding 1,000 nanometers and 1,100 nanometers or less.) which fall under any of the following
- ミクサ又はコンバータであって、周波数分析器、ネットワークアナライザー又はマイクロ波用試験受信機に使用することによって、これらの装置を第十二号イ若しくはロ、第十四号又は第十五号イのいずれかに該当するように設計したもの
- Mixers or converters designed so that by their use in frequency analyzers, network analyzers or microwave test receivers, said equipment falls under any of item (xii), (a) or (b), item (xiv) or item (xv), (a)
- 出動自衛官は、第四条の規定による拘束をする場合においては、その事態に応じ、合理的に必要と判断される限度において、武器を使用することができる。ただし、次の各号のいずれかに該当する場合のほか、人に危害を与えてはならない。
- A SDF personnel under Operations may, in cases of the capture pursuant to the provision of the Article 4, use his/her weapons within the limits judged to be reasonably necessary according to the circumstances. However, he/she shall not injure a person except in any of the following cases:
- 前条の規定による検査の結果、当該植物及び容器包装が第六条第一項及び第二項の規定に違反せず、輸入禁止品に該当せず、かつ、これに検疫有害動植物がないと認めたときは、植物防疫官は、検査に合格した旨の証明をしなければならない。
- In the event that the plant protection officer judges, as a result of the inspection pursuant to the preceding Article, that such plants and containers or packages do not violate the provision of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 6, do not fall under the Prohibited Imports nor contain any Quarantine Pests, he/she shall certify that they pass the inspection.
- ちなみに日本酒匠研究会では、「甘い/辛い」「淡麗/濃醇」を座標軸とする味の分類には実用性がないとして、温度や料理、酒器を連想しやすい「香りが高い/低い」「味が濃い/淡い」を新たな座標軸とし、次のような四分法を用いている。
- For your information, Nihon Sakasho Kenkyukai has the opinion that the classification of taste using 'amai/karai' and 'tanrei/hojun' as coordinate axes has no practical meaning and uses the following four-category method using 'strong/weak fragrance' and 'much/little taste' as new coordinate axes.
- そのために、音色の繊細さや演奏の容易さ、楽器自体の手触りなどの要素を犠牲にしても大きな音が出るような改良がなされ(ヴァイオリン、フルートなど)、それに向かなかった楽器(ヴィオール属、リュート、リコーダーなど)が淘汰された。
- Consequently, some musical instruments (violins and flutes, for example) have been improved to provide higher sound levels at the cost of other features such as delicacy of tone, ease of playing, a pleasant touch, etc., and the other instruments (viols, lutes, recorders, etc.) that weren't suitable for this adaptation have disappeared.
- 蒸した山芋をうらごしして砂糖と炊いたもの(薯蕷煉り切り)や、白餡を寒天で固めたもの(きんとん餡、天餡)、白餡を求肥でつないだもの(煉り切り)を、色々な色にそめ、うらごし器でそぼろ状にし、餡などの芯にうえつけて季節を表現する。
- Followings are colored variously, pureed into mince, and decorated on the core of An (bean jam) and others to express the seasons; Joyo-nerikiri which steamed and strained yamaimo (Japanese yam) is simmered with sugar and cooked, kinton-an or ama-an which is white sweet bean paste jellied by kanten (Japan agar), and nerikiri which white sweet bean paste is mixed with gyuhi (Turkish delight).
- 絵巻物に描き表された服装、建築、食物、武器武具、調度品等は、それが制作された時代の実態をそのまま反映したものとは必ずしも言えないが、服飾史、武具甲冑史、建築史、民俗学、有職故実などの研究のために貴重な視覚情報を提供している。
- Emakimono represents various items such as clothing, architecture, food, weapons and armor, furnishing goods, and so on, which do not necessarily reflect their real status in the days of production but, nevertheless, provides valuable visual information for various studies and research, including history of clothing, history of architecture, folklore, and Yusoku-kojitsu (studies in ancient court and military practices and usage).
- 極低温用容器又は閉サイクル冷却装置であって、零下一七三度以下にすることができるもののうち、宇宙空間用の飛しょう体、打上げ用の飛しょう体又はマッハ数が三を超える速度での巡航が可能な航空機に使用することができるように設計したもの
- Among very low temperature containers or closed cycle cooling systems for use at temperatures of -173 degrees centigrade or less, those which are designed for use in spacecrafts for aerospace, spacecrafts for launch or aircraft which are capable of cruising at speeds exceeding Mach 3
- 太平洋戦争(大東亜戦争)降伏後、日本刀を武器であると見なした連合国軍最高司令官総司令部により刀狩が行われ、蛍丸を始めとした数多くの刀が遺棄・散逸の憂き目にあった(熊本県のように、石油をかけて焼かれた後海中投棄された例もある)。
- After the surrender in the Pacific War (the Great East Asia War), the General Headquarters of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers conducted a sword hunt regarding Japanese swords as weapons, so numerous swords including Hotarumaru were destroyed (in Kumamoto prefecture, for example, swords were burned with petroleum and thrown into the sea).
- 外為令別表の一〇の項(七)の経済産業省令で定める技術は、超高出力レーザー発振器が出力したレーザー光に対する物質の耐久性の試験を行うための装置又はその試験に用いる標的の設計、製造又は使用に必要な技術(プログラムを除く。)とする。
- The technology specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in row 10 (vii) of the appended table of the Foreign Exchange Order shall be technology necessary for the design, manufacture or use of devices to perform tests of the durability of substances against laser beams output by extra-high-output laser oscillators or the targets used for the test.
- 陶磁器・染織・絵画などの作品や、彼らにインスピレーションを与えた朝鮮王朝の古陶磁、イギリスのスリップウェアなどの古陶磁といった、生活用品でもあった美術品がおさめられているが、これらは山本自身が日常親しく愛用したものばかりである。
- The collection contains not only art works including ceramic ware, dyed fabrics and paintings, but also everyday pieces which are considered works of art and which inspired him, such as ancient ceramics from the time of the Korean Dynasties, and pieces of Slipware, a type of ancient English pottery, which Yamamoto himself loved to use daily.
- イに該当する電子管を内蔵するマイクロ波用電力増幅器であって、次の(一)及び(二)に該当するもの(国際電気通信連合が無線通信用に割り当てた周波数帯域(無線測位用に割り当てた周波数帯域を除く。)で使用するように設計したものを除く。)
- Microwave power amplifiers equipped with electron tubes that fall under (a), and that fall under the following categories 1. and 2. (excluding equipment used on frequency bands allotted for wireless transmission by the International Telecommunication Union (excluding frequency bands allotted for wireless radio determination))
- 特に、5世紀後半の126号墳からは、大量の装飾品とともに、日本史上初の火熨斗(ひのし、炭を入れてアイロンとして使用した金属器)の出土や、中国を経由せず西域から新羅経由でもたらされたと見られる希少なローマンガラス製品の出土があった。
- In particular, from No. 126 Tumulus built in the latter half of the fifth century, not only a large quantity of accessories, but also the first hinoshi (metal artifact which had been used as an iron with lighted charcoal in it) in Japanese history, and rare Roman grass products which had been brought to Japan not through China but through Silla from Central and Western Asia were excavated.
- アナログデジタル変換用の集積回路又はアナログデジタル変換器(五〇〇キログラム以上のペイロードを三〇〇キロメートル以上運搬することができるロケット又は無人航空機に使用することができるものに限る。)であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Integrated circuits for analog-to-digital conversion or analog-to-digital converters (limited to those usable in rockets or unmanned aerial vehicles capable of transporting payloads weighing 500 kilograms or more for 300 kilometers or more), and that fall under any of the following
- 経済産業大臣は、機構に、承認容器による運搬物に係る第五十九条第二項の確認(同条第一項第一号及び第三号(実用発電用原子炉及び第二十三条第一項第四号に掲げる原子炉に係る部分に限る。)に掲げる者に係るものに限る。)を行わせるものとする。
- The Minister of METI shall delegate the confirmation set forth in Article 59 (2) pertaining to material shipped via approved containers (limited to the persons listed in items (i) and (iii) of paragraph (1) of said Article (limited to the portion pertaining to commercial power generation reactors and reactors listed in item (iv) of Article 23 (1))) to JNES.
- 釈迦入滅の地クシナガラの統治部族マウラ族は当初仏舎利の専有を表明し、仏教を国教とする周辺国との間に仏舎利を巡って争いが発生する事態となったが、結果として8等分され、それに、容器と残った灰を加えて周辺内外の10か所の寺院に奉納された。
- Initially, the Malla tribe that ruled Kushinagar (Kusinara), where Buddha died, expressed the view that Buddha's sariras should be solely owned by them, and a dispute arose over Buddha's sariras between the Malla tribe and other countries that had Buddhism as the state religion; consequently, Buddha's sariras were equally divided into eight pieces and, along with the case and remaining ashes, were dedicated to 10 temples in the surrounding countries within and outside Kushinagar.
- 戦国時代 (日本)や江戸時代初期においては介錯人がつかず、腹を十文字に割いたり、器官を引きずり出したりといった過激な方法も用いられていたとされ、軍記物にもそのような描写が散見される(医学上は内臓まで到達するまえに失神するとされる)。
- During the Warring States period and early Edo period, seppuku took the extreme form of jumonji-bara without the aid of kaishaku and followed by the pulling out the internal organs, with depictions of such scenes found within military records (although medical opinion is that one would lose consciousness before reaching the internal organs).
- また、クエン酸を主成分とする梅酢は器具や人体の傷口の消毒の他、金属のめっきやはんだ付け、青銅器・鉄器の酸化皮膜処理(酸化銅(II)および酸化鉄(II):酸化第一鉄による『黒留め』と呼ばれる酸化皮膜による防錆処理)のためにも用いられた。
- Umesu, which contains citric acid as the main component, was used for metal plating and soldering and the oxidation coating treatment of bronze and iron ware (copper oxide (II) and iron oxide (II), an anti-rust treatment using an oxide film made of ferrous oxide called 'kurodome'), in addition to the sterilization of tools and bodily wounds.
- すると樽の中に極小の微粒子だけが浮遊しており、微粒子の少ないうわ水を捨て、底に沈殿している微粒子のカスを残し、その昼間の微粒子の含有の多い水を掬って別の大きな容器に移して、沈殿を防ぎ雁皮などの繊維への密着凝固を助けるために苦汁を加える。
- As a result, only ultrafine particles of a minimal size are suspended in the barrel, and discarding the top water including some of the minute particles and leaving the dregs of the ultrafine particles settled on the bottom, scoop up the middle part of the water rich ultrafine particle suspension, put it into another container and add bittern in order to prevent settling and to help it to adhere and clot to fibers including ganpi.
- 推進器の模型の周辺の水流から生じるノイズを音場において計測するために設計した回流水槽であって、基準音圧が一マイクロパスカル及び周波数幅が一ヘルツの場合において、〇ヘルツ以上五〇〇ヘルツ以下の周波数範囲での暗騒音が一〇〇デシベル未満のもの
- A rotation current water tank designed to measure noise coming from the stream around a model propeller in a sound field, with a background noise of less than 100 decibels within a frequency range of 0 hertz or more and 500 hertz or less when the standard sound pressure is 1 micropascal and the frequency width is 1 hertz
- よく忍者漫画や映画などで、次々に複数の手裏剣を投げつけたり、敵を殺傷する攻撃手段として使用するシーンがあるが、基本的に忍者の武器・道具というのは「逃走用の時間稼ぎ」が主目的であり、積極的にこちらから戦闘を仕掛ける目的で使用する事は少ない。
- Scenes where multiple shuriken are thrown one after the other, or are used as a method of attack to kill or injure an enemy are common in ninja cartoons and movies, but the main purpose of the weapons and tools for ninja are basically to 'gain time for escape' and they were not commonly used to actively provoke a fight.
- 飛行経路を最適化するためデジタル飛行管理装置にデジタル飛行制御、航法及び推進制御のデータを統合する技術(プログラム及び超短波全方位式無線標識、距離測定装置、計器着陸装置又はマイクロ波着陸装置のみを統合した飛行計器装置のための技術は除く。)
- Technology that integrates the data of digital flight control, navigation, and propulsion control into a digital flight traffic controller in order to optimize flight routes (excluding technology for flight instrument devices that integrate only programs and very high frequency omnidirectional range, distance measurement devices, instrument landing devices or microwave landing devices.)
- また、平安時代にはやはり雅楽の楽曲種類の一つである「催馬楽(さいばら)」(在来の民謡などを当時の渡来音楽である雅楽の編成に編曲した管絃伴奏付き歌曲)の伴奏楽器として、和琴が加わることがあった(現在では普通、催馬楽に和琴が加わることはない)。
- In the Heian period, wagon was used as an accompanying instrument for playing one of gagaku called 'Saibara' (a song accompanied by wind and stringed instruments which was created by arranging indigenous folk music to the style of newly imported gagaku) (at present, wagon is rarely used for playing Saibara).
- 一般消費者が通常生活の用に供する繊維製品、合成樹脂加工品、電気機械器具及び雑貨工業品のうち、一般消費者がその購入に際し品質を識別することが著しく困難であり、かつ、その品質を識別することが特に必要であると認められるものであつて政令で定めるもの
- Among textile products, plastic goods, electrical appliances and apparatuses, and miscellaneous manufactured goods used by general consumers in their daily lives, those which are extremely difficult for general consumers to discern the quality of at the time of purchase, and with respect to which it is determined that there is a particular necessity to identify their quality, and are specified by Cabinet Order
- それゆえ、三という数にこだわらず、たとえば三味線と尺八だけ、箏と胡弓だけ、三味線と箏、あるいは三味線の本手と替手だけといった編成での演奏も行なわれるし、独奏や四種の楽器での合奏すら可能である(ただしそれらのような場合は三曲合奏とは言わない)。
- Therefore, despite the number 'three' being embedded in the name 'sankyoku,' various kinds of performances are possible, such as an ensemble of just shamisen and shakuhachi, an ensemble of just koto and kokyu, an ensemble of just shamisen and koto, an ensemble of just the leading shamisen and the second shamisen, a solo performance or even an ensemble of four instruments; however, these performances aren't called sankyoku gasso.
- 本来は高価な唐物名物を用いた茶の湯への反抗であり、楽茶碗や竹製の花生、量産の漆塗り茶入である棗 (茶器)といった安価な道具を用いるものであったが、江戸時代に家元が権威化すると、箱書や伝来、命銘などによってこれらの道具も名物へと転化してしまった。
- Originally, they started wabicha to oppose the use of expensive karamono such as Meibutsu and, instead, were using inexpensive utensils including rakujawan, bamboo vases and lacquered tea container natsume (tea utensil), but as the head family of the school was taking power in the Edo period, such inexpensive tea utensils became Meibutsu because of hakogaki (description written on tea utensil's case), records of history and naming.
- 1867年(慶応3年)3月28日 (旧暦)の太政官布告第195号で、提灯・陶器・貢物等に菊紋を描く事を禁止し、1869年(明治2年)8月25日 (旧暦)の太政官布告第803号で、寺社で使用されていた菊紋も、一部の社寺を除き一切の使用が禁止された。
- The declaration of Dajokan no. 195 issued on May 2, 1867 banned drawing Kikumon on Chochin (Japanese paper lantern)/pottery/tribute, and all the designs of Kikumon which had been used at Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines were also prohibited to be used except for some temples and shrines by the declaration of Dajokan no. 803 issued on September 30, 1869.
- 実物資料としては、日本画家で風俗史家でもあった吉川観方(1894 - 1979)が収集した衣服、玩具などの風俗資料、古典楽器の佐竹コレクション(和楽器師・佐竹藤三郎らの収集)、郷土玩具の朏(みかづき)コレクション(朏健之助収集)などが著名である。
- Its famous real objects collections: Folk materials such as clothes and toys collected by Kanpo YOSHIKAWA (1894 - 1979) who was a Japanese-style painter and a folk historian; Satake Collection of traditional musical instruments (by Tozaburo SATAKE, a craftsman of Japanese musical instruments, and others); and 'Mikazuki Collection' of folk toys (collected by Kennosuke MIKAZUKI).
- 鉱工業品の製造業者は、主務大臣の登録を受けた者の認証を受けて、その製造する当該認証に係る鉱工業品又はその包装、容器若しくは送り状に、当該鉱工業品が日本工業規格に適合するものであることを示す主務省令で定める方式による特別な表示を付することができる。
- A manufacturer of a mineral or industrial product may, having obtained the certification of a person accredited by the competent minister, affix to the mineral or industrial product manufactured pertaining to said certification or its package, container or invoice, a special label in accordance with the method specified in an Ordinance of the competent minister indicating said product's conformity with the Japanese Industrial Standards.
- 前条の規定による検査の結果、検疫有害動植物があつた場合は、植物防疫官は、その植物及び容器包装を消毒し、若しくは廃棄し、又はこれを所有し、若しくは管理する者に対して植物防疫官の立会いの下にこれを消毒し、若しくは廃棄すべきことを命じなければならない。
- In the event that a Quarantine Pest is found as a result of the inspection pursuant to the preceding Article, the plant protection officer shall disinfect or destroy such plants and containers or packages, or shall order the person who owns or administrates them to disinfect or destroy them in the presence of the plant protection officer.
- 施行日前に届出等があった植物又は輸入禁止品及び容器包装について旧法第八条第一項、第五項又は第六項の規定による検査が行われていない場合には、当該届出等は、新法第八条第一項の規定による届出、同条第四項の規定による通知又は同条第六項の規定による届出とみなす。
- In the event that an inspection pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1, 5 or 6 of Article 8 of the Old Act was not implemented in respect of plants or Prohibited Imports and containers or packages for which Notification, etc., was given prior to the Date of Enforcement, such Notification, etc. shall be deemed as notification pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 8 of the New Act, notice pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 4 of said Article or notification pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 6 of said Article.
- 達陀の行法(だったんのぎょうほう)は、堂司以下8人の練行衆が兜のような「達陀帽」をかぶり異様な風体で道場を清めた後、燃えさかる大きな松明を持った「火天」が、洒水器を持った「水天」とともに須弥壇の周りを回り、跳ねながら松明を何度も礼堂に突き出す所作をする。
- In Dattan no gyoho, eight Rengyoshu under Dotsukasa wear Dattanbo like a kabuto (helmet) and look bizarre, and after they purify the dojo, 'Katen, Agni' with a big flaming Taimatsu torch and 'Suiten, Varuna' with a barrel of Shasui go around shumidan and jump up and down, sticking out the torch to the rai-do hall many times.
- 聖徳太子が生きていた奈良時代から調度や器物には装飾目的として様々な文様が描かれてきたが、平安時代になると次第に調度品に文様を描くことはの視覚的な美しさだけでなく、公家(貴族)といった朝廷に仕える人々が各家固有の他家と区別する目印としての特色が帯びてきた。
- Since the Nara Period, when Shotokutaishi (Prince Shotoku) lived, various designs had decorated furniture and dishes which later were not only for artistic quality, but also to distinguish the property of Kuge who served the Imperial court.
- 各居住区の内部は未調査であるが、村の西南部に河内や近江、紀伊など各地の搬入土器が多く出土する市的な場所、また、南部では木器の未成品や青銅器鋳造関連遺物や炉跡、北部ではサヌカイトの原石や剥片が纏まって出土する所などがあり、各種工人の居住の場所と推定される。
- The inside of each resident area remains uninvestigated, but these regions are presumed to have been living spaces for various craftworkers from the fact that in the southwest of the village there is a market-like place where earthen vessels carried in from Kawach, Omi, Ki and so on were found, in the south a place where unfinished wooden cups, remains related to bronze ware casting and remains of furnaces were found and in the north a place where raw stones of sanukite and their fragments were found in clusters.
- 原子力事業者は、その原子力防災組織に、当該原子力防災組織がその業務を行うために必要な放射線障害防護用器具、非常用通信機器その他の資材又は機材であって主務省令で定めるもの(以下「原子力防災資機材」という。)を備え付け、随時、これを保守点検しなければならない。
- A nuclear operator shall, in its on-site organization for nuclear emergency preparedness, install protection appara.us for radiation hazards, emergency communication devices and any other materials and equipment necessary for said on-site organization for nuclear emergency preparedness to perform its duties, which are specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry (hereinafter referred to as 'materials and equipment for nuclear disaster prevention'), and maintain and check them as needed.
- 文部科学大臣は、文部科学省令で定めるところにより、機構に、承認容器による運搬物に係る第五十九条第二項の確認(同条第一項第二号及び第三号(第二十三条第一項第三号及び第五号に掲げる原子炉に係る部分に限る。)に掲げる者に係るものに限る。)を行わせることができる。
- The Minister of MEXT may delegate the confirmation set forth in Article 59 (2) pertaining to material shipped via approved containers (limited to the persons listed in items (ii) and (iii) of paragraph (1) of said Article (limited to the portion pertaining to the reactors listed in items (iii) and (v) of Article 23 (1))) to JNES, pursuant to the provision of the Ordinance of MEXT.
- また三味線音楽が遊里との結びつきも持っていて、どちらかといえば三味線が庶民の楽器として普及したのに対し、箏曲は王朝文学に取材したものが多いなど高雅な精神性を持ち、このため武家では「高尚な音楽」として、箏は武家の娘のたしなみ(アマチュア)としてもてはやされた。
- While shamisen developed as a kind of ordinary people's musical instrument because shamisen music linked with the red-light district, Soh music was regarded as 'music of high spirituality' by samurai families because many pieces were created based on dynastic style literature, and it was praised as an essential achievement for the daughters of samurai families (amateur).
- 前項の規定により金品を領置するときは、同項に規定する引渡しを受けた者に対し、受領証を発給しなければならない。ただし、領置した物品のうち、領置武器等(武器その他の装備品(同項第一号に掲げるものを除く。)及び軍用書類をいう。以下同じ。)については、この限りでない。
- In cases of retaining the cash and articles pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph, a receipt shall be issued to the person who has taken delivered as prescribed in the preceding paragraph; provided, however, that this shall not apply to retained arms, etc. (i.e. arms and other equipments (except for articles listed in item (i) of the same paragraph), and military documents; the same shall apply hereinafter) among articles which have been retained.
- 和琴とは別に、奈良時代に渡来した「琴」(きんのこと)は中国宮廷内の祭祀にまつわる楽器として、弦楽器(古代日本では、人間が息を吹き込まねば演奏できない管楽器よりも高尚なものとされた。当時弦楽器はすべて「○○のこと」と呼び習わされる)の中でも重要視されていたらしい。
- Apart from 和琴 (Wagon), 'Kin (琴) no Koto,' which was also introduced in the Nara period, was apparently regarded as an important stringed instrument because it related to the religious services of the Chinese court: stringed instruments, all of which were called 'OO no Koto' in those days, were regarded as superior to wind instruments, because wind instruments would not make sound unless human beings breathed into them.
- 農林水産省令で定める国から輸入する植物及びその容器包装であつて、検査証明書又はその写しに記載されるべき事項が当該国の政府機関から電気通信回線を通じて植物防疫所の使用に係る電子計算機(入出力装置を含む。)に送信され、当該電子計算機に備えられたファイルに記録されたもの
- Plants and their containers or packages that are imported from countries provided for in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, for which matters to be stated in the phytosanitary certificate or its copy are transmitted from the governmental organization of such countries to an electronic computer used by the plant protection station (including input and output devices) by way of a telecommunications line and are recorded in a file stored in such electronic computer.
- (ペルーの先住民またはインカの末裔とされる人々が喧嘩祭りや、放牧畜産で家畜(リャマやヒツジ)を誘導する為の、紐を使ったスリングと呼ばれる投石器や、いわゆるパチンコとも呼称されるスリングショットと呼ばれる投石器は、弓矢を起源としない為、この項目の趣旨の投石器ではない)
- (Since it did not originate from Yumiya, the catapult of this section does not include the rock-throwing machine with a rope called a sling, which is used for fight festivals or leading livestock (llama or sheep) of depasturage by the aborigines in Peru or the people who are considered to be descendants of the Inca, and also not include the one which is called a slingshot or a pachinko)
- 新エネルギー利用等の促進のために、エネルギーを供給する事業を行う者(次条第二項 において「エネルギー供給事業者」という。)及び新エネルギー利用等を行うための機械器具の製造又は輸入の事業を行う者(同項において「製造事業者等」と いう。)が講ずべき措置に関する基本的な事項
- Basic matters for promoting New Energy Utilization, etc. concerning measures to be taken by business operators who supply energy (in the next Article, paragraph (2), referred to as 'Energy Supply Business Operators') or those who manufacture or import the machinery and fixtures for carrying out New Energy Utilization, etc. (in the same paragraph, referred to as 'Manufacturing Business Operators, etc.')
- 次の各号の一に掲 げる違反があつた場合には、その違反行為をした指定講習機関、指定試験機関、指定完成検査機関、指定輸入検査機関、指定保安検査機関、指定容器検査機関、 指定特定設備検査機関、指定設備認定機関又は検査組織等調査機関の役員又は職員は、三十万円以下の罰金に処する。
- In the event of violations as listed in any of the following items, the officer(s) and/or personnel of a Designated Training Agency, Designated Examining Body, Designated Completion Conformity Inspection Body, Designated Import Conformity Inspection Body, Designated Safety Conformity Inspection Body, Designated Container Conformity Inspection Body, Designated Conformity Inspection Body for Designated Equipment or Designated Accreditation Agency for Specified Equipment or Investigation Agency of Inspection Organization, etc., who have committed such violation shall be punished by a fine of not more than 300,000 yen:
- 後方部の祭祀状遺構で、石釧(いしくしろ)、車輪石、鍬形石、石製釧と呼ばれる碧玉製腕飾類の破片、それら三種の碧玉製品を模造した土製品の破片、碧玉の管玉、鉄剣・刀子の破片と鉄斧、位牌形石製品とよばれ、人形の形骸化したい試製品と想像される遺物、高坏や壺などの土師器が出土した。
- Following items were excavated from the site of Saishi facilities in the back square part: Fragments of Hekigyoku (jasper) stone wristbands which are called Ishikushiro (stone bracelet), Sharinseki (carved stone objects with smooth radial fluting), and Kuwagata-ishi (hoe-shaped bracelets), fragments of clay artifacts copied from those three kinds of Hekigyoku products, Kudatama made of Hekigyoku, fragments of iron swords and Tosu (small knife), iron axes, relics called ancestral tablets shaped stone products which are presumed to be sample dolls' wreck, and Haji potteries including Takatsuki (small one-legged tray for one person) and jars.
- 武器・武具では、鉄刀7本以上、鉄剣十数本以上、鉄矛7本以上、鉄族約200本、銅族17本、鉄製甲冑1領が、工具・農具では、鉄鎌3本、鉄斧10個、鉄刀17本、鉄製ヤリカンナ7本以上、鉄錐8本以上、鉄ノミ3本以上が、漁具では、鉄銛十数本、鉄ヤス数本、鉄製釣針1本が出土している。
- Excavated articles from this tumulus include: (1) weapons and armor: seven or more iron daggers, more than 10 iron swords, seven or more pikes, about 200 iron arrowheads, 17 bronze arrowheads, and a suit of iron armor; (2) tools and farming utensils: three iron sickles, 10 iron adz, 17 iron knives, seven or more iron yariganna (spear planes), eight or more iron cores, and three or more iron chisels; (3) fishing gear: more than 10 iron harpoons, a few iron fish spears, and an iron fish hook.
- 前項の規定による検査の結果、有害動物又は有害植物があると認めた場合において、これを駆除し、又はそのまん延を防止するため必要があるときは、植物防疫官は、当該植物、容器包装、土地、貯蔵所、倉庫、事業所、船車又は航空機を所有し、又は管理する者に対し、その消毒を命ずることができる。
- In the event that the plant protection officer decides as a result of the inspection pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph that there are injurious animals or injurious plants and that it is necessary to perform disinfestations or prevent their spread, he/she may order persons who own or administrate such plants, containers or packages, sites, storage places, warehouses, offices, vessels, vehicles or aircraft to disinfect them.
- 第一種製造者、第二種製造者、販売業者、液化石油ガス法第六条の液化 石油ガス販売事業者、高圧ガスを貯蔵し、又は消費する者、容器製造業者、容器の輸入をした者その他高圧ガス又は容器を取り扱う者は、次に掲げる場合は、遅 滞なく、その旨を都道府県知事又は警察官に届け出なければならない。
- Any Class 1 Producer, Class 2 Producer, Dealer, LPG Dealer under Article 6 of the LPG Act, person storing or consuming high pressure gas, container manufacturer, importer of containers or any other person who otherwise handles high pressure gas or containers shall, in the following cases, submit a notification report thereof to the prefectural governor or police official without delay:
- 経済産業大臣は、公共の 安全の維持又は災害の発生の防止のため必要があると認めるときは、指定完成検査機関、指定輸入検査機関、指定保安検査機関、指定容器検査機関、指定特定設 備検査機関、指定設備認定機関又は検査組織等調査機関に対し、その業務又は経理の状況に関し報告をさせることができる。
- When the Minister of METI finds it necessary for the maintenance of public safety or the prevention of disasters, he/she may demand a report on the business or accounting from any Designated Completion Conformity Inspection Body, Designated Import Conformity Inspection Body, Designated Safety Conformity Inspection Body, Designated Container Conformity Inspection Body, Designated Conformity Inspection Body for Designated Equipment or Designated Accreditation Agency for Specified Equipment or Investigation Agency for Inspection Organization, etc.
- 国は、指定有害動植物の防除のため特に必要があるときは、地方公共団体、農業者又はその組織する団体であつて、第二十四条第五項の告示に係る防除計画に基き防除を行おうとするものに対し、防除に必要な薬剤を譲与し、若しくは時価より低い対価で譲渡し、又は防除用器具を無償で貸し付けることができる。
- In the event that it is specifically necessary for the control of the Specified Pests, the national government may dish out, or transfer at a price lower than the market price, chemicals necessary for the control or may lend the Equipment for Control without charge to local governments, agricultural workers or bodies organized by them that intend to implement the control based on the Plan for Control pertaining to the public notice under paragraph 5 of Article 24.
- 核燃料物質の貯蔵容器その他の文部科学省令で定める使用施設等であつて溶接をするものについては、文部科学省令で定めるところにより、その溶接につき文部科学大臣の検査を受け、これに合格した後でなければ、使用者は、これを使用してはならない。ただし、文部科学省令で定める場合は、この限りでない。
- Any container used for storing nuclear fuel material and other usage facilities, etc. specified by the Ordinance of METI that are to be welded shall be inspected by the Minister of MEXT when welding is to be performed, as provided for by the Ordinance of MEXT, and the user may not use the container or usage facilities, etc. until after they have passed the inspection; provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases specified by the Ordinance of MEXT.
- すると釈迦仏は『観世音菩薩の秘呪がある。一器の食物を供え、この『加持飲食陀羅尼」』(かじおんじきだらに)を唱えて加持すれば、その食べ物は無量の食物となり、一切の餓鬼は充分に空腹を満たされ、無量無数の苦難を救い、施主は寿命が延長し、その功徳により仏道を証得することができる』と言われた。
- Then, Sakyamuni Buddha said, 'There is a secret spell of Kanzeon Bosatsu (the Goddess of Mercy). If you serve food on a dish and perform Kaji (incantation) by reciting this 'Kajionjiki Dharani' (literally, incantation for food and drink), the food will become an immeasurable amount of food for all hungry ghosts to feel full enough, and immeasurable sufferings will be relieved, and you can live longer and get a certificate of Buddhism by that good deed.'
- レーザー発振器の試験装置であって、超高出力レーザー発振器(五〇ミリ秒間に一キロジュールを超えるエネルギーを出力できる又は平均出力若しくは持続波の定格出力が二〇キロワットを超えるレーザー発振器をいう。以下同じ。)のビームの振れ角の一〇マイクロラジアン以下の誤差を測定することができるもの
- Test equipment for laser oscillators which is capable of measuring errors in the beam deflection angle of an ultra-high output laser oscillator (laser oscillators which are capable of output energy exceeding 1 kilo-joule per 50 milliseconds or the average output or continuous wave rated output of which exceeds 20 kilowatts; the same shall apply hereinafter) of less than 10 microradians
- 鉱工業品の加工業者は、主務大臣の登録を受けた者の認証を受けて、その者が当該認証に係る加工技術による加工をした鉱工業品又はその包装、容器若しくは送り状に、その鉱工業品に係る当該加工技術が日本工業規格に適合するものであることを示す主務省令で定める方式による特別な表示を付することができる。
- A processor of an mineral or industrial product may, having obtained the certification of a person accredited by the competent minister, affix to the mineral or industrial product in accordance with the processing technology pertaining to said certification or its package, container or invoice, a special label in accordance with the method specified in the Ordinance of the competent ministry indicating said product's conformity with the Japanese Industrial Standards.
- 原子炉容器その他の主務省令で定める原子炉施設であつて溶接をするものについては、主務省令で定めるところにより、その溶接につき主務大臣の検査を受け、これに合格した後でなければ、原子炉設置者は、これを使用してはならない。ただし、第四項に定める場合及び主務省令で定める場合は、この限りでない。
- Any reactor container and other reactor facilities specified by the Ordinance of the competent ministry that are to be welded shall be inspected by the competent minister with respect to the welding, pursuant to the Ordinance of the competent ministry, and the reactor establisher may not use such containers or reactor facilities until after they have passed the inspection; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the case specified in paragraph (4) and cases specified by the Ordinance of the competent ministry.
- つまり、入信しないと不幸になる、入信しないで死んだ人は死体が真っ黒になり重くなる、といった発言による勧誘や、自派に関わる科学的・歴史的な批判は受け入れないが、他宗派を激しく攻撃する際には武器として扱う等、言動は明らかに他の仏教宗派と一線を画し、排他的な傾向が強いと批判されることがある。
- In another words, the sales talk such as if someone does not join into the group, when he or she dies, the body will turn to an all black color and become heavy, or the scientific and historical criticisms in relation to their own religious group are not acceptable, however when attacking other religious groups baldy, this group is criticized in that they draw a strict line between others and have an exclusive attitude towards them.
- とう利天に在って釈迦仏の付属を受け、毎朝禅定に入りて衆生の機根(性格や教えを聞ける器)を感じ、釈迦の入滅後、56億7000万年後に弥勒菩薩が出現するまでの間、現世に仏が不在となってしまうため、その間、六道(地獄道・餓鬼道・畜生道・修羅道・人道・天道)を輪廻する衆生を救う菩薩であるとされる。
- It is considered that it follows Shaka-muni Buddha in the Touriten (Trayastrimsa heaven) and senses the capability of living things each morning in Dhyana (meditation), and that it is a Bosatsu that relieves living things who live in the wheel of life of Rikudo (the six realms of Jigoku-do (Naraka realm, or hell realm) (地獄道), Gaki-do (Preta realm, or hungry ghost realm), (餓鬼道), Chikusho-do (Animal realm) (畜生道), Shura-do (Ashura realm, or realm of demigods) (修羅道), Jin-do (Human realm) (人道) and Ten-do (Deva realm, or realm or blissful state) (天道), while there exists no Buddha in this world after Shaka entered nirvana and before Miroku Bosatsu (Maitreya Bodhisattva) appears, 5670 million years later.
- もつぱら冷凍設備に用いる機器であつて、経済産業省令で定めるものの 製造の事業を行う者(以下「機器製造業者」という。)は、その機器を用いた設備が第八条第一号又は第十二条第一項の技術上の基準に適合することを確保する ように経済産業省令で定める技術上の基準に従つてその機器の製造をしなければならない。
- Any person who intends to engage in the business of manufacturing apparatuses to be exclusively used in refrigeration equipment and specified by an Ordinance of METI (such person is hereinafter referred to as 'Apparatus Manufacturer') shall manufacture apparatuses in accordance with the technical standards specified by an Ordinance of METI to ensure that the equipment using such apparatuses conforms with the technical standards specified by the METI Ordinance referred to in item (i) of Article 8, or paragraph (1) of Article 12.
- 近年、大東流や合気道での使用法の影響で、特に素手の武術、武道において相手の力に力で対抗せず、相手の“気”(攻撃の意志、タイミング、力のベクトルなどを含む)に自らの「“気”を合わせ」相手の攻撃を無力化させるような技法群やその原理を指すようになった(剣道や古来よりの武器術では元来の意味で使われる)。
- In recent years, influenced by its use in Daito school and aikido, it refers to the techniques and principles of disabling the opponent's attacks by 'matching the 'qi'' of oneself to the 'qi' (including the will to attack, timing and vector of force) of the opponent, instead of competing against the opponent's force with force, especially in martial arts using bare hands (it is used for its original meaning in kendo (the Japanese art of fencing) and in the ancient arts of weaponry).
- インドではチャパティとカレーをダッバーワーラーと呼ばれる積み重ね式容器に入れ携帯する習慣が見られ、アメリカ合衆国(大陸)ではピーナッツバターとジャムを塗った簡単なサンドイッチ(enPeanut butter and jelly sandwichと呼ぶ)や果物などを弁当箱に入れ、昼食として携行する。
- India has the custom of carrying chapati and curry in stackable containers called dabbawala while United States (mainland) has the custom of carrying a light sandwich with peanut butter and jam (called peanut butter and jelly sandwich) and fruit in a lunch box.
- 本来の「戦いの武器としての日本刀」という観点では、各特殊軍刀々身は近代技術を取り入れらて完成された日本刀となり、肝心の実用性に於いては究められたものの、見た目の美的要素は皆無な物が多く(関の半鍛錬昭和刀の様に双方を兼ね備えた物もある)、今日では製造方法の上からも、日本刀の範疇には含まれない事にはなっている。
- From the original viewpoint of 'Japanese swords as weapons to fight with,' each of the special blades became a perfect Japanese sword using modern technology and had an essential practical utility, but most of them have no taste of beauty in appearance (some swords including semi-forged Showa Swords of Seki have both), so, today, they are not supposed to be included together with Japanese swords, also from the standpoint of the production method.
- 輸入業者は、その加工技術につき第二十条第一項の表示又はこれと紛らわしい表示の付してある鉱工業品(その包装、容器又は送り状に当該表示の付してある場合における当該鉱工業品を含む。)でその輸入に係るものを販売してはならない。ただし、当該表示が同項又は前条第三項の規定により付されたものである場合は、この限りでない。
- An importer in regards to the processing technology shall not sell any mineral or industrial products on which the label of Paragraph 1 of Article 20 or a confusingly similar label is affixed (including said mineral or industrial products in the case where said label is affixed to its package, container or invoice) pertaining to such importation. However, this shall not apply in cases where such label is affixed pursuant to provisions of the same Paragraph or Paragraph 3 of the preceding Article.
- 3世紀を通じて搬入土器の量・範囲ともに他に例がなく出土土器全体の15%は駿河・尾張・近江・北陸・山陰・吉備などで生産された搬入土器で占められ、製作地域は南関東から九州北部までの広域に拡がっており、西日本の中心的位置を占める遺跡であったことは否定できないし、人々の交流センター的な役割を果たしていたことが窺える。
- The quantity and the extent of the regions bringing in the earthenware found in Makimuku Remains throughout the 3rd century is not comparable to that of the other regions; 15% of the excavated earthenware is brought from wide variety of regions in Japan from Suruga, Owari, Ohmi, Hokuriku, Sanin to Kibi regions; thus, this particular village would have been the center of the physical distribution and the cultural exchange among communities during that period.
- 六ふつ化ウランの加熱容器その他の経済産業省令で定める加工施設であつて溶接をするものについては、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、その溶接につき経済産業大臣の検査を受け、これに合格した後でなければ、加工事業者は、これを使用してはならない。ただし、第四項に定める場合及び経済産業省令で定める場合は、この限りでない。
- Any container used for heating uranium hexafluoride and other fuel facilities specified by the Ordinance of METI that are to be welded shall be inspected by the Minister of METI when welding is to be performed, pursuant to the provision of the Ordinance of METI, and the licensee of fabricating or enrichment activity shall not use the fabricating facilities until after they have passed the inspection; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the case specified in paragraph (4) and cases specified by the Ordinance of METI.
- 第一種製造者、第一種貯蔵所又は第二種貯蔵所の所有者又は占有者、販売 業者、容器製造業者及び容器検査所の登録を受けた者は、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、帳簿を備え、高圧ガス若しくは容器の製造、販売若しくは出納又 は容器再検査若しくは附属品再検査について、経済産業省令で定める事項を記載し、これを保存しなければならない。
- Any Class 1 Producer, owner or possessor of a Class 1 or Class 2 Storage Place, Dealer, container manufacturer or person with a registered container reinspection station shall arrange and keep books in accordance with an Ordinance of METI to record matters as prescribed by an Ordinance of METI with respect to the production, sale, incoming and outgoing of high pressure gas or containers or container reinspection or accessory reinspection.
- 農林水産省令で定める地域内にある植物、有害動物若しくは有害植物又は土で、有害動物又は有害植物のまん延を防止するため他の地域への移動を禁止する必要があるものとして農林水産省令で定めるもの及びこれらの容器包装は、他の地域へ移動してはならない。ただし、試験研究の用に供するため農林水産大臣の許可を受けた場合は、この限りでない。
- Plants, injurious animals or injurious plants or soil within an area provided for in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries that are provided for in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as those for which it is necessary to prohibit their transfer to other areas for the purpose of preventing the spread of injurious animals or injurious plants and their containers or packages, shall not be transferred to other areas; however, this shall not apply if the permission of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is obtained for use in test and research.
- 輸入業者は、第十九条第一項の表示又はこれと紛らわしい表示の付してある鉱工業品(その包装、容器又は送り状に当該表示の付してある場合における当該鉱工業品を含む。)でその輸入に係るものを販売してはならない。ただし、当該表示が同項若しくは同条第二項又は前条第一項若しくは第二項の規定により付されたものである場合は、この限りでない。
- An importer shall not sell any mineral or industrial product on which the label of Paragraph 1 of Article 19 or a confusingly similar label is affixed (including said mineral or industrial products in the case where said label is affixed to its package, container or invoice) pertaining to such importation. However, this shall not apply in cases where such label is affixed pursuant to provisions of the same Paragraph or Paragraph 2 of the same Article or Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article.
- この法律又はこの法律に基づく命令の規定による処分(容器検査、容器 再検査、附属品検査、附属品再検査、特定設備検査又は指定設備の認定の結果についての処分を除く。)についての審査請求又は異議申立てに対する裁決又は決 定は、その処分に係る者に対し、相当な期間をおいて予告をした上、公開による意見の聴取をした後にしなければならない。
- The determination or decision in response to a request for review or opposition in respect to any disposition taken under this Act or any order pursuant thereto (except dispositions taken concerning the result of container inspection or reinspection, accessory inspection or reinspection, Designated Equipment Inspection or accreditation of Specified Equipment) shall be given to the person subject to such disposition after an open hearing to be held upon prior notice allowing such person a reasonable period of time.
- 平安末期の『兵範記』に書かれた藤原基実の保元元年(1156年)「大臣大饗」は、永久 (元号)4年(1116年)の藤原忠通のそれを参考とし、事前の準備は宴会予定日の9日前から始められ、赤漆塗の膳を特別にあつらえ、その膳の上には白絹を現在のテーブルクロスの如く敷き、これまた特別にあつらえた折敷や漆塗の食器に料理を盛りつけたとある。
- According to 'Heihanki' (Diary of TAIRA no Nobunori) which was written in the late Heian period, FUJIWARA no Motozane held 'Otodo no daikyo' in 1156, following the example of Otodo no daikyo held by FUJIWARA no Tadamichi in 1116; he began making preparations nine days before the banquet, ordering small dining tables varnished with red lacquer, spreading white silk cloth over them like a tablecloth, and foods were arranged on lacquered tableware, which were specially ordered for the banquet as well as oshiki (a wooden placemat with raised edges).
- 植物防疫官は、第六条第一項から第五項まで若しくは第八条第一項若しくは第六項の規定に違反して輸入された植物及び容器包装を廃棄し、又はこれを所持している者に対して植物防疫官の立会いの下にこれを廃棄すべきことを命ずることができる。第八条第七項の規定による隔離栽培の命令の違反があつた場合において、その違反に係る植物についてもまた同様とする。
- The plant protection officer may destroy plants and containers or packages that have been imported in violation of the provision of paragraph 1 through to paragraph 5 of Article 6, or paragraph 1 or 6 of Article 8, or may order the person who is in possession of them to destroy them in the presence of the plant protection officer. In the event of a violation against the order of isolated culture pursuant to the provision of paragraph 7 of Article 8, the same shall apply to plants pertaining to such violation.
- 使用済燃料の貯蔵に使用する容器その他の経済産業省令で定める使用済燃料貯蔵施設であつて溶接をするものについては、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、その溶接につき経済産業大臣の検査を受け、これに合格した後でなければ、使用済燃料貯蔵事業者は、これを使用してはならない。ただし、第四項に定める場合及び経済産業省令で定める場合は、この限りでない。
- Any containers used for storing spent fuel and any other spent fuel interim storage facilities specified by the Ordinance of METI that are to be welded shall be inspected by the Minister of METI with respect to the welding, pursuant to the Ordinance of METI, and the licensee of spent fuel interim storage activity may not use the containers or facilities until after they have passed the inspection; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the case specified in paragraph (4) and cases specified by the Ordinance of METI.
- 麻薬及び向精神薬取締法(昭和二十八年法律第十四号)に定める麻薬若しくは向精神薬、大麻取締法(昭和二十三年法律第百二十四号)に定める大麻、あへん法(昭和二十九年法律第七十一号)に定めるけし、あへん若しくはけしがら、覚せい剤取締法(昭和二十六年法律第二百五十二号)に定める覚せい剤若しくは覚せい剤原料又はあへん煙を吸食する器具を不法に所持する者
- A person who illegally possesses any narcotics or psychotropic substances as prescribed in the Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Control Act (Act No. 14 of 1953), marijuana as prescribed in the Marijuana Control Act (Act No. 124 of 1948), or poppy, opium or poppy plants as prescribed in the Opium Control Act (Act No. 71 of 1954), stimulants or raw materials used to make stimulants as prescribed in the Stimulants Control Act (Act No. 252 of 1951), or any apparatus used to smoke or eat opium.
- 前条第一項の場合において、緊急に防除を行う必要があるため同条第二項の規定によるいとまがないときは、農林水産大臣は、その必要の限度において、同項の規定による告示をしないで、前項第三号の命令をし、又は植物防疫官に有害動物若しくは有害植物が附着し、若しくは附着しているおそれがある植物若しくは容器包装の消毒、除去、廃棄等の措置をさせることができる。
- In the case of paragraph 1 of the preceding Article and if no time for complying with the provision of paragraph 2 of said Article is available by reason of emergency action, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries may, to the extent necessary for such necessity, issue an order under item (iii) of the preceding paragraph or cause the plant protection officer to take measures for disinfection, removal, dumping or other in respect of plants, containers or packages to which injurious animals or injurious plants are attached or could be attached.
- 経済産業大臣は、公共の 安全の維持又は災害の発生の防止のため必要があると認めるときは、その職員に、指定完成検査機関、指定輸入検査機関、指定保安検査機関、指定容器検査機 関、指定特定設備検査機関、指定設備認定機関又は検査組織等調査機関の事務所又は事業所に立ち入り、業務の状況若しくは帳簿書類その他必要な物件を検査さ せ、又は関係者に質問させることができる。
- When the Minister of METI finds it necessary for the maintenance of public safety or the prevention of disasters, he may send his/her staff to enter any office or place of business of any Designated Completion Conformity Inspection Body, Designated Import Conformity Inspection Body, Designated Safety Conformity Inspection Body, Designated Container Conformity Inspection Body, Designated Conformity Inspection Body for Designated Equipment, Designated Accreditation Agency for Specified Equipment or Investigation Agency for Inspection Organization, etc., and cause such staff to inspect the state of business, books, records and other necessary articles or question the persons concerned.
- 第二十五条第三項第二号イからヌまでのいずれかに該当するものの設計若しくは製造に必要な技術(プログラムを除く。)又は第二十七条第五項各号に該当するものの設計若しくは製造に必要な技術を用いたガスタービンエンジン又はガスタービンエンジンの部分品を設計するためのものであって、実時間で制御する装置、計測器(センサーを含む。)又は自動的にデータを収集し、解析する装置
- Equipment for design of gas turbines or gas turbine components which use technology required for manufacture of items which fall under any of Article 25, paragraph (3), item (ii), (a) through (j) (excluding programs), or use technology required for design and manufacture of items which fall under the items of Article 27, paragraph (5) and real time controlling devices, measuring instruments (including sensors) or devices which collect and analyze data automatically
- 宇宙用に設計していないフォーカルプレーンアレーであって、次の(一)及び(二)に該当するもの(素子の数が一六以下のカプセル封じをした光導電セルであって硫化鉛又はセレン化鉛を用いたもの及び焦電検出器であって硫酸三グリシン、チタン酸ジルコン酸鉛にランタンを添加したもの、タンタル酸リチウム、ポリふっ化ビニリデン又はニオブ酸ストロンチウムバリウムを用いたものを除く。)
- Focal plane arrays not designed for space use that fall under the following 1. and 2. (excluding photoconduction cells with a sealed-in capsule having 16 or fewer elements; those using lead sulfide or lead selenide as well as pyroelectric detectors, those in which lanthanum has been added to 3 glycine sulfate and lead zirconate titanate, those to which lithium tartarate, vinylidene polyfluoride or strontium barium niobate has been added)
- 原子力緊急事態 原子力事業者の原子炉の運転等(原子力損害の賠償に関する法律(昭和三十六年法律第百四十七号)第二条第一項に規定する原子炉の運転等をいう。以下同じ。)により放射性物質又は放射線が異常な水準で当該原子力事業者の原子力事業所外(原子力事業所の外における放射性物質の運搬(以下「事業所外運搬」という。)の場合にあっては、当該運搬に使用する容器外)へ放出された事態をいう。
- nuclear emergency situation means a situation in which radioactive materials or radiation at an abnormal level has been released outside the nuclear site of a nuclear operator (in the case of the transport of radioactive materials outside the nuclear site (hereinafter referred to as 'transport outside the nuclear site'), outside a vessel which is used for said transport) due to the operation of the reactor, etc. by said nuclear operator (which means the operation of the reactor, etc. prescribed in Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Act on Compensation for Nuclear Damage (Act No. 147 of 1961); the same shall apply hereinafter);
- 植物防疫官は、第十六条の二第一項又は前条第一項の規定に違反して植物、有害動物若しくは有害植物又は土及びこれらの容器包装が移動されることを防止するため必要があると認めるときは、これらの物品を所有し、又は管理する者に対し、船車若しくは航空機にこれらの物品の積込み若しくは持込みをしないよう、又は船車若しくは航空機に積込み若しくは持込みをしたこれらの物品を取り卸すよう命ずることができる。
- In the event that the plant protection officer deems necessary for the prevention of the transfer of plants, injurious animals or injurious plants or soil and their containers or packages in violation of the provision of paragraph 1 of Article 16-2 or paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, he/she may order persons who own or administrate these articles not to load nor bring these articles on or in vessels, vehicles or aircraft, or to unload these articles loaded or brought on or in vessels, vehicles or aircraft.
- 出動自衛官は、前条の規定により拘束した者(以下「被拘束者」という。)については、その所持品又は身体について危険物(銃砲、銃剣、銃砲弾、爆発物その他の軍用の武器及びこれらに準ずる物であって、人の生命又は身体に危険を生じさせるものをいう。次項において同じ。)又は軍用書類(地図、軍用規則、命令書、計画書その他の軍用に供する書類をいう。以下同じ。)を所持しているかどうかを調べることができる。
- The SDF personnel under Operations may conduct an examination of the personal belongings or the body of the person in captivity pursuant to the provision of the preceding Article (hereinafter referred to as "captive person(s)") as to ascertain possession of dangerous goods (i.e. firearms, bayonets, bullets, explosives and other military arms and any object equivalent to the above, and which endanger human lives or bodies. The same shall apply in the following paragraph) or military documents (i.e. maps, military rules, written orders, plans and other documents to be used for military purposes. The same shall apply hereinafter).
- 宇宙用に設計していないフォーカルプレーンアレーであって、次のいずれかに該当するもの(素子の数が一六以下のカプセル封じをした光導電セルであって硫化鉛又はセレン化鉛を用いたもの及び焦電検出器であって硫酸三グリシン、チタン酸ジルコン酸鉛にランタンを添加したもの、タンタル酸リチウム、ポリふっ化ビニリデン又はニオブ酸ストロンチウムバリウムを用いたものを除く。)のうち、ニに該当するもの以外のもの
- Among focal plane arrays which are not designed for space use that fall under any of the following (excluding photoconduction cells with a sealed-in capsule having 16 or fewer elements, using lead sulfide or lead selenide as well as pyroelectric detectors in which lanthanum has been added to 3 glycine sulfate and lead zirconate titanate, using lithium tartarate vinylidene polyfluoride or strontium barium niobate), those other than items that fall under (d)
- ただしこの文章は、日蓮が「名字即菩提」をなどと、「名字」の語義に注目し「煩悩則菩提」などと同じく、「名字即(初めて正法を聞いて一切の法はみな仏説であると覚る位)」による転換を指し示したもので、単なる戒律を否定したものではない、あるいは「末法無戒」とは釈尊の法や戒律が末法では通用しないので、本仏である日蓮が明かした金剛宝器戒こそが末法に於ける戒律である、等々さまざまな説を生むきっかけとなった。
- However, this text produced various theories: Nichiren focused on the meaning of a word 'myoji' (family name) and considered 'myoji soku bodai' (family names are Bodhi) as similar to 'bonno soku bodai' (earthly desires are Bodhi) and indicated conversion by 'myojisoku (when you listen to Shobo (the phase lasting 1,000 years following the death of the Historical Buddha) the first time, you realize that all laws are Buddhism teaching),' not just denial of religious precept; or laws of Shakyamuni and precepts are not valid in mappo, so only Kongoho kikan clarified by Nichiren, the principal object of worship, is the precept in Mappo.
- 経済産業大臣又は都道府県知事は、公共の安全の維持又は災害の発生の 防止のため必要があると認めるときは、第一種製造者、第二種製造者、第一種貯蔵所若しくは第二種貯蔵所の所有者若しくは占有者、販売業者、高圧ガスの輸入 をした者、特定高圧ガス消費者、液化石油ガス法第六条の液化石油ガス販売事業者、容器製造業者、容器の輸入をした者、容器検査所の登録を受けた者又は機器 製造業者に対し、その業務に関し、報告をさせることができる。
- When the Minister of METI or the prefectural governor finds it necessary for the maintenance of public safety or the prevention of disasters, he/she may demand a report on the business from any Class 1 Producer, Class 2 Producer, owner or possessor of a Class 1 or Class 2 Storage Place, Dealer, importer of high pressure gas, Specific High Pressure Gas Consumer, LPG Dealer under Article 6 of the LPG Act, container manufacturer, importer of containers, person with a registered container reinspection station or apparatus manufacturer.
- 抑留令書、仮収容令書若しくは送還令書の執行、抑留令書若しくは送還令書による再拘束、被拘束者若しくは被収容者の拘束、収容、護送若しくは送還又はこれらの者の収容のための施設の警備に係る職務に従事する自衛官(以下「捕虜等警備自衛官」という。)は、その職務の執行に関し、その事態に応じ、合理的に必要と判断される限度において、武器を使用することができる。ただし、次の各号のいずれかに該当する場合のほか、人に危害を与えてはならない。
- A Self-Defense Forces Personnel engaging in the duties to enforce written internment orders, provisional detention orders or repatriation orders, to re-capture pursuant to a written internment order or a written repatriation order, to capture, detain, escort or repatriate the captive persons or the detainees, or to guard the facilities for internment or detention of such persons, (hereinafter referred to as "Self-Defense Forces Personnel guarding prisoners of war, etc."), may use their weapons with respect to execution of his/her duties within the limits judged to be reasonably necessary according to the circumstances. However, they shall not injure a person except in any of the following cases.
- 第五十八条の十五第一項若しくは第二項又は第五十八条の三十(第五十八条の三十の二 第二項、第五十八条の三十の三第二項、第五十八条の三十一第二項、第五十八条の三十二第二項、第五十八条の三十三第二項及び第五十九条において準用する場 合を含む。)の規定により指定を取り消し、又は試験事務若しくは完成検査、輸入検査、保安検査、検査組織等調査、容器検査等、特定設備検査若しくは指定設 備の認定の業務の全部若しくは一部の停止を命じたとき。
- When he/she has revoked designation or ordered a suspension in whole or in part of the examination service or completion inspection, import inspection, safety inspection, investigation of inspection organizations, container inspection, etc., Designated Equipment Inspection or accreditation of Specified Equipment under the provisions of paragraph (1) or (2) of Article 58-15 or Article 58-30 (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (2) of Article 58-30-2, paragraph (2) of Article 58-30-3, paragraph (2) of Article 58-31, paragraph (2) of Article 58-32, paragraph (2) of Article 58-33 and Article 59);
- 農林水産省令で定める地域内にある植物で、有害動物又は有害植物のまん延を防止するため他の地域への移動を制限する必要があるものとして農林水産省令で定めるもの及びその容器包装は、農林水産省令で定める場合を除き、農林水産省令で定めるところにより、植物防疫官が、その行なう検査の結果有害動物又は有害植物が附着していないと認め、又は農林水産省令で定める基準に従つて消毒したと認める旨を示す表示を附したものでなければ、他の地域へ移動してはならない。
- Plants within an area provided for in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries that are provided for in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as those for which it is necessary to restrict their transfer to other areas for the purpose of preventing the spread of injurious animals or injurious plants and their containers or packages, shall not be transferred to other areas, except for cases provided for in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, unless a representation to the effect that the plant protection officer judges, based on the result of an inspection carried out by him/her that no injurious animals or injurious plants are attached, or that he/she has disinfected them in accordance with the standards provided for in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, is attached to them as provided for in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
- 振動試験装置若しくはその部分品、風洞、燃焼試験装置、環境試験装置又は電子加速器若しくはこれを用いた装置(それぞれ五〇〇キログラム以上のペイロードを三〇〇キロメートル以上運搬することができるロケット若しくは無人航空機、第二号イに該当する貨物(五〇〇キログラム以上のペイロードを運搬することができるロケットに使用することができるものに限る。)又は同号ロに該当する貨物の開発又は試験に用いることができるものに限る。)であって、次のいずれかに該当するもの
- Vibration test equipment or components thereof, wind tunnels, combustion test equipment, environmental test equipment, electron accelerators or equipment using those (limited to those usable in the development or testing rockets or unmanned aerial vehicles capable of transporting payloads weighing 500 kilograms or more for 300 kilometers or more, goods (limited to those usable for rockets capable of transporting payloads weighing 500 kilograms or more) falling under item (ii) (a), goods falling under item (ii), (b)) and that fall under any of the following
- 杉山城の築城を山内上杉家によるものとする根拠は、山内上杉氏滅亡以前の時代的特徴を有する土器(かわらけ)の出土、古瀬戸の甕などの遺物の編年が山内上杉氏時代に属すること、他の城から出土するかわらけの分布を検討しても山内上杉氏の城として違和感がないこと、16世紀代の後北条氏時代の遺物が出土しないこと、さらに、後北条氏の時代の鎌倉街道を調査すると杉山の地は必ずしも要衝の地ではないのに対し、逆に山内上杉氏の時代だと要衝として重要視されるという立地条件などがある。
- The claim that the erection of Sugiyama-jo Castle was by the Yamauchi Uesugi family rests on the following: the discovery of kawarake earthenware representing the characteristics of the period before the Yamauchi Uesugi clan was destroyed, the fact that Koseto style earthenware pots were made during the era of the Yamauchi Uesugi clan, that kawarake excavated from other castles have been considered to indicate a connection with the Yamauchi Uesugi clan, the lack of artefacts pointing to the era of the Gohojo clan in the 16th century, and the location of the castle itself, which as a result of research into the Kamakura kaido was found to be strategically unimportant in the era of the Gohojo clan, but was considered important as a key spot during the era of the Yamauchi Uesugi clan.
- 植物又は輸入禁止品を輸入した者は、遅滞なく、その旨を植物防疫所に届け出て、その植物又は輸入禁止品及び容器包装につき、原状のままで、植物防疫官から、第六条第一項及び第二項の規定に違反しないかどうか、輸入禁止品であるかどうか、並びに検疫有害動植物(農林水産大臣が指定する検疫有害動植物を除く。本条及び次条において同じ。)があるかどうかについての検査を受けなければならない。ただし、第三項の規定による検査を受けた場合及び郵便物として輸入した場合は、この限りでない。
- Any person who has imported plants or the import-prohibited articles shall notify the plant protection station of such circumstances without delay and shall receive an inspection by the plant protection officer on whether or not such plants or the import-prohibited articles and their containers or packages violate, as they are in their present state, the provision of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 6, whether or not they are the import-prohibited articles and whether or not they contain quarantine pests (excluding quarantine pests designated by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries: the same shall apply in this Article and the following Article); however, this shall not apply if they have received an inspection pursuant to the provision of paragraph 3 or they are imported as postal items.
- 主務大臣は、前条第二項の規定による検査の結果、第二十条第一項の認証を受けて同項の表示(これと紛らわしい表示を含む。)の付してある鉱工業品(その包装、容器又は送り状に当該表示の付してある場合における当該鉱工業品を含む。以下この項において同じ。)の加工技術がその表示に係る日本工業規格に適合せず、又は当該認証に係る加工技術の加工品質管理体制が適正でないと認めるときは、認証加工業者に対し、当該表示の除去若しくは抹消又は当該表示の付してある鉱工業品の販売の停止を命ずることができる。
- In the case where the competent minister determines, as a result of the inspections conducted pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, that the processing technology of the mineral or industrial product on which is affixed the label as specified in Paragraph 1 of Article 20 (including a label that may be confusingly similar) is affixed (including mineral or industrial products in the case where such label is affixed on its package, container or invoice; the same applies hereinafter in this paragraph) based on the certification granted pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Article 20, does not comply with the Japanese Industrial Standards pertaining to such label or determines that the manufacturing quality management system for the mineral or industrial product pertaining to such certification is not appropriate, the competent minister may order the certified processor to remove or delete said label, or to discontinue the sale of the mineral or industrial product on which is affixed such label.
- 第五十八条の三十 (第五十八条の三十の二第二項、第五十八条の三十の三第二項、第五十八条の三十一第二項、第五十八条の三十二第二項、第五十八条の三十三第二項及び第五十 九条において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による業務の停止の命令に違反した場合には、その違反行為をした指定完成検査機関、指定輸入検査機関、指定保安 検査機関、指定容器検査機関、指定特定設備検査機関、指定設備認定機関又は検査組織等調査機関の役員又は職員は、一年以下の懲役若しくは百万円以下の罰金 に処し、又はこれを併科する。
- In the event of a violation by a Designated Completion Conformity Inspection Body, Designated Import Conformity Inspection Body, Designated Safety Conformity Inspection Body, Designated Container Conformity Inspection Body, Designated Conformity Inspection Body for Designated Equipment or Designated Accreditation Agency for Specified Equipment or Investigation Agency of Inspection Organization, etc. of an order to suspend business under Article 58-30 (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (2) of Article 58-30-2, paragraph (2) of Article 58-30-3, paragraph (2) of Article 58-31, paragraph (2) of Article 58-32, paragraph (2) of Article 58-33, and Article 59), the officer(s) and/or personnel who have committed such violation shall be punished by imprisonment with work of not more than 1 year or a fine of not more than 1,000,000 yen, or both.
- 主務大臣は、前条第一項の規定による検査の結果、第十九条第一項若しくは第二項の認証を受けて同条第一項の表示(これと紛らわしい表示を含む。)の付してある鉱工業品(その包装、容器又は送り状に当該表示の付してある場合における当該鉱工業品を含む。以下この項において同じ。)がその表示に係る日本工業規格に適合せず、又は当該認証に係る鉱工業品の製造品質管理体制が適正でないと認めるときは、認証製造業者等に対し、当該表示の除去若しくは抹消又は当該表示の付してある鉱工業品の販売の停止を命ずることができる。
- In the case where the competent minister determines, as a result of the inspections conducted pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, that a mineral or industrial product on which is affixed the label as specified in Paragraph 1 of Article 19 (including a label that may be confusingly similar) is affixed (including mineral or industrial products in the case where such label is affixed on its package, container or invoice; the same shall apply hereinafter in this paragraph) based on the certification granted pursuant to Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 2 of Article 19, does not comply with the Japanese Industrial Standards pertaining to such label or determines that the manufacturing quality management system for the mineral or industrial product pertaining to such certification is not appropriate, the competent minister may order the Certified Manufacturer, etc. to remove or delete said label, or to discontinue the sale of the mineral or industrial product on which is affixed such label.
- 第二十条第一項ただし書若しくは同条第三項第一号の完成検査、第二十二条第一項第一 号の輸入検査、第三十五条第一項第一号の保安検査、第四十四条第一項の容器検査、第四十九条第一項の容器再検査、第四十九条の二第一項の附属品検査、第四 十九条の四第一項の附属品再検査、第四十九条の二十三第一項の試験若しくは第五十六条の三第一項から第三項までの特定設備検査又は液化石油ガス法第三十七 条の三第一項ただし書(液化石油ガス法第三十七条の四第四項において準用する場合を含む。)の完成検査若しくは液化石油ガス法第三十七条の六第一項ただし 書の保安検査(以下「保安検査等」という。)その他高圧ガスの保安に関し必要な検査を行うこと。
- Conduct completion inspection under the proviso of paragraph (1) of Article 20 or item (i) of paragraph (3) of said Article, import inspection under item (i) of paragraph (1) of Article 22, safety inspection under item (i) of paragraph (1) of Article 35, container inspection under paragraph (1) of Article 44, container reinspection under paragraph (1) of Article 49, accessory inspection under paragraph (1) of Article 49-2, accessory reinspection under paragraph (1) of Article 49-4, tests under paragraph (1) of Article 49-23, Designated Equipment Inspection under paragraphs (1) to (3) inclusive of Article 56-3, completion inspection under the proviso of paragraph (1) of Article 37-3 of the LPG Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (4) of Article 37-4 of the LPG Act), safety inspection under the proviso of paragraph (1) of Article 37-6 of the LPG Act (hereinafter referred to as 'safety inspection, etc.') or other inspections as necessary for the safety of high pressure gases;
- 第五十八条の十九、第五十八条の二十の二から第五十八条の二十四まで 及び第五十八条の二十七から第五十八条の三十までの規定は、第三十九条の七第一項、同条第三項、第四十九条の八第一項又は第五十六条の六の五第一項の規定 による指定を受けて検査組織等調査を行う者(以下「検査組織等調査機関」という。)に準用する。この場合において、第五十八条の十九、第五十八条の二十の 二及び第五十八条の三十中「第二十条第一項ただし書」とあるのは「第三十九条の七第一項、同条第三項、第四十九条の八第一項又は第五十六条の六の五第一 項」と、第五十八条の二十一から第五十八条の二十四まで、第五十八条の二十八及び第五十八条の三十中「完成検査」とあるのは「検査組織等調査」と、第五十 八条の二十一中「第五十八条の二十第一号に規定する機械器具その他の設備を使用し、かつ、同条第二号」とあるのは「第五十八条の三十五第一号」と、第五十 八条の二十七中「第五十八条の二十第二号」とあるのは「第五十八条の三十五第一号」と、第五十八条の二十九中「第五十八条の二十第一号から第五号」とある のは「第五十八条の三十五第一号から第四号」と、第五十八条の三十中「第二十条第四項」とあるのは「第三十九条の七第二項、同条第四項、第四十九条の八第 二項若しくは第五十六条の六の五第二項」と読み替えるものとする。
- The provisions of Article 58-19, Articles 58-20-2 to 58-24 inclusive, Articles 58-27 to 58-30 inclusive shall apply mutatis mutandis to a person who conducts investigation of inspection organizations, etc. under designation pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 39-7, paragraph (3) of said Article, paragraph (1) of Article 49-8 or paragraph (1) of Article 56-6-5 (hereinafter referred to as 'Investigation Agency of Inspection Organization, etc.'). In this case, the phrase 'the proviso of paragraph (1) of Article 20' in Article 58-19, Article 58-20-2 and Article 58-30 shall be deemed to be replaced with 'paragraph (1) of Article 39-7, paragraph (3) of said Article, paragraph (1) of Article 49-8 or paragraph (1) of Article 56-6-5', the phrase 'completion inspection' in Articles 58-21 to 58-24 inclusive, Article 58-28 and Article 58-30 shall be deemed to be replaced with 'investigation of inspection organizations, etc.', the phrase 'use the devices and other equipment under item (i) of Article 58-20 ... and shall ... item (ii) of said Article' in Article 58-21 shall be deemed to be replaced with 'item (i) of Article 58-35', the phrase 'item (ii) of Article 58-20' in Article 58-27 shall be deemed to be replaced with 'item (i) of Article 58-35', the phrase 'items (i) to (v) inclusive of Article 58-20' in Article 58-29 shall be deemed to be replaced with 'items (i) to (iv) inclusive of Article 58-35', the phrase 'paragraph (4) of Article 20' in Article 58-30 shall be deemed to be replaced with 'paragraph (2) of Article 39-7, paragraph (4) of said Article, paragraph (2) of Article 49-8 or paragraph (2) of Article 56-6-5.'
- 前条の規定の適用がある場合における電波法第四条(第二号及び第三号に係る部分に限る。)、第十三条第二項、第十五条、第二十七条の二、第二十七条の十八第一項、第三十八条の七第二項及び第三項、第三十八条の二十第二項、第三十八条の二十一第三項、第三十八条の二十二第二項、第三十八条の二十三第二項、第三十八条の二十八第二項、第三十八条の三十第四項、第七章、第九十九条の二並びに第百三条の二第十一項及び第十七項から第二十五項までの規定(これらの規定に係る罰則を含む。)の適用については、同法第四条第二号中「第三十八条の三十一第四項において準用する場合」とあるのは「第三十八条の三十一第四項において準用する場合及び特定機器に係る適合性評価手続の結果の外国との相互承認の実施に関する法律(平成十三年法律第百十一号。以下「相互承認実施法」という。)第三十三条第一項の規定により読み替えて適用される場合」と、「第三十八条の三十一第六項において準用する場合」とあるのは「第三十八条の三十一第六項において準用する場合及び相互承認実施法第三十三条第二項の規定により適用される場合」と、同法第三十八条の七第二項及び第三項中「第三十八条の三十一第四項において準用する場合」とあるのは「第三十八条の三十一第四項において準用する場合及び相互承認実施法第三十三条第一項の規定により読み替えて適用される場合」と、「第三十八条の三十一第六項において準用する場合」とあるのは「第三十八条の三十一第六項において準用する場合及び相互承認実施法第三十三条第二項の規定により適用される場合」と、同法第百三条の二第十一項中「第三十八条の二十六(外国取扱業者に適用される場合を除く。)」とあるのは「第三十八条の二十六(外国取扱業者に適用される場合を除く。)、相互承認実施法第三十三条第二項の規定により適用される第三十八条の二十六(外国取扱業者に適用される場合を除く。)」とするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。
- With regard to the application of the provisions of Article 4 (limited to the part concerning item (ii) and item (iii)), Article 13 paragraph (2), Article 15, Article 27-2, Article 27-18 paragraph (1), Article 38-7 paragraph (2) and paragraph (3), Article 38-20 paragraph (2), Article 38-21 paragraph (3), Article 38-22 paragraph (2), Article 38-23 paragraph (2), Article 38-28 paragraph (2), Article 38-30 paragraph (4), Chapter VII, Article 99-2 and Article 103-2 paragraph (11) and paragraph (17) through paragraph (25) of the Radio Act (including the penal provisions pertaining to these provisions) where the provision of Article 33 are applied, the term "the cases where Article 38-7 paragraph (1) shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38-31 paragraph (4)" in Article 4 item (ii) of the same act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the cases where Article 38-7 paragraph (1) shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38-31 paragraph (4) and the cases where Article 38-7 paragraph (1) shall apply with the replacement pursuant to the provision of Article 33 paragraph (1) of the Act for Implementation of the Mutual Recognition between Japan and Foreign States in Relation to Results of Conformity Assessment Procedures of Specified Equipment (Act No. 111, 2001; hereinafter referred to as "the Mutual Recognition Implementation Act")" ; the term "the cases where Article 38-26 shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38-31 paragraph (6)" in Article 4 item (ii) of the same act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the cases where Article 38-26 shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38-31 paragraph (6) and the cases where Article 38-26 shall apply pursuant to the provision of Article 33 paragraph (2) of the Mutual Recognition Implementation Act; the term "the cases where paragraph (1) of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38-31 paragraph (4)" in Article 38-7 paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of the same act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the cases where paragraph (1) of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38-31 paragraph (4) and the cases where paragraph (1) of this Article shall apply with the replacement pursuant to the provision of Article 33 paragraph (1) of the Mutual Recognition Implementation Act" ; the term "the cases where Article 38-26 shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38-31 paragraph (6)" in Article 38-7 paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of the same act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the cases where Article 38-26 shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38-31 paragraph (6) and the cases where Article 38-26 shall apply pursuant to the provision of Article 33 paragraph (2) of the Mutual Recognition Implementation Act" ; and the term "Article 38-26 (except the cases applied to foreign dealers)" in Article 103-2 paragraph (11) of the same act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 38-26 (except the cases applied to foreign dealers) and Article 38-26 applied pursuant to the provision of Article 33 paragraph (2) of the Mutual Recognition Implementation Act (except the cases applied to foreign dealers)." Other necessary technical replacement shall be prescribed by a Cabinet Order.
- With regard to the application of the provisions of Article 4 (limited to the part concerning item (ii) and item (iii)), Article 13 paragraph (2), Article 15, Article 27-2, Article 27-18 paragraph (1), Article 38-7 paragraph (2) and paragraph (3), Article 38-20 paragraph (2), Article 38-21 paragraph (3), Article 38-22 paragraph (2), Article 38-23 paragraph (2), Article 38-28 paragraph (2), Article 38-30 paragraph (4), Chapter VII, Article 99-2 and Article 103-2 paragraph (11) and paragraph (17) through paragraph (25) of the Radio Act (including the penal provisions pertaining to these provisions) where the provision of Article 33 are applied, the term 'the cases where Article 38-7 paragraph (1) shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38-31 paragraph (4)' in Article 4 item (ii) of the same act shall be deemed to be replaced with 'the cases where Article 38-7 paragraph (1) shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38-31 paragraph (4) and the cases where Article 38-7 paragraph (1) shall apply with the replacement pursuant to the provision of Article 33 paragraph (1) of the Act for Implementation of the Mutual Recognition between Japan and Foreign States in Relation to Results of Conformity Assessment Procedures of Specified Equipment (Act No. 111, 2001; hereinafter referred to as 'the Mutual Recognition Implementation Act')' ; the term 'the cases where Article 38-26 shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38-31 paragraph (6)' in Article 4 item (ii) of the same act shall be deemed to be replaced with 'the cases where Article 38-26 shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38-31 paragraph (6) and the cases where Article 38-26 shall apply pursuant to the provision of Article 33 paragraph (2) of the Mutual Recognition Implementation Act; the term 'the cases where paragraph (1) of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38-31 paragraph (4)' in Article 38-7 paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of the same act shall be deemed to be replaced with 'the cases where paragraph (1) of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38-31 paragraph (4) and the cases where paragraph (1) of this Article shall apply with the replacement pursuant to the provision of Article 33 paragraph (1) of the Mutual Recognition Implementation Act' ; the term 'the cases where Article 38-26 shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38-31 paragraph (6)' in Article 38-7 paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of the same act shall be deemed to be replaced with 'the cases where Article 38-26 shall apply mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 38-31 paragraph (6) and the cases where Article 38-26 shall apply pursuant to the provision of Article 33 paragraph (2) of the Mutual Recognition Implementation Act' ; and the term 'Article 38-26 (except the cases applied to foreign dealers)' in Article 103-2 paragraph (11) of the same act shall be deemed to be replaced with 'Article 38-26 (except the cases applied to foreign dealers) and Article 38-26 applied pursuant to the provision of Article 33 paragraph (2) of the Mutual Recognition Implementation Act (except the cases applied to foreign dealers).' Other necessary technical replacement shall be prescribed by a Cabinet Order.